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    William Fell Bedford surgeon 10 Mar. 1668 As HSA/1668 S/57 Matthew West, Bedford, pipe maker. As HSA/1668 S/57 Thomas Lane, Bedford, pipe maker. As HSA/1668 S/57. Son of Thomas Lane. The Information of William Fell of Bedford, Beds., barber-chirurgien taken the 10th of March, 1667: This Informant saith that upon Wednesday next after Shrove Tuesday last past one Samuel Lane, an aged man, came to this informants house in Bedford aforesaid and complained to this informant that young Flint the Tuesday before had abused him the sd. Lane at the house of John Darling an alehouse in Bedford and would force the sd. Lane there to sitt downe with him the sd. Flint and spend his penny and because the sd. Lane would not sitt down the sd. Flint had soe beaten the sd. Lane that hee the sd. Lane should never recover it; further telling this informant that by reason of his being soe beaten hee the sd. Lane had bled at the nose all that day and the night before and did desire him the informant to dresse the bruise in his the sd. Lane's face which he the sd. Lane had received from the sd. Flint as aforesd. and that he this informant did accordingly dresse the sd. Lane's face which was very much bruised and swelled; and this informant the day following again dressed the sd. Lane's face, he then lying in his bed at his sonnes house in Bedford where he continued untill his death being about ten days after. This informant often in the meantime visiting of him and perceived the hurt of his face to be cured with twice or thrice dressing - And further saith not. The Information of Matthew West of St. Paul's Bedford tobacco pipe maker taken the 10th March, 1667. Taken on oath before wife Foster. The said Informant saith that on Shrove tuesday last past about two of the clocke in the afternoone hee this informant did see Samuel Lane of Bedd. tanner walking in Bedd street verie well and free from anie bodily hurt for ought this informant did perceive or did beleive and the day following about 7 of the clocke in the afternoone hee this informant did see the sd. Sam. Lane lying in bedd (in his sonnes howse in Bedford aforesaid) with his face verie much swelld and bloudy, and the sd. Lane did then tell this informant that young Flint had beaten him the sd. Lane the day before and made his the sd. Lane's face in the condition which he this informant did then see it. The Information of Thomas Lane of Bedford in the County of Beds. tobacco pipe maker taken the 10th March, 1667 before wife Foster. This Informant saith that upon Shrove-Sunday last Samuel Lane his father dined with him this informant at his house in Bedford, the sd. Sam, then being in very good health eating a good meale and free from any bodyly hurt for ought this informant doth know or beleive to the contrary and soe continued the Munday following, working uppon his trade being a tanner as alsoe the Tuesday following when about four of the clocke in the afternoone the sd. Samuel was againe at this Informants house and then very well alsoe in health and free from any bodyly hurt for ought this informant doth know or doe beleive to the contrary and soe went away from this informants house about 5 of the clocke the same afternoone but about an hower after the sd. Samuel returned to this informants sd. house and said: "Sonne (speaking to him this informant) I (meaning himselfe the sd. Samuel) am kild; will not you rescue me?" and still continueing speaking to this informant told this informant that if hee the sd. Samuel lived untill the morning and was able he would goe to Mr. Mayor and complaine of Richard Flint who had much abused nd beaten him the sd. Samuel by stricking him the sd. Samuel on the face and punching him on the Chest that hee the sd. Samuel should never recover it, his face being then very bloody and continueing bleeding at the nose about halfe an hower together. And then his bleeding beginning to stop hee went away from this informants to his the sd. Samuel's owne house in Bedford aforesd. and the next morning came againe bleeding to his this informants sd. house where hee this informant had his sd, father to bed continueing bleeding soe much that hee was afraid his sd. father would have died before hee could have gott him to bed being about nine of the clocke in the Morneing, and so continued bleeding untill about seaven of the Clocke in the Evening the same day, and the next day this informant, desiring his father to remove to another bed hee was not able but as hee was helped by this informants wife and one other who laid him into the sd. bed where hee the sd. Samuel continued untill his death being about eight dayes after, often times within that time vomiting blood and makeing and voiding blood with his Urine and excrement which this informants wife shewed him this informant, and this informant saith that the sd. Samuel whilst hee lay on his sd. bed as aforesd. did tell this informant that hee the sd. Samuel should not recover the blowes that he had received of the sd. Richard Flint & hee further saith not. Mark of Thos Lane.
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    From: 1668 To: 1668
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