Depositions: John Darnell junior, Bedford, comb-maker.
As HSA/1668 S/57 The Information of John Darnell the younger of Bedford, combmaker.
This informant saith that upon Tuesday last being Shrove Tuesday aboute five or six of the clocke in the afternoone hee this informant brought Richard Flint of Bedford butcher with some meete to Edward Roffe at his this informants Mothers house in Bedford and whilst the sd. Flint and Roffe were bargaining together aboute the sd. meate Samuel Lane of Bedford tanner an aged man came into the sd. house and satt downe by the ffier side and the sd. Samuel Lane called for a pinte of beare and dranke it up and being perceived to bee in beare was desired by this Informant's mother to bee gone which he would not, but the sd. Flint and the sd. Lane beginning to quarrel together this Informants Mother stept betwixt them who told her that they were in jest and shee leaving them together went immediately into an upper roome and so soon as she was gone the sd. Flint and Lane struggled together and with their struggling threw downe a shelf and a candle which stood light upon the shelfe and putt out the sd. candle, and this informants mother cominge downe into the room with a candle light in her hand they found the sd. Lane's nose very bloody which was caused by the struggling betwixt them and this informant saith that the Tewsday before the sd. Samuel Lane came into the sd. house with his face bloody and hee further saith not.
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From: 1668 To: 1668
No. of pieces: 1
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