Presentment of nonconformists 1668 B.V. Billa vera The bill of indictment has been considered by the grand jury, who present the offence, and the bill thereupon becomes an indictment. c PRESENTMENTS OF NONCONFORMISTS:
Jeremiah Browne of Barford, shoemaker. Thomas Hunt of Roxton, yeoman. William Mires of Roxton, yeoman. Thomas Bundy of Roxton,yeoman. William Richardson of Turvey, yeoman. Peter Richardson of Turvey, yeoman. Constance Stonner of Turvey, spinster. Daniel Browne of Podington, yeoman. --- Browne of Podington, widow. James Abbott of Podington, yeoman. Thomas Abbott of Podington, yeoman.William Wootton of Farndish, yeoman. Henry Savidge of Milton, yeoman. Oliver Dick of Milton, yeoman. --- Todd of Tempsford, widow. Elizabeth Rawlinges of Barford parva, spinster. Richard Smyth of Sandy, yeoman. Thomas Woolley of Sandy, yeoman. Richard Woolley of Sandy, yeoman. William Newgoose of Dunton cum Millo, yeoman. William Barber of Dunton cum Millo, yeoman. Matthew Benett of Stotfold, yeoman. John Parcell of Stotfold, yeoman. John Hare of Shillington, yeoman. Thomas Hare of Shillington, yeoman. John Barnett als Cripsey of Flitwick, yeoman. Edward Huckle of Millbrook, yeoman. Anne Squier of Millbrook, spinster. Elizabeth Brace of Millbrook, widow. Lawrence Crawley of Ampthill, yeoman. John Impey of Ampthill, yeoman. Richard Norris of Ampthill, yeoman. Solomon Clipson of Ampthill, yeoman. Thomas Crowley of Ampthill, yeoman. Thomas Arnold of Ampthill, gentleman. Edward Francklyn of Cranfield, yeoman. George Francklyn of Cranfield, yeoman. Joshua Wheeler of Cranfield, yeoman. Tabitha Rush of Kempston, widow. John Robisson of Kempston, yeoman. William Poole of Houghton Conquest, yeoman. Paul Aseldine of Houghton Conquest, yeoman. John Nightingale of Houghton Conquest, yeoman. Richard Stratton of Houghton Conquest, yeoman. Edward Bride of Houghton Conquest, yeoman. John Stevens of Marston, yeoman. Solomon Springe of Maulden, yeoman. Henry Whitbread of Maulden, yeoman. Martin Cock of Maulden, yeoman. John Quaite of Maulden, yeoman. Ambrose Lee of Maulden, yeoman. Henry Lock of Maulden,yeoman. Henry Ward of Maulden, yeoman. Nathaniel Samme of Lidlington, yeoman. John Browne of Steppingley, yeoman. --- Browne of Steppingley,yeoman, son of John Browne. Lidia wife of William Mouse of Steppingley, yeoman. George Hensum of Totternhoe, yeoman. Henry Hobbs of Totternhoe, yeoman. Edward Chester of Dunstable, yeoman. Thomas Hawkins of Dunstable, yeoman. Richard Snoxell of Dunstable, yeoman. William Chambers of Dunstable, yeoman. Richard Couly of Dunstable, yeoman. James Newport of Battlesden, yeoman. John Leper of Harlington, yeoman. Thomas Kinge of Harlington, yeoman. George Groome of Harlington, yeoman. William Tomaline of Harlington, yeoman. William Harborowe of Harlington, yeoman. Mercy Cartwright of Aspley Guise, spinster. Richard Kinge of Aspley Guise, yeoman. James Albright of Aspley Guise, yeoman. John Gill of Aspley Guise, yeoman. Dinah Wilson of Aspley Guise, spinster. Hannah Tilcocke of Aspley Guise, spinster. Edward Whitt of Toddington, yeoman. William Whitt of Toddington, yeoman. Thomas Stevens of Toddington, yeoman. James Anthony of Toddington, yeoman. Thomas Standbridge of Tingrith, yeoman, & Alice his wife.