Matt. Bartle and Daniel Lewis 1668 Matt. Bartle 17 Feb. 1668 -- Is shepherd of Mrs. Cockayne; had several sheep in flock above the tale by which they had been delivered to him; sold them to Daniel Lewis and others.
Daniel Lewis 3 Mar. 1668 -- Bought sheep of Matt. Bartle and resold it. M.B. later told him that he had 6 sheep over the 8 score delivered to him. D.L. did not advise him to conceal them, but told his master (i.e. D.L.'s) David Brotherton, who informed Mrs. Cockeyne.
The Information of Matthew Bartle prisoner in the gaole for this county taken upon oath before Walter Cary J.P. 17.2.1667 That the informant being shepheard to Mrs. Cokaine acquainted one Daniel Lewis that he the informant had several sheep of his said. mistresses over and above the sale by which the flock was delivered to him and that thereupon the sd. Lewis counselled him to conceale the supernumeraries and keep them to his owne use. That the informant followed the sd. counsell and at the same time sold one of the sd. sheep to the sd. Lewis for 4 shillings and six pence and shortly after disposed others of them to his brother Thos Bartle and one Pecke. That he knowes not whether the sd. sheep sold to Lewis as abovesd. was worth more than four shillings six pence and further saith not. The examination of Daniel Lewis taken before me 3rd March, 1667 This examinant saith that about 3 weeks before Christmas last past, he bought a sheep of one Matthew Bartle for four shillings and sold it againe to another at the same time for four shillings and sixe; That he took it to be the sd. Bartle's owne sheep. That about three or four days after (and not before the sd. sheep soe bought and sold as abovesd) the sd. Bartle intreated the examinant to tell his sheep for him which the examinant did and found them to be eight score and six, whereupon the sd. Bartle said that his tale by which they were delivered to him was but eight score and that he would leave the other sixe in the field and if he should happen to fall short of his tale when he came to deliver it up to his mistresse he would make it up out of them. That the examinant advised not the sd. Bartle to conceale the sd. six sheep from his mistress but shortly after reveald the whole matter to his master David Brotherton who acquainted Mrs Cokaine the owner of the sd. sheep therewith and further saith not.
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