• Reference
  • Title
    PRESENTMENT OF GRAND JURY Held the 11th, 12th, 13th of March, 1667 We do present Margaret Clayton of Fenleck[Fenlake] in the parish of Cardington widow for not scouring a common drain adjoyning to a pasture of hers in Fenleck, whereby the king's highway is much prejudiced. Item we present Jos. Stevens the elder of Fenleck in the parish of Cardington for selling ale without licence. sign. Clement Armiger, Robert Barnardiston, William Daniell, Peter Malory, Thos Bromsall, Wm Riseley, Wm Symcotts, Geo. Stoughton, George Baker, Lancelott Granger, Daniell Brace, Thos Kentt. Jn Stile, Wm Rudd, Thos Childe.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1667 To: 1668
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    No. of pieces: 1
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