• Reference
  • Title
    Copy Conveyance
  • Date free text
    31 May 1899
  • Production date
    From: 1851 To: 1899
  • Scope and Content
    Parties: (i) Frederick Archdale, Charles Samuel Lindsell, Henry Martin Lindsell and Arthur Knox Lindsell all of Biggleswade, brewers, maltsters and spirit merchants under the name of Wells & Company; (ii) George Winch of Chatham [Kent], solicitor; (iii) Wells & Winch Limited Reciting: - (i) had agreed to sell (a)-(b) to (ii) for 129,200 Operative Part: - (iii) paid 64,600 to Frederick Archdale, 32,300 to Charles Samuel Lindsell and 16,150 each to Henry Martin Lindsell and Arthur Knox Lindsell; - (i) conveyed (a)-(b) to (iii) Property: (a) business of brewers, maltsters and spitir merchants carried on at Biggleswade Brewery under name of Wells & Company (b) All Property in the Schedule Schedule [note that plans for each property are not present in this copy but were attached to the original deed] Property at Biggleswade 1. Brewery, brewhouse, malt house, spirit and other stores, mineral water factory, sheds, outbuildings, workshops, barn and stables with yards known as Biggleswade Brewery bounding: Chapel Fields Lane W; Brewery Lane S; with close of grass of 2.5 acres at rear and garden adjoining; 2. land at corner of Brewery Lane and Chapel Fields Lane with frontage to former of 156ft 9in and to latter of 92ft with malthouse, maltster's cottage and carpenter's shop - acquired by Wells & Company in 1864 from Mary Ann Herbert and others; 3. Crown Inn with yard, stables and buildings on N side of High Street and abutting Brewery Lane at rear; piece of ground on N side of inn fronting Brewery Lane and used partly as stock sale yard and partly as garden late in occupation of Charles Marsom, now in hand; with two appertaining common rights; 4. jeweller's shop, outbuildings and stable adjoining Crown Inn of part E and N side and fronting High Street in occupation of George James Webb; 5. Swan Inn, Market Place, abutting High Street with yard, coach houses, stabling and outbuildings and piece of garden on E side of Chapel Fields Lane adjoining inn; formerly in occupation of Edward Mackenzie Harrison, now Joseph Trueman; with two appertaining common rights; 6. White Horse (formerly Last) at corner of Church Street and Brewery Lane with yard, stabling and outbuildings; with garden to W fronting Chapel Fields Lane and bounded by rear of Half Moon and by timber yard and workshops sold by (i) to Ralph Newman; formerly in occupation of William John Wells, now of Arthur Stoten; 7. Half Moon and cottage adjoining to N with yard, garden, stables and outbuildings on E side of Shortmead Street bounded: part S by malting described as 8 below; part S by garden of Douglas Morton Spong; E by White Horse garden; N by timber yard and workshops; formerly in occupation of George Daniels, now James Huckle with cottage in occupation of T.Wilson; with appertaining common right; with right of way to timber yard; 8. two malthouses, stable etc. and piece of land used as yard near Shortmead Street with separate entrance from the street in occpuation of (i); also maltster;s cottage on W side of yard, lower floors in occupation of Herbert Field and upper of Biggleswade Club; bounded part W by Shortmead Street and part W by 6 cottages with sheds and yard late of (i) and now sold by (ii) to Henry Franklin, N by Half Moon, E by property of F.W.Maddams and Douglas Morton Spong, S by property of James Huckle and Thomas Kinman; right of way for cottagers and use of well; 9. messuage, shop, stabling, stores and yard formerly Chequers on N side of High Street opposite maltings described as 8., and adjoining Capital & Counties Bank to E and Brewery Lane to rear; formerly in occupation of T.Henchman, now Henry Franklin; common right appertaining; 10. Coach & Horses on W side of Shortmead Street with yards, gardens, stables, barn and outbuildings bounded N by cottage late of (i) but sold by (ii) to Henry Woods; in occupation of H.Bushby; common right appertaining; 11. piece of land in Cowfairlands measuring 60ft 6in on N side adjoining land of James Twegg, 62ft 6in on S side adjoining Cow Fair Lands, 77ft on E side and 81ft on W side; with three messuages (one used as beerhouse called Black Horse); 12. Ivel Hotel (formerly Black Swan) in Shortmead Street with yard and outbuildings and piece of land at rear of yard extending to river bank with offices, factory engine house and repairing shed and piece of garden adjoining River Ivel and meadow on other side containing 1a 3r 14p; in occupation of Daniel Albone at yearly rents of 33 and 22 under two leases both of 29 Sep 1897; 13. Royal Oak, corner of Sun Street and Bridge Street with yards, gardens, coach houses, stables, farm and other buildings with close or meadow called Bridge Close on the other side of the river and containing 2 acres; all in occupation of William Albone; with common right appertaining; also adjoining cottage fronting Bridge Street in occupation of Eli Lenton; 14. Horse & Jockey on N side of Sun Street with yard, garden, stables and outbuildings and adjoining cottage under the same roof with shed and garden; in occupation of Sarah Rowlett; with right of way for shop in occupation of S.Kitchener and use of well; 15. Anchor with yard, garden, stables and outbuildings at Anchor End abutting Sun Street on N and NE, formerly in occupation of Anne Whitfield, widow, now of William Warner; 16. Wheatsheaf and land containing 18 poles on N side of Cemetery Street with frontage of 42ft and depth of 99ft bounded N and W by land of John William Tebbutt and E by messuage of John Papworth; formerly in occupation of Thomas Sabey, now John Dean; 17. Old Spread Eagle beerhouse on Stoneland on N side of Potton Road purchased by Wells & Company from James William Kingsley and containing 2 acres in occupation of C.Rowlett; 18. Chequers on land of 30 perches, formerly part of Little Simons Piece in Potton Road bounded E by Biggleswade Common, S by Potton Road, W by remainder of Little Simons Piece, N by Broom Baulk; in occupation of M.A.Holmes; 19. Hopbine on land of 30 poles, part of field called Bodington Piece with frontage E on Potton Road of 127ft and N on The Baulk or Drove Lane of 57ft; in occupation of Samuel Wheatley; 20. Yorkshire Grey on land of 1a 0r 10p in London Road, Holme, formerly part of enclosed pasture known as Gallows Ditch bounded E by London Road, S by land of Biggleswade Guardians. N and W by parts of Bodingtons Piece; in occupation of Levi Brown; 21. White Lion with garden, yard, stable, barn and outbuildings in Holme and abutting London Road formerly in occupation of George Pope, now of C.Dilley; 22. Red Lion on London Road at corner of Stratton Street and The Baulk with yard, garden, stables, barn and outbuildings in occupation of C.E.Cole; also 2 cottages either side with yards, gardens and outbuildings in occupation of James Boness and S.Taylor; 23. Bay Horse on S side of Stratton Street with yards, stable, barns and other buildings including whole of wall on W side in occupation of Walter Andrews; with common right appertaining, with right of way and use of well belonging to cottages to be sold by (ii) to J.Bygrave; 24. Shoulder of Mutton, Stratton Street with yards, stables and outbuildings lat in occupation of John Arnold, now F.Rand; with common right appertaining; with right of way to and from cottages in Back Street formerly of (i) and sold by (ii) to Arthur George Bridge and use of well; 25. Bridge House beerhouse on land on S side of Back Street of 33ft width and 77ft depth in occupation of C.Bland; 26. Woolpack beerhouse with yard, land and outbuildings on N side of Back Street in occupation of W.A.Harper; 27. Railway Tavern beerhouse on W side of Palace Street bounded s by property of James Huckle, W by property late of James Crouch now of E.Chew, N by property of Henry Franklin; in occupation of F.W.Collins; with right of way for 3 cottages to N belonging to Henry Franklin; 28. George Hotel on land of 25 poles formerly part of Saffron Ground in Station Road in occupation of M.Parker; with right of way over land of John Nathaniel Foster; 29. Nags Head beerhouse, Hitchin Road with detached washhouse, stable and shed in front and garden in rear in occupation of Mrs.Smith; 30. Dolphin beerhouse, on E side of Hitchin Street with yard and outbuildings (exclusive of barn with loft over) including wall on S side and in occupation of F.W.Franks; with common right appertaining and right of way for 3 cottages adjoining to S and use of well; 31. Two Brewers, Hitchin Street with yard, stables and outbuildings and piece of garden at rear; also 3 cottages all in occupation of William Solloway; 32. Catherine Wheel, Market Square with yard, stables and outbuildings late in occupation of George Warren Hills, now Robert Holmes; 33. New Inn, Market Square with coach house, stabling and outbuildings in occupation of Mrs.Ferguson; with common right appertaining; 34. White Hart, Market Square with yard, workshops, lofts, stables and outbuildings formerly in occupation of Zacharia Hardwicke, now William Goldthorpe; with common right appertaining; with adjoining messuage, formerly part of the public house, formerly in occupation of Widow Reed now of Mrs.Cole; also 4 cottages now let as two in occupation of F.Taylor junior and C.J.Taylor with blacksmith's premises; 35. Plough beerhouse on Hinton Close, Baldock Road, Bleak Hall containing 4a 0r 12p in occupation of John Hawkins Property at Northill 36. Kings Head, Lower Caldecote with coach house, stable, barn, outbuildings, yard and garden and close of pasture of 8 acres nearby with right of herbage upon and from drift way leading from orchard of public house into the close; also close of pasture called Watts Close formerly part of Bryants Field of 3a 0r 10p on W side of Great North Road; all formerly in occupation of Thomas Pope; also two plots in Lower Caldecote of 0a 1r 31p and 0a 3r 1op bounded E by Great North Road divided from one another by a lane or drift way and were formerly part of Browns Field in occupation of William Dilley; 37. Beerhouse in Caldecote Road, Upper Caldecote with barns, stables, outbuildings, yard, garden and orchard on land of 2a 2r 38p bounded S by road from Great North Road to Upper Caldecote, N amd E by land formerly ov devisees of George Inskip, now Mrs.Annie Frances Taddy and W by land late of Alfred White now A.F.Taddy; in occupation of Joseph Nottingham; 38. Rose & Crown (formerly Rose), Upper Caldecote with yards, orchards, stables, barns, sheds and outbuildings ["This does not appear to belong to the Vendors & is not in the particulars of Sale"] and land in Upper Caldecote of 2a 1r 18p adjoining Rose & Crown and all in occupation of James Nottingham; 39. Sugar Loaf beerhouse, Vinegar Hill, Brook End adjoining turnpike from Upper Caldecote to Girtford Bridge and abutting on land of poor of parish of Northill; in occupation of S.Matthews; also 4 cottages in occupation of Little, W.Foxley, J.Foxley and Price; Property at Sandy 40. Red Cow, Beeston Green with yard, garden, stables and other outbuildings with garden at rear of 0a 1r 32p in occupation of Sydney Walter Ebbs; with common rights appertaining; 41. Red Lion, High Street with gardens, yards, coach house, stables and outbuildings and close or paddock of pasture adjoining all in occupation of J.W.Sutton; 42. 3 cottages with outbuildings and yards in High Street in occupations of J.Cooper, F.Sutton and Mrs.Sutton; 43. Bricklayers Arms beerhouse, High Street with yards and outbuildings and gateway entrance at side bounded N and E by property of Mrs.Porter and S by property of Mr.Scott, W by High Street and in occupation of George Haynes; 44. Queens Head, Cambridge Road with blacksmith's shop, dovehouse, barns, stables, yards and garden in occupation of J.Watts; also 2 cottages in occupation of Barker and Godfrey; 45. Brickmakers Arms, Brick Hill on land of 1a 2r 22p formerly part of North Croft being an allotment awarded to late William Race by Enclosure Commissioners; in occupation of George Mayes; 46. Rose & Crown, Girtford with outbuildings, yard and gardens adjoining containing 0a 2r 20p in occupation of H.C.Usher; also messuage used as a sadler's shop in occupation of Taylor & Company; 47. Kings Arms (formerly Kings Head), Old London Road, Girtford with yard, garden, orchard, stables, barn and outbuildings; also detached piece of ground of 1a 1r 11p formerly third allotment from Swan Lane; land of 0a 2r 38p bounded S and W by last mentioned ground, E by Tempsford or St.Neots Road; all in occupation of Alfred Usher; 48. Golden Ball, Old London Road, Girtford with yards, garden, barn, stables, pump and well bounded S and E by property of John Barker, N by property of Mrs.Mawson and George Wright and W by road; formerly in occupation of C.Jeeves, now Henry Rycroft; 49. Gardeners Arms beerhouse on land of 1a 1r 20p at Girtford bounded NE by Bedford & Cambridge Railway, S by private road, W by turnpike from Sandy to Tempsford; in occupation of Robert Cannon Property in Roxton 50. Chequers with barns, stables, yards, gardens and outbuildings formerly in occupation of Samuel King now of G.Darrington; 51. Nags Head, Chawston with stables, barn, yard, garden and orchard; also close of pasture adjoining of 2a 1r op formerly in occupation of John Neal now J.Wayman Property in Eaton Socon 52. Queens Head, Wyboston with barns, stables and otbuildings, yard and garden and 2 cottages nearby formerly one cottage used as public house called Gun & Cannon Inn with yards, gardens and outbuildings and adjoining close of land called Gun Close of 4 acres; all in occupation of W.Newman 53. Chequers, Eaton Ford and adjoining cottage and ground adjoining used as yard and garden to public house formerly in occupation of John Jeeves, now W.Landver lying between messuage formerly of John Topham E and cottage formerly of William Squire W abutting on pasture of George Cornelius Swan S and common street N; 54. Barley Mow, Ford End with stables, yard, garden and orchard adjoining and adjoining tenement now used as stable formerly in occupation of James Peacock now Samuel Osborne; abutting E on Kimbolton Road Property in Southill 55. Black Horse beerhouse, Broom on land of 0a 3r 4p bounded N by highway, E and S by land of Samuel Whitbread and W by land of Trustees of Southill Charity; late in occupation of William Hine, now J.Davies; 56. White Horse, Broom with yard, barns, stables and outbuildings with close of ground adjoining of 1a 1r 0p formerly in occupation of William Chambers now Frederick William Bond 57. Crown, Stanford with yard, garden, stable, orchard and outbuildings and close of landpartly cultivated, partly pasture of 3a 3r 26p adjoining all formerly in occupation of George Basterfield; also building formerly a cottage, now part of public house with yard and garden and outbuildings formerly in occupation of Widow Crawley; all now in occupation of James Walter Gray; 58. Green Man, Stanford with yards, garden, stables and outbuildings and close of land of 1 acre all formerly in occupation of Thomas Dilley, now Sophia Crossley Property in Shefford 59. Osborne Arms beerhouse with washhouse and gardens in year of 0a 1r 18p formerly in occupation of Robert Seymour and John Seymore, now of H.Waller near chapel of ease in Shefford; also adjoining cottage with garden of 1 rood in occupation of Mrs.Clarke; 60. New Inn, Shefford with yard, garden, stables and outbuildings near Pinfold Holes, Campton in occupation of Frederick Billington; also land of 4a 0r 38p on N side of road from Clophill to Shefford in occupation of Frederick Billington; also messuage on opposite side of road to New Inn with yard, garden, washhouse and outbuildings bounded E by property of Mrs.Crawley, W by last mentioned piece of land, S by road from Shefford to Clophill in occupation of J.West; 61. Sugar Loaf beerhouse, Meppershall bounded N by Shefford Road, SE by land of Chapman, E or NE by London Road and W or SW by land of William Kempston; in occupation of F.Lawrence Property in Blunham 62. Rose beerhouse, Chalton with yards, garden, orchard, stables and outbuildings; also 2a 2r 0p and 1a 2r 0p adjoining; all formerly in occupation of James Mardlin, now Thomas Sabey Mardlin; bounded by road from Chalton to Mogerhanger; 63. Part of field called Twenty Acres in Mogerhanger bounded N by next described land, E by public road and entrance to Blunham Station, S by railway and W by land of Earl Cowper; also piece of land in South Fields, Blunham bounded W and N by property of Countess Cowper, E by public road and S by Twenty Acres; both pieces of land together containing 2a 3r 16p; also Railway Tavern standing on the land with stables and outbuildings; also 2 acres of land with frontage to Blunham Road on N and land of Robert Cooper S; all in occupation of Thomas Bossingham Property in Langford 64. Crown with yards, gardens, stables, barn and outbuildings; also pieces of land formerly part of Dove House Close containing 4a 3r 10p and bounded N by drift road to River Ivel, W by River Ivel, E by public road and S by land of Charles Dalton and others (65-68 on Inclosure Award Map); also piece of land in Sandfield formerly allotted to Thomas Pratt Wells and containing 3a 2r 0p; also pieces of land adjoining land allotted to Wells on s side and containing 3a 2r 0p, 3a 0r 6p anf 0a 0r 3p all bounded N by allotment formerly of James Piggott, E by allotments to Vicar of Langford in exchange, W by private road and S by land of [blank]; all land formerly copyhold of Manor of Langford Rectory, now enfranchised and in occupation of George Brawn; 65. Steamer beerhouse on land of 2 acres with rights of way; in occpuation of Thomas Chapman Property in Henlow 66. Live & Let Live beerhouse on land with frontage of 172ft on Stockbridge Road N and bounded E by hedge and with depth of 207ft, S by land formerly of Messrs Ell measuring 172ft and W by footpath to henlow with frontage of 213ft; in occpuation of W.Daniels; 67. Sir John Barleycorn with yard, stable and outbuildings in occupation of J.J.Hyde with cottage adjoining in occupation of Larman with frontage E on load from Langford to Hitchin and measuring 51ft; formerly copyhold of Manor of Henlow Lanthony, now enfranchised Property in Potton 68. Royal Oak in Blackbird Street with adjoining land with frontage of 85ft and with barn , stables, coach house, yard and garden; all in occupation of G.Summerfield; also 2 closes of pasture adjoining each other containing 2a 2r 0p and bounded N by road from Potton to Sandy, S by next described close; also close of pasture of 1a 2r 0p on S of last described close; also 2 cottages with yard in occupation of J.Kitchener; 69. Blackbirds, Blackbird Street with garden, yard, outbuildings and stables also adjoining cottage in occupation of Ann Giles; formerly copyhold of Manor of Potton Much Manured, now enfranchised; 70. Sun, Sun Street with yard, garden and outbuildings in occupation of S.Keeling; also cottage (formerly two) nearby in occupation of Mrs.Lee; 71. White Swan, Market Place with yard, garden, stables and outbuildings formerly in occupation of Ann Giles, now A.W.Garnett; also shop, yards, stables and outbuildings adjoining in occupation of H.Carter; also shop on other side of White Swan; also 2 cottages in Sun Street adjoining White Swan in occupation of George Battle; the block bounded N by Market Place, S and part E by property of William Bond Smith and Charles Bond Smith; other part E by property of David H.Tebbutt; W by Sun Street; formerly copyhold of Manor of Potton Rectory now enfranchised; 72. Chequers, Hogg Hill with yard, stables, barns and outbuildings with cottage in rear all in occupation of John Barker; formerly copyhold of Manor of Potton Rectory, now enfranchised 73. New Inn, King Street with barns, garden, stables and outbuildings formerly in occupation of Edward Williams, now of B.Bland; alsoadjoining cottage formerly part of the inn now separate and occupied by Samuel Compton; all formerly copyhold of Manor of Potton Regis, now enfrancised; also dwellinghouse in Bull Street formerly used as public house called Bull with outbuildings and garden in occpuation of W.Sharp; also adjacent building in occupation of bartle; also wheelwright's shop in occupation of Wright & Sons; also dwellinghouse on other side of gateway of yard with outbuildings, stable and garden in occupation of T.Vincent; also adjoining dwellinghouse with yard, gardens, lands and outbuildings in occupation of S.Chiverton Property in Wrestlingworth 74. First & Last beerhouse in occupation of C.Masters on close of land of 1a 1r 38p formerly of John Pearman, with yard, garden and outbuildings also 3 adjoining cottages in occpuations of Newell, Daisley and Carver; also land of 4a 2r 9p in occupation of c.masters and bounded N and part E by land of Rector of Cockayne Hatley, D.M.Henderson and others, S by land formerly of John Pearman and W by Hatley Road and land of D.M.Henderson and others; 75. Three Horse Shoes with yard, stables and outbuildings adjoining; also land a short distance from public house and containing 1a 2r 0p formerly in occupation of Mary Leicester, now F.Homberstone Property in Upper Gravenhurst 76. Red Lion beerhouse with yard, garden, stables and outbuildings in occupation of H.Fisher; also 3 cottages with yard, gardens and outbuildings in occupation of W.Redman, R.Redman and C.Burley, purchased by Wells & Co in 1851 from John Kempson and mortgagees and from devisees of Henry Hare Property in Clophill 77. Green Man with yards, garden, stables, barns and outbuildings; also close of land of 11 acres adjoining and land a small distance away of 1 a 3r 0p bounded N and W by property of Earl Cowper, S by property of Mrs.Hinton and E by property of Mrs.Palmer; all in occupation of J.Bellington Property in Flitton 78. White Horse abutting highway S with blacksmith's shop and stable adjoining; also close of land a short distance away of 2 acres in occupation of G.Davis; also cottage with yard and outbuildings adjoining public house in occupation of Harris Property in Toddington 79. Sow & Pigs in Church Square with yard, garden, stables and outbuildings and close adjoining formerly in occupation of T.Horley; in all containing 2.75 acres Property in Ridgmont 80. Red Lion with yard, garden, stables and outbuildings formerly in occupation of John Barber, now A.Leaper; also adjoining cottage formerly in occupation of Mary Lawton, now Mrs.Walters; in total containing 31 poles Property in Great Barford 81. Crown with yard, orchard and garden, stables, barn and outbuildings; also close of land on 1.5 acres; also tenement divided into two with half an acre belonging formerly in occpuation of George Buckle, now D.Minney Property in Wilden 82. Swan (formerly White Lion, then Three Horse Shoes) with yard, orchard, stables and outbuildings; with orchard and close of pasture adjoining of 2 acres; also cottage standing near public house now used as blacksmith's shop; also anciently enclosed ground called Pound Close of 1a 0r 20p bounded E by the close of 2 acres, part SW by ancient inclosure of Duke of Bedford, all others parts by town street; all formerly in occupation of Ann Wyman, now Franklin Property in Colmworth 83. Old White Swan or Swan, Church End with yard, garden, orchard or close of pasture, stables and outbuildings, in all an acre in measurement; also 2 cottages near public house; also 6a 0r 3p, formerly part of Lemans Bridge Field bounded W by Bushmead and Wilden road, being an allotment formerly to John Hill Day at inclosure and formerly in occupation of John Litchfield, now G.Dell Property in Bolnhurst 84. Fox & Hounds with yards and outbuildings formerly in occupation of Stephen Harrison, now W.Wilden; also cottage adjoining with yard, garden, stable and outbuildings in occupation of C.Whitmore; also cottage at rear with yard and garden in occupation of J.Carrol; with full benefit of mortgage debt of 100 formerly secured on part of premises and sometime since transferred to Frederick Archdale on behalf of Wells & Company Property in Bedford 85. George Hotel (formerly Maidenhead Inn) near the Town Bridge with plot of ground measuring n 50ft, W 70ft 2in, S 50ft and E 88ft 7in formerly part of garden of a tenement in Castle Lane formerly in occupation of Robert Taylor with stables and other buildings erected thereon; also piece of ground with coachhouse, stables and buildings at rear and used as part of yard and outbuildings of George, adjoining former garden previously described N and W and Swan Hotel and other property of Duke of Bedford S and E; all in occupation of Miss Day; with right to retain bow window on S side Property in Kempston 86. Griffin beerhouse on land of 1a 0r 2p bounded NW by Bedford Road, NE and SE by land of Thomas James Hooper and T.W.Pearse, SW by land of William Rangstaffe; in occupation of A.Barker Property in Wilshamstead 87. Nags Head beerhouse (formerly 2 cottages) with yard, gardens, barns, stable and outbuildings in occupation of J.Bennett Property in Clifton 88. Chequers with yards, gardens, homestead, barns and outbuildings in occupation of J.Sims; also arable land behind public house and separated from it by a lane of 2a 1r 22p (No.7 in parish inclosure map); also arable land called Further Acre in East Field of 1a 2r 26p formerly in occupation of George Rowley, now J.Sims; 30 poles subject to lease for 21 years from 11 Oct 1890 to R.Woollard property in Dunton 89.2 messuages (formerly 1 messuage) used as shop and as Pig & Whistle beerhouse with yard, garden and outbuildings with Cambridge Road E, Potton Road W and Common S with land late of Lee and Coles N; all in occupation of D.Jeeves Property in Stotfold 90. Crown on land of 0a 1r 27p at The Green (formerly called Cow Common) near a pond called Warepond bounded N or NW by land of William Munns, E or NE and S or SE by Astwick Road and other sides by land formerly of George Dines; all in occupation of W.J.Whale Property in Arlesey 91. Messuage used partly as a beerhouse, partly as a dwellinghouse with yard, garden, stables, barns and outbuildings in High Street bounded N by land of Simeon Folbigg, S by land of John Henry Whitaker, E by Arlesey Road and W by land of Simpson & Company; all in occupation of T.Thornally; with right of use of well on land of Simpson & Company Continued at Z1039/34/2b
  • Level of description