Farm in St. Michael, Mile End, Colchester, [Essex]
Mortgage, 850.
(i) Abigail Todd of Colchester sp., and Mary Todd of same sp.
(ii) Hen. Nicholls of Witham gent.
- - mess. in St. Mich. Mile End, Colchester, formerly occ. John
Phillips and John Rand;
mess. cd. Stoneacre and 67 ac. aptg,:
Girdlers, Stoneacre, Werewards and Cockmans in East Mersea,
formerly occ. Steph. Puney, John Bo ley, John Sherlock,
John Smith, formerly estate of Sam. Yates now occ. Wayland;
mess formerly several dwellings cd. the Blue Pig in St. Mary
at the Walls, Colchester, late occ. Wm. Taylor, Chas.
Deboys, Wid. Brown, Wm. Hunt senr., Wm. Hunt jr., since of
Wm. Hawksley, John Godfrey, John Partridge, now Napthali
Hussey clerk;
cap. mess. now divided into 2, cd. Blocks, in Nayland, Suffolk,
betwn. a street leading from the market place about the
churchyard in part and Bell mead in part, and on Fen
part (other bounds given), late occ. John Kent, now
Hen. Brunwin and Wm. Atherton.
Date free text
2 February 1759
Production date
From: 1759 To: 1759
Level of description