• Reference
  • Title
    Churchwardens' account book (receipts and payments) 1797-8, 1810-19, 1826-35, 1843-5, 1852-61 Incomplete - several gatherings are loose and pages are now missing. Regular expenditure includes Visitation fees, vermin payments, ringers, clock, clerk's fees, communion bread and wine, Confirmation expenses, and cleaning etc. Occasional expenditure includes: 1811 Mending churchyard rails 1817 New clock dial 1827 Repairs to bells and gallery 1843 Mr. Herbert's bill for steeple (15) and "ball to weathercock" (15s.) 1853-4 New window in the chancel (7 2s. 10d.) 1855 "Stephen Jacobs for Whiting the Church" (3 15s.) Includes (at front) stationers' bookplate of "SHARP, Printer, Bookseller, Stationer and binder, St. Neots, Hunts" n.d. [c.1797] Also includes (passim) Church rate assessments [personal names only] for 1797-8, 1810-19, 1827, 1830-5, 1852-8; Vestry minutes re election of parish officers, rates, and passing accounts etc. 1846-1861 1797 - 1861
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1797 To: 1861
  • Level of description