i) William Thomas Chapman, Biggleswade, gentleman
ii) James Wyatt, Bedford, gentleman
Reciting that i) put up the said 9a for sale in 3 lots on 13 September 1872 and ii) was declared highest bidder for lots 2 and 3 in said sale now in consideration of 775 paid to i) by ii)
i) grants to ii)
- 6a with frontage of 288 ft to Potton-Sandy high road
N said high road
S Bedford and Cambridge railway
E (part) Mr James Wagstaff (part) Lot 1 sold to James Jeakins (part) Thomas Burgoyne, Esq (remaining part) T Miller
W private road
Now occupied by Sarah Savill and James Robarts formerly part of Windmill Field and numbered 63 and 64 and was taken in exchange by John Pedley for no 27 (as in plan on deed) ii) declares that no widow of his shall be dowable from said premises i) convenants to produce deeds if required
Signatures of both endorsed receipt witnesses Edm Standon, clerk to Mr Chapman Henry Tebbs, solicitor, Bedford
Date free text
18 November 1872
Production date
From: 1872 To: 1872
No. of pieces: 1
Level of description