• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the title of the surviving trustee under the settlement made on the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Ann Yoxen with Mr Alfred White, reciting: Will of 31 January 1829 Conveyance of 19 July 1843 Release of claims of 19 July 1843 Marriage settlement of 16 January 1844 of E A Yoxen and A White [for summary see CD 1050], including - 9a in Windmill Field, Potton Reciting also: Marriage of E A Yoxen and A White, at Northill Church, 17 January 1844 Death of Daniel Brooks [trustee] at Bognor, Sussex, on 25 October 1857. Burial at Biggleswade E A White died at Langford, 21 July 1871. Burial at Northill Alfred White died at Langford, 14 August 1872, and was buried at Northill
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1872 To: 1872
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description