• Reference
  • Title
    30 September and 1 October 1814 Lease and release i) Stephen Raymond, Potton, Esq ii) Joseph Edwards, Potton, butcher iii) Thomas Hagger, Potton, auctioneer consideration - 945 paid to i) by ii) and 5s paid by iii) i) at request of ii) releases to him, in his actual possession by virtue of a lease for a year - piece arable (12a) in Windmill Field N old Bedford Road E Earl Spencer and John Keeling S Henry Winn W wasteland once the estate of George Hawles Houston - 3a in Windmill Field N formerly Deborah Turner E private road W waste land S Feoffees in trust for poor of parish of Potton allotted at enclosure to Jane Wiskin - other piece arable in Windmill Field, Potton (6a) E last mentioned private road W waste ground N late Thomas Miller S William Devereux allotted at enclosure to Richard Hearne as 2 separate allotments to use of ii) and iii) in trust for ii) Signatures of i) and iii) endorsed receipt witnesses Robt Lindsell, sol, Biggleswade Joseph Bigg, Biggleswade
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1814 To: 1814
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description