• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance i) Thomas Ingram, Meppershall, yeoman (eldest son of John Ingram, Meppershall, yeoman, deceased) ii) James Roberts, Meppershall, yeoman iii) Charles Austin, Ampthill, accountant James Haddow, Shefford, tailor John Jeffries, Biggleswade, watchmaker (3 of the trustees of the East Bedfordshire Provident House and Land Society) ii) is a member of the Society and is entitled to receive 71 in respect of his half share numbered 214 Consideration of 40 paid by iii) at request of ii) to i) i) bargains and sells to iii) for term of 3 months - cottage on S or SE of High Road in Meppershall and erected on the site of an ancient cottage [bounded as above], with garden as now divided or staked out for division on NE and SE being 84ft in width next the street 30ft in depth next the Pondyard, and 26ft at the other end with common right to same cottage - cottage now in course of erection adjoining above Also in consideration of 31 paid by iii) to ii) and for completing the conveyance i) testified by his second signature, releases and ii) confirms to iii) in their actual possession under the foregoing bargain and sale - above mentioned property to be held on trust. If ii) pays dues of the Society and keeps the rules, then may take profits of same premises. Power of sale in case of default Deeds, as in schedule, are retained by i) in respect of the residue of the property This deed not to be security for more than 100 Schedule Lease and release of 11 and 12 April 1737 Will of William Farrer, 27 March 1789 Signature of i) and ii) endorsed receipt Witness Frances Mary Austin 15 May 1846 Also endorsed with memorandum that common right was compensated for on enclosure by an allotment of 3r 20p 'which allotment is now in security' with 2nd East Beds Building Society Also with notice of repayment of all monies secured by said mortgage 7 May 1856
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1846 To: 1856
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description