• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance (attested copy) i) William Cremer, late of 16, Mincing Lane, London, wine merchant, but now of Spa, Belgium, and wife Frances ii) William Thomas Chapman, Biggleswade, gentleman iii) Cowdell Chapman, Inner Temple, London, special pleader reciting marriage settlement of 4 and 5 September 1821 and the death of Charles Bell on 4 April 1845. The only child of the marriage was Frances Cremer. Frances Bell is still living Now in consideration of 2520 paid by ii) to i) i) release and convey to ii) - capital messuage or farm house, outbuildings etc (1a 1r 7p) and numbered 164 on tithe map for Meppershall, 1848 - Walnut Tree Close adjoining on NW (5a 2r 26p) (no 165) - cottage (now occupied as 2) on SW of above close and abutting the village street (1r 16p) (no 166) formerly in occupation of George Hyde, Esq. and now in occupations of Charles Pestell, John Tyson and Joseph Parsons and situate in Meppershall - 2 pieces old enclosed land (9a 15p and 10a 1r 18p) being no 23 and part of no 24 in enclosure schedule and 'referred as being on said tythe map' - pieces new enclosed land in Hill Field and Bandland Field (including public footway) (63a 7p and numbered 8 on map A made on Meppershall enclosure) - allotment in Bandland Field (6a 3r) and numbered 8A on said map (total - 89a 1r) in Meppershall and awarded to Frances Bell at enclosure in respect of - Hoo Close (5a 1r 28p) - Wood Close (4a 2r 16p) - Wood Close (2a 2r 7p) - various open field land, rights of common and lammas land in Meppershall, and now in occupation of Charles Pestell - cottage in Field Dyke Lane (28p),(no 134), formerly in occupation of John Seymour and now of James Rainbow - Bells Close adjoining on NE (3r 23p) (no 133) now in occupation of Charles Pestell - Blands Close on NW side of Meppershall Village Street (1a 12p) (no 187) now in occupation of Charles Pestell - land on SE side of Meppershall Village Street (2r 25p) (no. 193) now in occupation of Charles Pestell - cottage (now occupied as 3) abutting Meppershall Village Street on NW and SE adjoining above (1a 8p) (no 194) now in occupation of Thomas Ansell, widow Crawley and John Izard - cottage (now 3) abutting Meppershall Village Street on NE (2r 3p) (no 206), formerly in occupation of -, Thomas Rainbowe and James Pettifer and now of James Primmett, Jacob Rainbow and John Barrett - cottage and Bowers Close adjoining (4a 35p) (no.205) late in occupation of James Millard and now of Elizabeth Millard in Meppershall and shown on plan on deed to use of ii) or to iii) as trustee for ii) copy signatures of i) and ii) receipt witnesses Merry, not[ary] Edm Stanton, clerk to Mr Chapman, solr, Biggleswade 23 December 1854 Certified true copy 20 January 1873
  • Date free text
    20 January 1873
  • Production date
    From: 1873 To: 1873
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description