• Reference
  • Title
    Mortgage i) William White, Biggleswade, grocer, and wife Elizabeth ii) William Wells Gardner, Biggleswade, land surveyor iii)Thomas Perkins, Biggleswade, innholder iv) William Chapman, Biggleswade, gentleman consideration - 100 paid to i) by iv) i) demises to iv) - Cottage in Biggleswade near the entrance to Shortmead Street now in occupation of i); the ground on which it stands was formerly estate of Joshua Malden who purchased it from John Beaumont and wife Mary - Such part of yard adjoining as is set off from yard of Montford Docwra on N side and containing in length - ft and extending in straight line from dwelling house late of John Jefferies and now of Montfort Docwra to the end of the garden at the bottom of said yard belonging to Robert Morris together with joint use of privy in said yard, with Montford Docwra term - 2000 years rent - 1 peppercorn at Michaelmas Repayment - 100 and interest - on 21 August next In Hilary term last ii) levied to iii) one fine Now to declare the uses of the said fine and to better secure repayment of said 100 and interest and for barring all dower and thirds which Elizabeth White may have in said premises i) covenant with iii) that said fine should enure and iii) be seised thereof. Other covenants are regarding the 2 terms of years in trust to secure repayment of various mortgage sums ii) is interested in said property for residue of a term of 1000 years in trust to attend the inheritance of the premises. He now covenants with iv) that he will stand possessed of said property for remainder of said term in trust for iv) to secure repayment of said sum of 100 Signatures of i), ii) and iii) Endorsed receipt Witnesses Edmund Maile, clerk to Mr Chapman Wm Berry
  • Date free text
    21 February 1814
  • Production date
    From: 1814 To: 1814
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description