Will (copies) of Phil. Yorke, Earl Hardwicke:
to be burried in the vault at Wimple with monument
decently elegant;
to trustee Jos. Baldwin of Sergts.' Inn all lands in or near our Beds.,
(in acc. with ind. 13 June 1772 relating partly to land of
former Duke of Kent, & partly to land purchased under his will:
i. Phil. Yorke & w. Jemima; ii. Amabel Grey; iii. Mary Jemima Grey
iv. Jn. Vernon gent; v. Jn. Elderton gent. vi. Ref.Jn.Jeffreys
D.D. & Dan. Wray esq.; vii. Welbore Ellis esq. & Edw.Leeds esq.;
viii. Jn. Lord Berkeley, baron of Stratton).
to trustees Pet. Holford & Edw. Leeds, Masters in Chancery
(in acc. with ind. 6 Sept. 1780: i.P.Yorke; ii.Pet.Holford
& Edw.Leeds) lands lately purchased at Reigate, Surrey;l
to Thos., Lord Grantham, 100 gns.;
to bro. Sir Jos. Yorke enamelled ring by Petitot of Card.Mazarin;
to each child of bro. Jos. 1000;
to bro. Jn. diamond ring testator usually wears;
to his dau. 1000;
to each exor. 100 gns., & also to Jos. Baldwin;
to Mr. Wray an antique ring (to be chosen from collection);
to Dr. Jn. Jeffreys French snuffbox with enamelled picture
'which he bought for me at Paris;'
to Addenbrooke hospital, Cambridge (of which president) 500;
to St. Thos. Hospital, Southwark, & St. George's Hospital,
HydePark corner, each 100;
to poor of Wimple, Whaddon, Armg?on, Morden, Kingston (Cambs.) each 20
to poor of Haddenham, Littleport, Ely each 20 (Thos. Gotobed);
to poor of Flitton-with-Silsoe, 50 (minister);
to poor of Clophill 50 (rector);
annuities:- Eliz. Jones, Bath, 200;
servts. Wm. Stamford, Ralph Buncher, 100; old servts. Jos.
Coles (sic) & Wm. Harrison (50 and 30 resp.); to every
other servt. 1 year's wages;
books prints & curiosities to wife & daus. for life, then to
neph. Phil. Yorke;
MSS., papers & writings to be added to his father's & kept
altogether at Wimple for the use of the person for the time
being entitled to the family seat;
pictures & books at Wimple & Wrest to be kept in respective
places as heirlooms;
bro. Jos.'s letters to be returned if he pleases; but all
other letters to be examined by wife & bros. to be destroyed
or preserved as they think proper;
residue to bros. Jos. & Jn., and Dr. Jn. Jeffreys & Edw. Leeds to be
sold, proceeds one-third each to Jemima, Amabel & Mary (Mary's
in trust for children);
exors: Jemima and bros. Jos. & Jn. Jeffreys & Edw. Leeds;
witn. W. Pownall, Jn. Charlton, Sam. Wilde.
18 August 1783
pr. 3 June 1790.
codicil: to neph. Phil. Yorke 100 gns.;
to butler Jn. Topping annuity of 100;
revokes bequest of books, prints & curiosities, & leaves
to bro. Jn. on same trusts;
revokes residue:- 1/3 to Jemima;
1/3 to Amabel;
1/3: 5000 to grands. Fred. Jn. at 21;
5000 to (?Thos.) Phil. at 21;
interest of rest to be paid to Mary;
witn. E. Langton, Geo. Aust, Sam. Wild.
21 Dec. 1787.
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