Mortgage 200 500 yrs.
& Covenant to levy a Fine.
(i) Wm. Collyer of Pulloxhill, grazier, and w. My.
(ii) Matt. Coss of Ampthill, gent.
-- mess in P'hill and 2 close (4a.) adjg., E. P'hill -
Flitton highway
-- 7 1/2a. in Little North fld., in Lords Croft flg., S. Lords
Croft; 1a. abtg. Chamberlain End; residue in Great North
fld. in Mill Bank flg.
-- North fld. pightles & app. (4a.), E. Greenfield - P'hill
highway, S. land of Vicarage.
(All in Pulloxhill. With deeds and tithes of corn, grain,
hay or grass.)
0. metd.: Thos. Neal Esq., David Williams Esq., Thos Beaumont, Jn. Crouch,
Thos. Arnold, Hen. Beaumont, Thos. Sheppard.
Witd.: Geo. Hooper, Thos. Brookes
Endsd.: (7 April 1783) Note that (i) borrowed a further 100 from (ii)
and gave bond in 200 for redemption. Lands above charged with
this further mortgage. Witd. Lawrence Humberstone, Geo. Hooper.
Date free text
7 Apr 1783
Production date
From: 1783 To: 1783
Level of description