Lease (7 yrs.) 40 (5 in hand. Bond of even Rent: 11-3-4d.
date btwn. Jn. Hare of M'shall
& R. Grey for payment of redr.
by (ii).)
(i) Dame Anne Grey, widow of Sir Hen. Grey of Wrest, decd.; Renolde
Grey Esq., cousin & hr. of Sir H. Grey.
(ii) Jn. Strynger of Meppershall, Beds. & Herts.
'mancyion place called Seyncte Thomas Chappell' where (ii) lived
& all app. of the manor in M'shall. (Courts, Leets, Wardships,
Reliefs, Escheats, Waives & Strays, Woods & water & full
harvest works in 'Mepersall le hoo and Pulhanger' res. to (i).
Also res. to (i):- Close abtg. N.W. on Nune Lane; N.E. 30a.
S. Pynfolde leys, N. river; 200a. adjg. S.W., S. & E. sides
of above manor, bd. by Gallowe baulk from W. corner of St.
Thomas Close to balk of R. Grey adjg. flds. of Over Stondon
& by same balk to Shefford-Hitchin highway & by same to N. side
of Henlow slade with headland of R. Grey as far as a Water-
Course, thence to a watering place under N.E. hedge of above
manor; 16a. on Rye flg. adjg. manor S.W., S.E. water course;
same flg. 3 half acres; same flg. 4a., S.E. the Gores; same flg
4a.; 3 1/2a. same flg., S.E. dune mede; 3a. on the Goares, S.E.
water course; 4a. in same place, S.W. 'Woodhawle londe'; 3a.
on Goores; 8a. abtg. gate of manor, N.W. highway, S.E. Rye flg;
3/4a. at N.E. end of gate, N.W. highway; 1a. Dune Mede flg. abtg.
Woodhaule both sides, S.W. Rye flg.; 3a., S.W. Long Headland,
N.E. Woodhaule; same flg. 4 1/2a., S.W. Woodhaule; 3 1/2a. on
fenlonde, W. Welsting londe abtg. N.&S. on 2 highways; 3a.same
flg., 3 half acres same flg.; 2a. same flg.; 'Duskyn Heron'
(50a.); 3a. Churche hyll & 1a. at N.E. head of same; 1a. Hyghe
Wey flg.; 1a. same flg.; 1 half a. same flg., S.W. Woodhaule;
3 1/2a. same flg., N.E. Woodhaule, N.W. highway; 10a. 'Nunne
Stokkyng', N.W. parsons wood, S.E. highway, N.E. Nunne Woode;
3a. on feldwyke, N.W. the slade; 1a. N.W. Auberrye Mede; 1a.on
Crolley; 15a. same flg., S.W. feeldwyke; 5a. abtg. last N.W., S
highway; 16a. to N. of manor; 4a. Elderstubbe flg; 3 half acres
of Longe Headlond, N. Woodhaule; 3/4a. same flg; 1a. same flg.,
N. Parsons Headland, 1/4a. same flg., W. highway; 1/4a., its head-
land abtg. Longe Headlonde & W. highway; 1a. same flg.; 10a.
same flg. called Wallworth, N. Woodhaule, S. Gallowe balke abtg
(ii to repair & have 'Carte boote', 'Plowe Boote', &
Seal on tag (broken)
Endsd.: my brothers confirmation of John Stryngers lease mad the vth yere of
hir mties. raygne ( the ixth day of Aprell) and to commence at
mychillmas followinge (in the said vth yere) and from there to
continewe vii yeres. And a tarror of the same landes contayned in the
sayd confermacyon. (Different hand & ink) This lease ys determyned at
Mychaelmas a0/12 / E /Rene/
0.metd.: Lorde Seynct John, Mr. West, hrs. of Wm. Mede, and the parson."