• Reference
  • Title
    Haxhams Farm, Pirton Mortgage and Covenant of 3,000 to 1) William Hanscombe of Pirton Grange, Pirton, gent from 2) Edward Fryer of Beauford Lodge, New Barnet, Hertfordshire, gent, on - freehold dwellinghouse in fee simple with garden, paddock, orchard and farmyard known as Haxhams Farm cont 75acs 2r 15p as set out in the schedule below and delineated in pink on front skin of indenture 6th October 1880 between 1) Thomas Joseph Sworder and Charles Elton Longmore 2) Barnard Acres 3) John Acres 4) William Hanscombe - copyhold in the Manor of Ramerick, arable close called Millais Close, an allotment in North Mead Field awarded at enclosure and exonerated from tithe to John Wright for copyhold in lieu of certain lands lying dispersedly in the fields of Pirton for 6d, 6d and 2d a year, and all other copyhold of that manor in the farm delineated on the plan - copyhold in the Manor of Pirton Doddingsells, 2acs 3r lying in North Mead Field, Pirton bounded N by parish of Shillington, E by allotment to the Vicar, S by Holwell Road, W by another allotment of the Manor of Pirton Doddingsells described below, numbered 265 in the schedule and plan attached to the Pirton Inclosure Award, and all other parts of premises set out in the schedule below and delineated on the plan of 1880 [see freehold land above] - copyhold in the Manor of Temple Dinsley, Hertfordshire, allotment in North Mead Field cont 1ac 2r bounded N by parish of Shillington, S the Holwell Road, E the S.D. allotment cont 2ac 1r in Manor of Ramerick, W other part of North Mead Field and all other copyhold premises of that manor set out in the schedule below and delineated on the plan of 1880 Subject to condition for making void the surrender on 24th June next by William Hanscombe, and WH covenants to insure the premises for 500. Schedule No. on Award plan, name, tenure, description, acreage - part of 39, 45 & 46, Haxhams Close freehold arable 4ac 1r 6p - 40 Moat Close freehold pasture 1ac 2r 30p - pt of 42 &43 Mead freehold pasture 3ac 3r 26p - pt 42, pt 44 Homestead Garden etc and roadway to Farm freehold pasture 3ac 3r 30p - 59 Miller's Close copyhold of the Manor of Ramerick, arable, 3ac 3r 38p - 6 Old Enclosures part of 86 North Mead Field now called the Pightle freehold arable 7ac 1r 20p - another part of 86 called Willow Piece freehold arable 13ac 3r 25p - 86 & pt of 87 now called Long Bowell freehold arable 22ac 2r 12p - pt of 87, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265 North Mead Field now called Small Brooks (one enclosure), arable, freehold (87, 260, 261, 262), copyhold of Manor of Temple Dinsley (263), copyhold of Manor of Ramerick (264), copyhold of Manor of Pirton Doddingsells and Manor of Pirton (265) witness: Wm Austin Simes, solicitor, Hitchin
  • Date free text
    1887 22 January
  • Production date
    From: 1887 To: 1887
  • Exent
    3 pp., No. of pieces: 1
  • Handwritten
  • Format
  • Level of description