• Reference
  • Title
    Burge End Farm, Pirton Conveyance from 1) Charles Bowyer of 193 Piccadilly, Middx, Esq to 2) William Hanscombe of Pirton Grange, Herts, gent, bachelor as highest bidder at public auction on 6 August for 4,220 which to comply with Statute is 1,200 for the freehold, 2,120 for the copyhold of the Manor of Pirton Doddingsells, 800 for the copyhold of the Manor of Pirton, 100 residue for copyhold of Manor of Ramerick of an estate of inheritance in fee simple in possession (items a-c) and copyhold (d-f): Freehold: a) messuage farm house and homestead called Barge End Farm at Barge End, Pirton, Herts, with yard and outbuildings cont 1 ac 2r numbered 54 on the plan, bounded S by the Town Street and part of NW by Washbrook Lane b) piece of arable formerly part of North End Field, Pirton, cont 11acs 2r 19p called North End Closes and numbered 62 on the plan, bounded on part of N by Trinity College Estate, Shillington, on SE by public drain, part of S by piece of land next described, and on all other sides by copyhold herein to be surrendered c) pightle called North End Corner in Pirton and numbered 58a on the plan, cont 3r 18p and adj the last described piece of arable, formerly part of North End Field (a - c) all coloured blue on attached plan. Occ by Joseph Lake. Declaration barring dower Copyhold: d) messuage in Barge End, Pirton, with croft or orchard adj and numbered 54a on the plan cont 1ac 3r 30p, and an allotment in Windmill Field, Pirton numbered 58 on the plan cont 46 acs 8p including so much of an ancient field way called Millers Lane now in the said piece of land, bounded N by Trinity College land in Shillington, W by lands of Sir Edmund Filmer, Bart, S by land of Trustees of John Joseph Acres decd, in other part by copyhold covenanted to be surrendered, E by Captain's Close and the freehold North End Close [above], all in the Manor of Pirton Doddingsells and coloured pink on the plan, occ by Joseph Lake e) close of pasture formerly called Shotts but now Stoat Close with 2 cottages erected thereon by Thomas Jeeves decd, and gardens at Barge End cont 1ac and numbered 53 on the plan - 6acs pasture called Long Close alias Green Close now called Millers Close in Pirton cont 3r 2p numbered 57 on the plan - stackyard and croft cont 1r 21p numbered 55 on the plan bounded NW by Washbrook Lane, NE and SE by Barge End Farm Homestead, SW by Town Street - Captain's Close cont 5ac 6p numbered 60 on the plan bounded S by Washbrook Lane, SW by land formerly of John Wright now the Trustees of John Joseph Acres decd, and on all other sides by land covenanted to be surrendered - piece of land formerly part of North End Field cont 3 acs 1r 31p numbered 61 on the plan bounded S by Washbrook Lane, SW by a public drain, NW by land covenanted to be surrendered, NE by land of William Hanscombe - piece of land formerly part of North Mead Field numbered 63 on the plan cont 6 acs 2r 3p bounded N by parish of Shillington and lands of Trinity College Cambridge, SE by public drain, and on other sides by freehold lands hereby conveyed. All of which is copyhold of the Manor of Pirton occ by Joseph Lake and coloured green on the plan (f) Miller's Piece being a copyhold close of the Manor of Ramerick cont 1ac 3r 18p numbered 56 on the plan to which Charles Bowyer has been recently admitted tenant, abutting NE the copyhold close of the same name of the Manor of Pirton occ by Joseph Lake and coloured yellow on the plan To the use of William Hanscombe his heirs according to the custom of the manors. Witness: James Ingram, Lincolns Inn Fields, solicitor
  • Date free text
    1867 26 November
  • Production date
    From: 1867 To: 1867
  • Exent
    2 sgeets, No. of pieces: 1
  • Handwritten
  • Format
  • Level of description