• Reference
  • Title
    Will (Extract) of Wm. Brown of Ampthill, gent. To dtr. Eliz. Brown & hrs.:- mess., cottages, lands etc. in par of Flitwick occ. Edwd. Farey; same in Ampthill occ. Wm. Poulton Dr. Taylor, the Workhouse Man, Daniel Mann, Thos. Smith, Wm. Carter, Thos. Bushley and Hen. Cooper; also in Maulden occ. Jas. Porter; mess. & close in Ampthill occ. himself If no issue, all above to dtr. Ann Brown & hrs. Above estate charged with annuities: To w. Ruth Brown: 50 p.a. for life ) By quarterly To sis. Eliz. Walduck: 6 p.a. for life ) payments To bro. Jos. Brown: 6 p.a. for life ) Provisions for distress in default of payment. To dtr. Ann Brown & hrs. (in default of which to Eliz. Brown and hrs.):- mess., cottages, and lands in Ampthill and Maulden occ. Jas. Humphrey; also in Marston Moretain and Houghton Conquest; mess. and premises in Ampthill occ. Geo. Exton. Annuities payable - same amounts as above - from this estate to R. Brown, E. Walduck, and Jos. Brown, by quarterly payments. If both dtrs. die without hrs. all above property to Geo. Exton & hrs. for ever except property at Maulden to neph. Ric. Brown, s. of bro. Jos. Brown. Excxs.: dtrs. Eliz & Ann Brown and w. Ruth Brown Excr.: bro. Ric. Brown.
  • Date free text
    12 Feb 1778
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1780
  • Level of description