• Reference
  • Title
    Will (Copy) of Rev. Phil. Birt, Vicar of Flitton. To neph. Rev. Thos. Birt of Bedford:- property in Flitton, Silsoe and Pulloxhill for life (can make leases for 12 yrs.), then his hrs. male. From this 10 p.a. to be pd. to bro. Francis Birt for life and 10 p.a. to niece Ann, w. of Robt. Parry Price, officer of excise, for life. She to receive F. Birt's 10 p.a. if she survives him. Both for her own use. These annuities to cease if the Rent Charge is sold or mortgaged or assigned. Otherwise to be pd. by half-yearly instalments. Provisions for distress in default of payment. In default of male issue of T. Birt above property to go to neph. Jas. Birt of Newlands, Glos., charged with above annuities. To neph. Rev. Thos. Birt:- rents & arrears of rent on above property; 50 'with all my Printed books', furniture and household goods, plate, at parsonage house at Blunham. To Jas. Grassineau of Flitton, gent. & w. Ann:- 2 mess. and lands in Maulden occ. Ric. Newman & Francis Parish, and close of pasture at Barton occ. Jas. Wilson. For their lives. No timber to be cut except for repairs. (After their dec. to neph. Jas. Birt for ever.) Also 'all my Fuel Hay and Straw Barrels & Bottles and Liquors therein' with furniture and house- hold goods at his Vicarage of Flitton and 50 each. To Ann Grassineau's niece Eliz. Godfrey:- 50 To bro. Francis Birt:- 10 for mourning To niece Ann w. of R.P. Price:- 20 To niece Margaret w. of Jas. Goodsal yeo., one of dtrs. of his sis. Ann by the late Wm. Lingen:- 200 To niece Eleanor w. of Francis Lane, yeo. (dtr. of W. & A. Lingen) 100 (100 given on her marriage) To neph. Wm. Lingen (s. of W. & A. Lingen):- 20 To Frances widow of Rev. Wm. Clerk of Hertford 50 and if she dies before him to her mother widow of Rev. Ric. Witherstone, Rector of Sutton, Hereford. If she dies before him 50 to go to dtrs. of Rev. Ric. Witherstone. To Eliz. Godfrey:- 5 in trust to pay for clothing a child or children of Edwd. Pheasant. To Jn. Allen of Cradnell, Wilts.:- 5 To cousin Thos. Snead, cabinet maker:- 5 To the Poor of Flitton, Silsoe, Blunham, and Moggerhanger:- 20 i.e. 5 to each parish. To be distributed by the Churchwardens & Overseers one month after his dec. To Parish Clerks of Flitton, Silsoe and Blunham:- 5 each. To successors as Vicars of Flitton:- 'my Pump and Dial there Marble Slabs Wainscott Window Shutters and such of the Hangings in the Vicarage House as are my Property.' Residue of real and personal estate to neph. Jas. Birt. Excr.: neph. Jas. Birt. To make presents of rings of a guinea value to friends Gabriel Mullett Esq., Talbot Williamson Esq., and Rev. Edmond Williamson and Rev. Jn. Kipling sen. Not to allow anybody to inspect 'my Manuscript or Probate Papers.' After his examination to be burnt except those relating to lands and securities Witd.: Dan. Wright of Ampthill, victualler; Chas. Farnell of Ampthill, draper; Geo. Gurney of Ampthill, grocer. Codicil: 20 May, 1762. Decent provision made for niece My. Lingren when she married Wm. Adams, gent. Therefore only 20 left to her. To Jn. & Ann Grassineau & Eliz. Godfrey: 50 each over and above legacies in will. To 2 servants of Jn. Grassineau: - 5 each. Witns. to Codicil: A. Redall Esq., of Eversholt; Jas. Smyth Esq., of Streatley; Jas. Clearson of Shefford, plumber.
  • Date free text
    11 Aug 1761
  • Production date
    From: 1761 To: 1762
  • Level of description