• Reference
  • Title
    Letter: from Richard Dillingham at 7th Lincoln's Battalion, [France] to Christine Dillingham at Kings Road, Flitwick - writer has managed to get hold of a Green envelope [a letter that was not censored by the officers]; - notes he not been feeling well after suffering with a cold and diarrhoea, "which made me feel queer for a day or two"; - notes he missed the line the last time the regiment went up, "It was a bit of luck for me especially as I was feeling queer at he time as it rained half the time they were in the line, still they didn't get nearly so bad a time as when we were up before and only lost very few men in casualties" - notes he didn't know he was staying behind until he was ordered to give in his ammunition and was put on Brigade Details; - notes whilst on Brigade duties they had an easy time but rather a poor living and plenty of messing about by the officer in charge; - comments they were sent to the Divisional Baths to take charge of them; - runs through the details of what happened at the baths; - notes they had a problem getting hot water but he managed to fix it, "we soon had the water ready for the men to bath and had over 1100 men through the bath during the day"; - comments the Corporal was very pleased with him for sorting the problem out, "He asked me what I was in civilian life and when I told him and showed him my references he said I was just the man he wanted and would I take on looking after the baths"; - notes before he could see the Captain about the job he was sent back to join his battalion, but still has hopes about getting it; - notes he had to march 10 miles with a full pack on and was tired by the time he reached the camp; - comments he was sent as an escort to collect a prisoner from headquarters; - notes there was a football match between his company and another which caused a bit of excitement as it was "a sort of local derby with them"; - notes he went for a walk to a local town to see if they could get anything to eat and managed to get some biscuits and chocolate; - comments they went into an Estaminet [a small French cafe which sold alcoholic drinks] in which he had a bottle of stout, "the best drink I've had since I've been out here"; - comments the town was rather old fashioned with an open square in the centre with the church on one side and shops round the other sides; - "they have some very decent shops of all sorts, only not quite so smart a style as you see in England"; - notes he has been sent a parcel which contains a cake, loaf of home baked bread, mince pies, tin of cocoa, tin of sugar, and a tin of sardines; - notes he has sent the children a postcard each; - hopes her mother is feeling better again; - comments Archie Ayler has been transferred to the Infantry; - is sorry to hear about Mr Abbot being in such a poor way; - asks if Ben is still going to School and whether Richard has got over the measles; - wishes he was at home instead of being stuck in this miserable hole, "If only those that are at home pulling the strings had to be out here and got through what we go through it would all be over in a week"; - notes he attended a Church Parade with all the brigades present but had to wait forty minutes for the chaplain so had a very short service and sermon; - notes he has been for a walk as he is fed up of staying in the billets which are dark all the time; - comments they went inside the church, "instead of sitting down like they do in England they kneel on low chairs with long backs to them but they have some lovely work inside them in the way of carving and painting and some of the alters are grand. They have also got some very nice stained windows in them but are more showy and gaudy altogether than our churches"; - is sorry to hear that Mr Abbot [Headmaster of Flitwick School] is dead - is not sure if he should tell her that Ben's adenoids should be removed, but thinks perhaps it would be best to get it done as soon as it is convenient; - comments he has no idea when he will get his leave; - comments he must close or he will miss the post;
  • Date free text
    3 November 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
  • Level of description