• Reference
  • Title
    Letter: from Richard Dillingham at 7th Lincoln's Battalion, [France] to Christine Dillingham at Kings Road, Flitwick - writer has joined his new Battalion the 7th Lincoln's and is based in A Company, and thinks they are a "jolly decent lot of men" and that the Officers and NCO's seem to study the men more than his last section; - is glad they have not been split up and put into different regiments; - comments they had a long route march which was very tiring and it was the first time they had worn full packs; - notes on arrival they were given some tea, biscuits and cheese and then put into tents for the night; - comments they had to reveille [A military waking-signal sounded in the morning on a bugle or drums] at 5:30 am ready for a breakfast of bread, bully beef and tea; - notes they marched to another rest camp where they will be based for a fortnight and are being billeted in a barn on a farm, "Which is not so bad, much better than a good many places, I have slept in since being out here"; - comments he doesn't think he has ever had such a gruelling march or ever felt so knocked up in his life; - lists his new address, No 42041 2nd AM R Dillingham A Company 7th Lincoln's BEF France; - asks her to write to him as he is longing to hear from her; - notes the Company Sergeant Major lined up them up to take their names and asked if he came from Luton as there were a lot of Dillinghams in Luton, "he told me he knew Flitwick and the district well and before he joined up was a manager at the Vauxhall Motors Works, Luton"; - asks if Ben still goes to School and whether Richard has ran away up home lately?; - notes to tell them to be good boys and he will send them some more postcards; - asks her not to worry about him and to tell Mother not to worry as he is getting on alright;
  • Date free text
    October 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
  • Level of description