Will (copy) of Wm. Burges, sr., of Pulloxhill, yeo.:
to s. Thos. close purchased of Sar. Lawrence;
to s. Wm. land in the common fields in Flitton;
to dau. Mary cottage at Pulloxhill occ.'Jame' Mayson
& closes called North Field pightles;
cottage at Pulloxhill occ. Ric. Cain, blacksmith;
to dau. Eliz. the Bell, Greenfield, & 8 ac. called
the Brade;
exors.: Jos. Hawes of Silsoe, dairyman; John Hill
of Silsoe, yeoman;
witn. Laur. Humberstone, Ric. Sharpe, Jn. Leech;
codicil: 23 Jan. 1777, apptg.
e. dau. Mary joint extrix.; she may
choose whom she pleases to help her,
but no relation; witn. Wm. Banes,
Wm. Arnold, Wm. Neal.
26 January 1775;
pr. 7 October 1777
Date free text
1775 - 1777
Production date
From: 1775 To: 1777
No. of pieces: 1
Level of description