Will of Jas. Chapman of Silsoe, yeo. (copy):
bequeathes house in Silsoe which is divided into 3 tenements
as follows:- to s. Dan. all that part at the N. end
abtg. N. on the road to Newbury, occ. Thos. Eddy;
to s. Chas. middle part, occ. Jos. Pedder;
to s. Jn. south end in own occ.;
to daus. Sus. Wileman, Edith Asten, Truth Gurney
& Margt. Flowers 10 each;
sons Dan. & Chas. are to pay 1 each to s. Jn.;
to gds. Jas., s. of Dan., watch;
exors. sons Dan. and Chas.;
witn. Jos. Pedder, Ann Pedder, Wm. Wyman.
Date free text
30 December 1814
Production date
From: 1814 To: 1814
No. of pieces: 1
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