Conveyance (foeffment): 340.
(i) Ric. Page of Uxendon, Harrow, Middx.;
(ii) Wm. Price of Steppingley, husbn.;
Greenfield grange, Flitton, occ. Rog. Chapman,
with dovehouses, etc.;
Home close, Flitton, 7 ac., pasture, abtg. N. on
Flitwick moor;
Long close, 4 ac. pasture, abtg. N. on Flitwick
moor, W. on Greenfield mead;
pasture next home close, 2 ac., on Greenfield mead;
Goose mead, containing 1 ac. pasture, abtg. W. on Home close;
owners & occupiers adj.: Hen. Beamont, Sylv. Baldwin;
attornies of (i): Robt. Slingsbie & Jn. Style;
witn. (?Tolarke) Gray, Hen. Beamont, Th. Vinson,
Robt. Slingsbie; (tollivery of seisin 28 Nov.)
Hen. Beamont, Wm. Jackson, Rog. Chapman;
seal of (i) on tag, arm.
endorsed in later hand: ''a deed of the Waterside House'';
''these deeds belong as well to Mrs. Beamont's estate
in settlement and to the estate of Mr. Beamont by his
will as ordered to be sold.''
Date free text
20 November 1627
Production date
From: 1627 To: 1627
No. of pieces: 1
Level of description