• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance in trust. (i) Fra. Taverner of Hexton and Ric. Taverner. (ii) Tho. Docwra of Putteridge, Offley, Herts., esq., Edw. Wingate of Welwyn, esq., Fra. Wilsford of Hollywell, Hunts., Clerk, Tho. Kidnoe of Hitchin, clerk. Recites 1 Sep. inst. (attached) Lease for 1 year: (i) Fra. and Ric. Taverner. (ii) John Barber of Hexton gent. Hexton millhouse with watermills adjg.; closes of mead. and past. cont. 10ac.; 6 ac. arable in the flds. of Hexton (described); 3 Frith closes (15ac.); 2 clos. of mead., past. and wood cd. Floodclose and Burwell pond; 28 ac. in the flds. of Hexton (described); the fld. lying next Hexton or East fld. (63ac.) lately divided by a hedge and ditch into 3 closes occ. by Ric.Taverner; Pudding Marsh fld. (60ac.) or South fld. lately divided into closes; clo. of past. (22ac.) late parcel of Gt. Field or West fld.; moiety of Middle fld. (52ac.) lately divided into 2; moiety of closes of mead. and past. (16ac.) cd. Lt. Higham, adjg. Hook Lane E.; 20 ac. mead. and past. in the 'Ose Delfe', Haddenham, Isle of Ely; Stokes wood in Cockernnoe, Offley, Herts.; For maintenance and education of Ric. Taverner's children 'which are many'. Wtns. St. John Docwra, Matth. Taverner, John Carter 'son of Fra'., Ph. Ranford, John Griffith scr. 1,2 Sept 1656 Also attatched: Grant: Fra.Taverner to Docwra etc. footway etc. over Lt. fld., Hexton. 1 Sept. 1657
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1657 To: 1657
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    No. of pieces: 1
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