• Reference
  • Title
    Bargain and Sale. 500. & C19 copy. (i) Hen. Grey, Lord Ruthin and w. Eliz., Tho. Daniel, and Wm. Briers. (ii) Sir Tho. Bottler of Biddneham knt. and w. Ann. e. Reciting as before. mess. in Harrold occ. John Perry called the Miller's house, yard etc. adjg.; Gt.Oliver and Lt. Oliver's pasture (6 ac.) sometime divided into 2, now laid together to another close being freehold of Sir Tho., late belonging to Harrold Priory, abtg. sd. clo. E., S. the river, W. common green and sd. cott., N. mess. of Tho. Dudley of Harrold gent. and the close of Sir Tho.; 2 water mills called Harrold Mills, late occ. John Perry, house where they stand, and so much of the past. or moor ground adjg. on N. and W. of house as is now staked, meared or bounded out contg. in length 5 p. from the Millhouse W., in breadth at the E. end 3 p., at the W. end 1 p.; all streams, watercourses, dams, floodgates etc.; 'also the water stream and soil where the water or river commonly called Ouse or Wringtayle runneth beginning at Snelson hedge in Lavendon, and from thence extending itself and coming unto the said mills and from thence until it cometh into that part of the river of Ouse which now is the freehold of Sir Tho. Boteler and did sometime belong to the late dissolved monastery of Harrold'; holmes, cobbs, oziers etc.; free liberty of fishing in the river and in Lord's mead did liberty to dig damboot in piece of ground staked out for that purpose called the Old Orchard (3r.); Reserving liberty to Hen. Grey and his heirs to fish in the river. Witnesses: Hen. Pigott, W. Newton, John Munnes, Chris. Lancaster. Seals: 1 fragment (Boteler), 1 tag only, not used. 15 April 1617.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1617 To: 1617
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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