• Reference
  • Title
    Will (copy) Th. Palmer of Olney, Bucks, - Monetary bequests to Jn. Davison of Bayfield, Beds. (? Brayfield, Bucks.), Jas. Palmer of Olney, Bucks. - Mes. and lands in Carlton, Chellington, Turvey, to nephew Th. Palmer of Bourton, Glos. - annuity to mother of 30. - Jn. Davison of Brayfield (? Bucks.), Skeventon Davison of Turvey, to be Th's, guardians. - land in Olney, Bucks to neph. Wm. Andrews, remainder to bro. Wm. Palmer of Bourton, Gloucs. - Monetary bequests to Wm.'s sons - Jn. & Sam. and daug. My. and Hannah his own son Skeventon Davison. Witnesses: Th. Bannister, Ric. Goosey, Jas. Hallowell. Proved 20 Apr 1769
  • Date free text
    24 Jun 1768
  • Production date
    From: 1768 To: 1769
  • Level of description