• Reference
  • Title
    Draft Abstract of Title of The Cardington Brewery Company Limited to (a) land as in Z 965/1/5 Abstracts Conveyance dated 7 Oct 1884 from 1) John Maydon, Valuer of Bedford and Trustee of CH's estate to 2) The CBCL for 450 Recites abstracted indenture of 1881 Recites that CH being unable to pay his debts in 1883 filed a petition for liquidation and at a meeting on 23 Jan 1884 it was resolved that his affairs be liquidated by arrangement and not in Bankruptcy Recites that John Maydon was appointed Trustee. Recites that the sum owing to the executors of George Higgins (then deceased) was 800 as CH paid this day 150 of the principal sum of 950 Recites that JM as Trustee agreed to sell the said land for 450 to the CBCL subject to 800 due to the execs of GH Abstracts indenture dated 21 May 1885 between 1) Thomas Barnard Esq of Cople House, Cople and Turner Arthur Macan Esq of Elstow 2) CBCL 3) Albert Harry Allen, Clerk to the Harpur Trust, of Bedford and Charles Ernest Taylor, commercial traveller of Moseley, near Birmingham, Warwicks Recites will of GH dated 13 Jul 1869 in which he names TB and TAM executors Recites codicil to will of GH dated 28 Jul 1870 stating that he had married Mary Sophia Couchman and bequeathing to her a legacy Recites a second codicil to will of GH dated 3 Aug 1883 which did not affect the executors Recites that GH died 3 Aug 1883, his will proved at Northampton 26 Sep 1883 Recites Indenture of 7 Oct 1884 Recites that 800 remained owing to TB and TAM Recites that AHA and CET agreed to pay 800 to TB and TAM and so transfer the mortgage Abstracts Indenture dated 24 Aug 1892 (endorsed on Indenture of 30 Nov 1881) from 1) AHA and CET to 2) CBCL acknowledging receipt of 800 Abstracts s Mortgage dated 25 August 1892 between 1) CBCL 2) George Tempest Wade, Auctioneer of Leicester for 800, with the proviso that CBCL not grant any lease without the written consent of GTW Abstracts Mortgage dated 8 Oct 1884 between 1) CBCL and 2) John Elliott Page, maltster of Bedford for 700 of a) The Dew Drop Public house in Britannia Road, Bedford (not the subject of this Abstract) b) The property in Z 965/1/5
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1897 To: 1897
  • Level of description