• Reference
  • Title
    Printed Sale Catalogue of estates of Ric Foster Esq, deceased Thompson's Lane, Brewery, Cambridge, with 50 old-licensed Inns and 4 maltings and residences and other dwelling houses in Cambs and Hunts Auctioneer Chas Wisbey at Town Hall, Cambridge:- lot 1) The Gate, Little Wilbraham, freehold tenant E Layton new brick slate and tile house cont:- Tap room, parlor [sic], bar, kitchen, washhouse, pantry, 2 cellars, 4 bedrooms and closet, yard, stable with loft over, piggeries barn and sheds, with gdn, orchard and close of arable at back [Tot 1.1/2A] Purchaser to pay 10 1s 0d for fixtures and beer engine, cupboards and shelves in Bar + copper belonging to tenant Free from Tithe and Land Tax lot 2) The Bell, Bottisham, freehold tenant tenant Jas Osborne brick fronted house, covered with tiles cont:- club-room, div by a partition to form 2 parlors, tap room, kitchen, cellar, 5 bedrooms, stable, pigsties, and henhouse with yard and gdn, Tenant claims a workshop in front, pantile shed, dairy, post shed and small barn next the back street Several clubs held here Land Tax 7s 6d purchaser to pay 4 18s for fixtures lot 3) The Cock, Swaffham Prior, copyhold tenant Mrs Freaks corner house cont:- tap room, parlor, shop, club-room, cellar, 3 bedrooms, back kitchen, stable,yard, gdn and close [60P] and allotment of arable in Middle Field, near the Mill [20P] held of Manor of Swaffham Prior, Quit Rent 10d Land Tax 8s Tenant claims fixtures in the shop, 2 partitions in the stable and shed to skittle gnd. Purchaser to pay 4 15s 0d for fixtures lot 4) The Anchor in Reach Lode, Swaffham Prior by riverside. Copyhold Brick and tile house with 2 parlors, tap room, 5 bedrooms and cellar, dairy and outbuildings, back kitchen, stables, orchard and fish pond [3R] Purchaser to pay 7 for timber growing on this lot. Fixtures belong to the tenant. Copyhold of Manor of Swaffham Prior. Quit Rent 8d, Land Tax 6s lot 5) 19A 2R 37P of fen land, freehold in Swaffham Prior and next the Swaffham Engine and land of Mr Fison and Mr Wright Lot sold subject to any right of Hailing Way Tenant Mark Parr Drainage Tax 6s pa, Land Tax 18s lot 6) The Ship, Reach, Burwell Parish, freehold, tenant Geo Cook, Brick tiles and slated house cont tap room, bar, 2 parlors, cellar, shop, 3 bedrooms, washhouse, yard, stable and pigsties Purchaser to pay for fixtures and beer engine 11. Shop, fixtures, chaff place, loft and partition in stable, belong to tenant AND Chapel Close adj this lot, let to Ric Foster as yearly tenant. Purchaser to take his tenure from Michaelmas next lot 7) Fox Inn, Burwell, freehold Tenant Wm Danby pt of house is new and built with brick and slate and contains large room divided by a moveable partition, tap room, bar, parlor, kitchen, cellar, pantry, 7 bedrooms, brewhouse, small gdn, also detached club-room, with orchard adj, farmyard, granary, stabling, cowhouse, chaise house, etc. AND piece of arable (1.1/2A) in the back lane Purchaser to pay 6 for fixtures. Partition in pantry, wine cellar and shelves, range, stove and copper, also the partition in the granary and in a Lodge are the property of the tenant. Land Tax 28s, Tothe Rent Charge 12s, Fee Farm Rent and acquittance 1s 4d Fine on Alienation 6s 8d [principal Inn of village and 4 benefit clubs at the house] lot 8) Thatched messuage, Burwell, occ by Harding Bentley & Bilton, situated in North Street with a Malting 12 Quarter Steep, barley and malt chambers, shed and granary with loft over, running at back up to the Navigation, as occ by Thos Ball, Freehold Land Tax 16s lot 9) Dolver of Fen land in Hallard Fen, Burwell abs N against Lodge Drove way E land of Jn Kent W land of Dan Kent [8A 0R 36P] copyhold of Manor of Burwell Rectory, Quit Rent 3d lot 10) A half dolver of fen land in same fen, Burwell abs S High Town Droveway E land of Jn Kent W land of Jn Mason [3A 2R 7P] Free Rent 1s 3d lot 11) half dolver of fenland in same fen abs S High Town Droveway E land of Mr Lucas W land of Mrs Tebbit [3A 0R 22P] Free Rent 1s 2d Lots 10) and 11) leasehold for 1000 years from 1806, lots 9 -11 Tithe gree and land tax free, subj to Drainage Rate, all occ by Tim Mason lot 12) The King's Head, Fen Ditton, freehold, occ Thos Green, Club-room, with a partition, coal place, cellar, back kitchen, dairy, 4 bedrooms and lumber room, yard, stables, workshop, barn, garden and close of land [1A] Purchaser to pay 8 2s 0d for fixtures Pigsties claimed by the Tenant Land Tax 4s pa lot 13) Ferry House called Green Dragon, Chesterton, Tenant Elias Mansfield large house with tap room, 2 parlors, back kitchen, dairy, pantry, cellar, club-room, stable, and barn (Copyhold of Manor of Chesterton, Fine Certain) AND freehold ferry with landing place and road across Sturbridge Fair Green (leased by Cambridge Corporation for 21 years from Michaelmas 1854 at yearly rents of 2 and 1s) 'Independent of a good Trade in the sale of beer at the House, the Ferry produces a large amount'. Purchaser to pay 6 13s for Fixtures and 15 for Ferry Boat Land Tax 1 10s and Quit Rent 9d lot 14) Allotment of arable land on the common in the occ of Elias Mansfield [2A 0R 29P] Chesterton abs on one side land now or late of Jn Purchas, deceased on other Edw Elborne (copyhold of Manor of Chesterton, Fine Certain) Quit Rent 4d, Land Tax 5s 10d, Tithe Rent Charge 7s 6d lot 15) Allotments of arable land on the common planted with osiers in occ of Mr Campion [2A 1R 11P], Chesterton, lying between land of Edw Felton and W H Apthorpe [1A 2R 7P], freehold, rest copyhold of Manor of Chesterton Fine Certain Land Tax 6s, Quit Rent 3d, Tithe Rentcharge 6s 10d lot 16) The Three Tuns Tavern, Chesterton freehold, Tenant Sam Moore house recently rebuilt with brick and tile; contains tap-room, parlor, bar, cellar, kitchen, sitting-room, 3 bedrooms, and closet up stairs, yard with range of stabling and sheds AND piece of gdn gnd (staked out from lot 17) up to the back lane [3R 10P] which incl gnd in front of house Purchaser to pay 8 8s 0d for fixtures Land Tax 20s, Tithe rentcharge 3s 11d (subject to right of way over the gnd in front of the house to and from side entrance to lot 18 lot 17) piece of garden ground, Chesterton adj gdn gnd of last lot (as staked out from it) running up the back lane (with right of way over a roadway from the High Street [2R 33P] (2R 25P of which are copyhold of Manor of Chesterton, fine certain) Land Tax 3s 8d, Quit Rent 6d, Tithe Rentcharge 3s Purchaser to make and maintain fence between this lot and lot 16 starting at Buttress of stable in a line to outside of buttress next back land garden gate lot 18) New built brick and slate house, Chesterton, in occ of Mr Constable. adj lot 16), contains 2 parlors, kitchen, passage, pantry, and 3 bedrooms, with outhouse and garden at back and side entrance with a right of way over gnd in front of lot 16) Freehold. Land Tax 8s Pale fence next to lot 16 belongs to this lot. Purchaser to maintain it and pay 5 2s for fixtures lot 19) Dwelling house, Chesterton occ by Mr Thurnall and contains 2 parlors, kitchen, cellar and 5 rooms up stairs, a detached scullery, yard and garden (Purchaser to pay 4 6s 0d for fixtures Tenant claims a door in the passage and some buildings in the yard) AND Malting in occ of Alderman Ekin, brick and large storage and will steep 40 quarters in 8 days, large yard [called Bleeding Heart Malting] (copyhold of Manor of Chesterton, Fine certain) Land Tax 1 12s 4d. Quit Rent 9.1/2d lot 20) Brick and Tile House on Victoria Rd (formerly 'The Plough') Chesterton, contains 8 rooms, cellar, yard, with detached washhouse and other outbuildings at back as occ by Jas Colville Purchaser to pay 3 19s for fixtures Freehold, No Land Tax (Pigsties belong to Tenant) lot 21) The Bell, Histon, freehold Tenant Sarah Papworth House cont large club room, tap room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and cellar with yard, workshop and stable. Also Timber Yard in front of house Purchaser to pay 1 15s 0d for stove and Bearstalls. Other fixtures belong to Tenant. Free from Land Tax lot 22) Thatched Double Cottage, Oakington, with gnd next Engine House occ by Thos Langham Freehold lot 23) Black Horse, Dry Drayton, freehold Tenants: Taylor and others House recently 'put in good order', cont parlor, tap room, bar-closet, kitchen, cellar, dairy and 3 bedrooms, with a 3 room tenement adj AND blacksmith's shop, pigsties, cart shed, yard, close of pasture and gdn at back [1A 3R 0P] Purchaser to pay 6 18s 6d for Fixtures and 7 10s 0d for growing trees Free from Land Tax lot 24) Rose and Crown, Swavesey, freehold, Tenant Jos Thorpe Brick and Tiled house at corner of road leading to fen drayton, containing 2 parlors, tap-room, 4 bedrooms, cellar and dairy, farm yard, butcher's shop, calves place, barn, stable and piggeries, cart shed, and cow house, with garden in front, orchards and close of pasture [2A 2R 32P], purchaser to pay 1 15s for 2 stoves, and 2 beer stalls. Tenant claims chaff house, rack and 2 stoves. Land Tax 12s lot 25) Allotment of freehold arable land in Swavesey, next road to Longstanton [3A 1R 15P] abs land of Mrs Carter on one side land of Edw Thorpe on the other (close to village street) Land Tax 6s lot 26) 'Parrot', St Ives, Hunts, Copyhold tenant Joseph Simper (in Sheep Market) cont goodhouse with 4 parlors, tap room, bar, cellars, 7 bedrooms, water closet, 2 attics, kitchen, larder, extensive stabling with lofts over, yard, pt covered and under which is held a Calf Market opening into the back Street, leading to the Somersham road Purchaser to pay 26 12s 6d for fixtures and gates for pens Land Tax 21s Quit Rent 12s 6d (lot copyhold of Manor of St Ives with the Sleap and Burstellars) lot 27) Fleur de Lis, Hemingford Abbots, Hunts, freehold; Tenant Jas Smith House contains parlor, tap-room, kitchen, cellar and 4 bedrooms, with yard, stable, Whellwright's shop, and well planted orchard at the back [1A] See farm rent to Manor of Hemmingford Abbotts 6d (all fixtures belong to the Tenant) lot 28) The Old Horse Shoe, Southoe, Hunts, copyhold Tenant Mark Wyant Thatched house cont parloe, tap room, kitchen, cellar and 4 bedrooms, stable, barn, yard and garden Fixtures belong to the Tenant. Copyhold of the Manor of Southoe with Lovetofts Quit Rent 2s 6d lot 29) New Inn and Malting, St Neots, Hunts; freehold Tenants Franklin and Paine 'first rate house' occ by Franklin contains Market Room, commercial room, bar, 2 kitchens, cellars, 6 bedrooms and a water closet. On the opposite side of the yard is a tap with a tap room, front parlor, 3 attics, cellar and wash-house, stable room in boxes, and stalls for 30 horses, covered sheds, yard, etc AND Malting adj, 10 quarter steep with Malt and barley chambers let to Mr Paine good Trade, 'receives a fair share of patronage in the Posting Department' Common Right over Islands, Hawksden Leys and Island Meadows belongs to it Land Tax 32 shillings - all fixtures belong to the Tenant lot 30) The Cannon, St Neots, Hunts Tenant Geo Hilson brick and slate house cont 8 rooms, cellar, storeroom and yard, on rd leading to Huntingdon all fixtures belong to the Tenant, who also claims a Board and Pantile building in the yard Land Tax 8s lot 31) Rose & Crown, St Neots Tenant Mrs Andrews in Cambridge St with parlor, tap-room, club-room, 4 bedrooms, cellar, yard, and stable Land Tax 7s 10d Purchaser to pay 20s for 2 beer stalls. The fixtures belong to the Tenant lot 32) The Swan, Yelling, Hunts copyhold Tenant Hen King, contains 2 parlors, tap-room, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, with room over, cellar, yard, garden, stable, etc Purchaser to pay 15s for beer stalls. Fixtures belong to tenant, who also claims a partition to a small room. Land Tax 6s 6d. Quit Rent 3s 8d lot 33) Allotment of Arable Land in Marsh Field, Yelling, Hunts, opposite the Mill abs Town Allotment on one side land of Mr Farr on other side [2A 0R 26P] occ with lot 32 Land Tax 1s 6d, Quit Rent 1s, Composition in lieu of Tithe paid last year upon the land was 5s Last 2 lots copyhold of Manor of Yelling Cambridgeshire Properties lot 34) The Plough, Coton, and land with Coprolites (freehold and copyhold) Tenants Parker German and Ric Ford 'in good order' and contains parlor, tap-room, washhouse, large pantry, cellar with room over, 3 bedrooms, covered shed, stable, barn, yard, orchard, garden with a summerhouse, and arable and pasture land [7a 1R 36P] Whole estate let to Mr German, as yearly tenant (subject to lease of freehold land granted to Ric Ford for 2 years from 1 Nov 1858 for digging Coprolites at a Royalty of 10s per Ton but 50 per quarter certain, of which Royalty Mr German is to receive 1s 6d - purchaser entitled to benefits of all Coprolites on and after 24 June 1859 lot 34) Purchaser to pay 1 17s 0d for fixtures and beerstalls belonging to the Landlord, there are others belonging to the tenant, as does the Summerhouse Tithe Free, Land Tax 32s, Quit Rent 8s 6d About 3A of arable land are copyhold of Manor of Grantchester with Coton remainder freehold lot 35) White Horse, Comberton, Copyhold Tenant Jos Warboys, a tiled house cont parlor, tap-room, club-room, 3 bedrooms, pantry, cellar, wash-house, and room over, large yard, gdn, workshop, stable and shed Copyhold of Manor of Comberton Greens Fine certain Quit Rent 4s 2s, Land Tax 14s, Tithe Rentcharge 6d Purchaser to pay 8 15 s 6d for fixtures lot 36) Red Lion, Harlton, freehold Tenant Mrs Dunham cont: taproom, 2 parlors, 3 bedrooms, back kitchen, cellar, yard, barn, stable, pigsty, orchard and pasture land (at back) [2A 1R 10P] expected there are coprolites on this estate Land Tax 17s, Free Rent 1d, Fixtures belong to tenant lot 37) Tenement adj lot 36, Harlton, cont 5 rooms and pantry, workshop, barn, stables, yard and gdn (1/2A) in occ of Mrs Dale, freehold, Land Tax 7s Free Rent 1d lot 38) Allotment of arable land in Harlton on road leading to Haslingfield, lying between land of the Rector of Miss Page cont 3R 13P freehold Land Tax 2s, Free Rent 1d lot 39) Marquis of Granby, Haslingfield. Copyhold Tenant Chas Chapman new brick and built slate house cont club-room, tap-room, parlor, pantry, kitchen, cellar, 5 bedrooms, and closet, detached coalhouse, yard, etc AND another large yard, barn, cart- lodge, stable, orchard, and portion of allotment of land as now staked out, up to the west corner, next Mr Barnard's, where land 'extends in width' [2A 1R 9P] Purchaser to pay 6 12s for fixtures and make and maintain a division fence next lot 40, extending from Mr Barnard's hedge to the road Tithe Rent charge Vicar 16s 6d Impropriator 6s 1d Land Tax 10s 6d Quit rent not filled in lot 40) Rest of above allotment, Haslingfield, mentioned in last lot as staked out cont 2A 3R 23P abs E Barrington Road S & W land of Earl de la Warr N land of Mr Barnard and lot 39 Land Tax 4s 6d, Quit Rent not filled in Tithe Rentcharge Vicar 12s 6d Impropriator 6s Last 2 lots copyhold of Manor of Scales Minchins, and Melfords in Haslingfield lot 41) Chequers, Hauxton, freehold and copyhold Tenant Wm Jackson contains tap room, kitchen, parlor, cellar and 3 bedrooms, yard and stable, copyhold AND 1 Rood of freehold. Copyhold garden gnd opposite, abs Turnpike Rd, purchaser to pay 1 10s for grate, 2 beer stalls, and a water trough; other fixtures belong to the Tenant, who claims a chaff house, pigeon house, Post cart shed and pigsties Land Tax 18s, Quit Rent 2d Copyhold part of this lot held of Manor of Newton cum Hauxton lot 42) George & Dragon, Great Shelford, Copyhold Tenant A Maris 'very roomy premises', the house cont 2 parlours, tap room, wash house, cellar, and 4 bedrooms large yard, 2 stables, with loft over, dairy, cowhouse and sheds, small barn, coal-house, and gdn Fixtures belong to tenant, who also claims 2 pantiled sheds Land Tax 12s, Quit Rent 3s 6d lot 43) Allotment of arable land in Gt Shelford (abs Cambridge Rd, land of A Maris on one side, and Ric Brand on the other) [2A 1R 16P] Land Tax 3s 11d, Quit Rent 1s 5d (lots 42 and 43 copyhold of Manor of Buristead) lot 44) Rose & Crown, Stapleford, copyhold Tenant Wm Willis Roadside house cont 2 parlors, tap room, kitchen, cellar, 4 bedrooms, stables and yard on one side, and range of useful new buildings on other side. Land Tax 6s 6d Quit Rent 3s Fixtures belong to the Tenant Copyhold of Manor of Stapleford Bury lot 45) The Chequers, Pampisford, freehold Tenant Jn Pratt contains parlor, taproom, 3 bedrooms, cellar, dairy, pantry, washhouse, yard and gdn Land Tax 8s Purchaser to pay 25s for 2 beer stalls Tenant claims 3 small sheds and fixtures lot 46) Fountain, St Andrews Street, Cambridge Leasehold Tenant Richard Martin House, which and the Police Station contains tap room, bar, parlor, kitchen, cellar, club- room, and 4 bedrooms, small yard Purchaser to pay 10 18s for fixtures. Tenant claims a cupboard. Lot leasehold of Corporation of Cambridge for 999 years from 1790 at yearly rent of 2 2s, and 1 shilling for acquittance lot 47) Castle Inn, Malting, etc, St Andrews St, Cambridge, freehold Tenant Wm Clarke and others House contains 4 parlors, bar, tap-room, kitchen, pantries, ale, wine and coal cellars, and 11 bedrooms. Yard and stabling are upon a large scale Malting in hand and ptly new-built, 20 quarter steep and has ample storage Lot incl site of Coachmaker's shops, late Smyths. All fixtures in the Inn belong to the Tenant, who also claims some small buildings at SW corner of yard - Mrs Smyth claims the buildings used as workshops lot 48) Bricklayers Arms with House and Bake office adj last lot, freehold Tenants Thos Knott and English Tyler and another Public house cont parlor, tap room, kitchen, cellar, club-room, and 7 bedrooms, yard with gateway, blacksmith's shop, stabling and lofts, also a pantile shed, the back wall of which belongs to lot 47) Other house, occ by Mr Tyler, cont:- front shop, parlor, back kitchen, bake office, with 6 bushel oven, and 3 bedrooms Purchaser to pay 8, 0s 6d for fixtures in Bricklayers Arms. Fixtures in other house belong to the Tenant lot subject to payment for ever of 8 8s to Corporation of Cambridge and 1s pa for acquittance Land Tax free lot 49) 2 small tenements with yards at the back of St Andrews Street between the Castle and the Baptist Meeting House occ by Marshall & Vincent - freehold Marshall claims 2 partitions Land Tax Free 'The last 3 lots (ie 47-49(are one continuous property, forming the largest and most Valuable Estate in this important thoroughfare, (leading to and from the Railway Station), and presents an eligible site for the erection of First Class Business Houses, especially where space is an object, and doubtless an intelligent speculator might divide and sell off the property in various lots, and realize a considerable profit; and the Auctioneer cannot regrain from noticing the opportunity here presented of obtaining a site suitable for a NEW CATTLE MARKET, an object so much talked of and required; it not only fronts St Andrew's Street, but the greater part also fronts Downing Lane, leading on to the Corn Exchange Hill'. lot 50) The Bird Bolt Commercial Inn, St Andrew's St, Cambridge, leasehold Tenant Jas Flack House cont commercial room, bar, bar-parlor, kitchen, billiard room, smokey, market room, 12 bedrooms, water closet, 2 cellars, back kitchen, bottle cupboard, coal place and larder; in yard are 7 loose boxes, a 6 stall stable, with lofts, harness room, covered shed and yard has approaches from St Andrew's Street and Downing Street Fixtures belong to Tenant Lot held under Lease of St John's College, Cambridge, for 40 years, from Michaelmas 1848, at reserved rents, amounting to 1 14s pa Land Tax free lot 51) The Three Archers, St Andrew's Street, Cambridge freehold Tenant W Stanley House with liquor shop front containing liquor shop, kitchen, 2 parlors, cellar, 5 bedrooms, yard with passage entrance, stables, lofts at back, used as workshops. Land Tax Free Purchaser to pay 11 11s for fixtures lot 52) The George Commercial Inn, Bridge St, Cambridge Tenant Jas Butcher cont house, having commercial room, coffee room, bar, small liquor bar, kitchen, larfer, tap- room, and room over, scullery, smokey and boot hole on Ground Floor, with cellars below; 'on the one pair', 5 bedrooms and 2 sitting rooms with gallery. 'on the 2nd pair' 5 bedrooms with gallery Yard incl stabling for 19 horses, with lofts over pt, large coach-house, water closet, etc Land Tax 2 13s 4d Fixtures belong to tenant (2 rooms and passage at back of Mrs Rutherford's house not incl in this lot) lot 53) Freehold premises adj lot 52 and next Ram Yard, Cambridge, incl dwelling house and shops with plate glass fronts, occ by Mrs Rutherford and Mr Jones and Rooms in Ram Yard let to Mrs Harrison at rents of 40 pa. 2 rooms and passage at back of Mrs Rutherford's occupation, used with George Inn, purchaser will have to brick up communication made from Inn Purchaser to pay 7 8s for fixtures Land Tax 1 lot 54) Barley Mow, Bridge St, Cambridge, freehold Tenant Mrs Royston Shop with plate glass window, tap room, bar, cellar, kitchen, store-room, 4 bedrooms, with large landing divided off by partitions belonging to the tenant, yard, stabling, and cow house with loft over Land Tax 1 10s 0d Fixtures belong to the Tenant lot 55) 'The Anchor', Quay Street, and tenement adj, Cambridge, freehold Tenants Mansfield & Bell Brick built public house, cont parlor, tap-room, cellar, water closet and 5 bedrooms; adj tenement is occ by Mr Bell as an Ironmonger's Warehouse. Purchaser to pay 6 8s 0d for fixtures Land Tax 1 2s 6d lot 56) White Horse and Tenement adj, Castle St, Cambridge, freehold Tenants Carter and Manning 'roomy premises' a) White Horse cont 2 parlors, bar, tap room, cellars, kitchen and 8 bedrooms, large yard and 10 stall stable b) Tenement occ by Manning, incl 4 rooms and a cellar (Stable and loft at end of Yard do not belong to this lot but are hired of Offices of St Peter's Cambridge Purchaser to pay 9 1s 0d for fixtures Tenant of White Horse claims some partitions and gas fittings. lot 57) The Castle and Tenement adj, Castle End, Chesterton, leasehold Tenants: Wilderspin & Metcalfe, adj New County Courts and comprise a public house cont 2 parlors, tap-room, bar cellar, kitchen and 5 bedrooms, large yard, and gdn, stables, sheds and piggeries AND new built tenement adj, cont 4 rooms, gdn shed, etc let to Metcalfe Purchaser to pay 14 7s for fixtures Land Tax 11s 8d Rent 2s lot is leasehold for 500 years from 1742 lot 58) Swan and Tenements, Castle End, Parish of Chesterton; Tenants Wilderspin and others opp County Courts a) Public House contains tap room, bar, shop, 2 parlors, 5 bedrooms, cellar, bakehouse and 4 bushel oven, washhouse, and privy, stabling, shed and yard b) at back 2 newly built brick and slate tenements Purchaser to pay 7 15s for fixtures. Lot is leasehold of the Corporation of Cambridge for 40 years from Michaelmas 1849, at yearly rent of 4 4s and 1s for acquittance Land Tax 1 6s 11d lot 59) Merry Boys, St John's Street, Cambridge Tenant J F Marshall Modern fronted house, cont tap room, bar, kitchen, parlor, 4 bedrooms, cellar, yard, with pump, water closet etc, Purchaser to pay 5 19s for vendor's fixtures, Tenant also has some fixtures Land Tax 16s lot 60) 'Bell', Peas Hill, Cambridge, freehold and leasehold Tenant Mrs Manser cont 2 parlors, one lately used as a corn shop, tap room, bar, 2 cellars, club room,3 bedrooms, and 3 garrets over, washhouse, privy, stable, and loft, yard, and dung pit with gateway entrqnce. Greater pt of this lot is freehold (rest lease) from Corporation of Cambridge for 999 years from 1803 at yearly rent of 4 4s and 1s for acquittance Fixtures belong to the Tenant Several clubs held at this house lot 61) 'Black Swan' also a messuage and premises adj, Butcher Market, Cambridge freehold Tenants Lee and other Public house cont Parlor, tap room, bar, kitchen, cellar, large club room, and 4 bedrroms, 2 large yards, with stables with standing for 30 horses and pantile shed adj on one side next Butcher Market is a tenement occ by Greenwood in which is a Bake Office, with 7 bushel oven on the other side in Sparrows Lane are some buildings, now used as Workshops [This lot 'doubtless will be considerably enhanced in value when the projected improvements to the Town Hall are carried out'] Purchaser to pay 2 for beer stalls. Tenants claim 3 pantiled sheds and fixtures in the house Land Tax 2 4s 9d lot 62) Lamb, Cambridge, adj lot 61 Tenant Francis Hall cont 2 parlors, tap room, kitchen, cellar 2 bedrooms, small yard and privy (lot held by Lease for 40 years from 25 Nov 1855 from Dean and Chapter of Ely at rent of 7s pa) Purchaser to pay 6 10s for fixtures Tenant claims a cooking stove Land Tax 17s 7d lot 63) 'Bell' and Tenement, Botolph Lane, Cambridge Tenants Wm Peacock and another a) 'Bell' cont tap room, parlor, cellar, wash- house, 4 bedrooms (which incl an attic, now occ by Mr Pressland) and yard b) Tenement adj contains 5 rooms and small yard, occ by Mrs Barker Purchaser to pay 6s 8d for fixtures Land Tax Free [Purchaser to block up communication between this and lot 64] Small pt of premises leasehold of Corporation of Cambridge for 999 years from Michaelmas 1792 at rent of 5s pa and 1s for acquittance - residue freehold lot 64) 3 tenements at back of lot 63 in Pembroke St, Cambridge (Nos 9, 11 and 12) occ by Gray, Presland and Leach at rents totalling 31 10s pa. Purchaser to pay 4 2s for fixtures, one of tenants claims a partition Land Tax free lot held by Lease from Corporation of Cambridge for 999 years, from 1792 at yearly rent of 5s. [NB Attic over the 'Bell' Public House lot 63 is now in occ of Mr Presland and incl in this lot. Purchaser to brick up doorway leading from Mr Gray's occ to yeard of lot 63]. lot 65) Wheat Sheaf, Silver Street, Cambridge freehold, tenant Mrs Minter Ho adj Pitt Press Premises and contains parlor, tap room, 4 bedrooms, cellar and water closet. Purchaser to pay 4 2s 0d for fixtures Tenant claims partition Land Tax 13s 2d lot 66) 'Cock' and 'Three Crowns' and 2 'respectable' dwelling houses in Silver Street, Cambridge, with yards, stables, and granaries incl timber yeard, as now occ by Messrs Frisby, C F Foster, Chapman, Neal, Bussey and others (situated near Queens College) (Cock and 2 dwelling houses occ by Cgapman and Neal, and timber yard, stabling, premises at back and also a small portion of Three Crowns Estate are freehold, residue leasehold for 1000 years from 1619 Such fixtures as belong to the vendors are incl in the purchase. Land tax 1 7s 5d Portion of this lot subj to payment for ever of 1 pa to Corporation of Cambridge, 1s pa for acquittance lot 67) 'Hare and Hounds', Newmarket Road, Cambridge freehold Tenant John Swann comprises tap room, parlor, pantry, cellar, kitchen, 7 bedrooms, stabling and large yard opening on the East Rd. Purchaser topay 2 18s 0d for fixtures Tenant claims 2 sheds Land Tax 14s 1d (subject to payment of 1 pa to Church Wardens of St Botolph's, Cambridge, and 16s to Churchwardens of St Clement Parish, Cambridge lot 68) George and Dragon, Newmarket Road, Cambridge freehold, tenant - Reynolds House cont parlor, tap room, kitchen, washhouse, Club room, 5 bedrooms, cellar, an extensive yard with ranges of piggeries, stables, cowplaces, cartsheds etc Purchaser to pay 7 14s for fixtures Land Tax 18s 4d lot 69) Black lion, Newmarket Road, Cambridge freehold, tenant Mrs Cleaver cont house with 2 parlors, tap room, kitchen, cellar, 6 bedrooms, and 2 dark rooms, yard, pipe manufactory with 3 kilns Land Tax 6s Purchaser to pay 5 6s 0d for fixtures lot 70) 2 Brick and Slate Tenements, freehold, with gardens at the back in New St, Barnwell, Cambridge Nos 59 and 60), one occ by Barton and the other is unocc Land Tax 5s 8d lot 71) 'Nine Pins', Thompson Lane, Cambridge freehold. Tenant Mrs Kettridge cont parlor, tap room, 4 bedrooms, cellar, back yard and washhouse All fixtures belong to the tenant Land Tax 10s lot 72) Tenement, No 7, Thompson's Lane, occ by F Chapman cont 5 rooms, gdn, and mangle room with passage entrance. Freehold. Purchaser to pay 3 13s 0d for fixtures Land Tax 8s 4d lot 73) 3 residences and old estab Brewery private pt a) dwelling house late occ by Ric Foster, Esq, deceased, cont:- entrance hall, dining room, study, drawing rm, 8 bedrooms, water closet, housekeeper's room, kitchen, store room, butler's pantry and cellars b) dwelling house in occ of H S Foster, Esq, which contains on the gnd floor: 'a noble Entrance Hall', drawing room, study, dining room, water closet, bathroom, kitchen, scullery, storeroom and pantries On the one pair 7 bedrooms, breakfast room, nursery and landing and in the basement fine arched cellars c) Clerk's House adj cont parlor, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, storeroom and arched cellars d) Gardens opposite, extending to Portugal Place with Summer house and Grapery e) Stable Yard with stabling for 6 horses, straw, hay, harness and coach houses Business pt of the estate consists of yard, with counting house, brewery, malt and hop chambers, wine liquor, ale and porter stores 'upon a large scale', stabling with lofts Total 1.1/2 A of land - views over the gardens and Midsummer Common. Business premises incl opening on Quay Side [lot mostly freehold but small portions are leasehold of the Corporation of Cambridge for 999 years from 1791 at gnd rents amounting to 3 2s 0d pa and 2s for acquittances, subj to payment of 2s per week to Churchwardens of St Clements, Cambridge and 10s pa in addit to same Land Tax Free Purchaser to take at valuation all fixtures in the 3 houses but will have the option of taking or not by valuation the brewing plant and counting house fixtures, which vendors reserve to remove and sell, if not taken by purchaser. lot 74) The Sedge Yard Premises which comprise all the property starting with the tenements fronting Thompson's Lane with the tenements in the yard behind and in front of Sedge Yard Lane, on right hand side, incl cow yards, gdns and tobacco manufactory up to Midsummer Common, also premises on opposite side, comprising Spade and Becket [sic] Public House, several tenements, boat houses, wharfage, up to and incl the Stone Yard, used by Cambridge Improvement Commissioners (annual rental of 260 pa) Leasehold for 40 years from Mich 1846 of St John's College, Cambridge, at rent of 2 5s pa Land Tax 9 15s Some of the tenants claim cow sheds and other buildings last sheet Agreement for Purchase by Fred Bailey, of Cambridge, Brewer, lot 45 for 425 22 June 1859
  • Date free text
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