• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract if Title as to lands formerly Phipps 1) Will of Thos Phipps of Shefford, Innholder to son Jn Residue of real estate, book debts, stock in trace Made 4 Apr 1788 Proved Bedford 9 Mar 1792 2) Will of Jn Phipps (son of Thos) of Shefford, Gent to dau Eliz Handscomb, widow with reversion to 3 sons Wm, Jas and Jn 6.1/2 A of freehold arable in Parish and fields of Clifton Now in occ of Sam Wright (4A formerly estate of Jn Berber 2A formerly estate of Jas Bower Proved Bedford 11 Feb 1814 3) Lease and Release 1) Eliz Handscombe of Potton, Widow (dau of Jn Phipps above) 2) Wm Handscombe of Potton, grocer Jas Handscombe of St Neots, Baker (sons of 1) and reversionaries in will) 3) Wm Skevington of Bedford, Baker 4) Robt Skevington of Bedford, Baker 5) Ann Phipps of Shefford, widow 1A of arable (comprising 2 lands lying together in Clifton Field in Parish of Clifton then in occ of Mrs Mary Wright abs W Turnpike Road from Shefford to London N land of Sam Billing S land Mrs Mary Green (purchased by Thos Phipps of Henry Wass 6 & 7 July 1763) CONSIDERATION 65 pd by 3) to 1) and 2) 6 & 7 Sept 1820 4) Lease and Release 1) Wm Skevington (vendor) 2) Jn Bushby of Shefford, Cooper (purchaser) 3) Jos Freeman of Cople, victualler (trustee of 2) a) piece of land as above b) piece of land, Cotton End, Cardington purchased by 1) from Wm Cowland (7 & 8 Oct 1825) CONSIDERATION 81 4 & 4 Nov 1826 5) Clifton Enclosure Award to Jn Bushby piece of land in Shefford Field (1A 1R 4PO abs N Shefford Rd E allotment to Jn Arch S & W allotment to Wm Bowyer Fences on N & W to be made and maintained by owners of this lot 30 Dec 1834 6) Conveyance (& Mortgage in 100 and interest by Lease for 1000 yrs) 1) Jn Bushby, then of Clifton but late of Shefford, Cooper (vendor) 2) Jas West of Clifton, Yeoman (purchaser and mortgagor) 3) Jas Haddow of Shefford, Tailor (mortgagee) (previously Williamson - conveyed 10 & 11 June 1825) Bushby erected messuage on piece awarded under 1834 enclosure award, agreed to sell it to West for 100, West subsequently improved it. 3) agreed to advance purchase money Messuage or dwelling house near highway from Clifton to Shefford AND piece of gnd adj incl site of messuage [45 poles] as same was staked out, being 15 yds in width at northward end 9 at the wouthward 11.1/2 in the centre which 1) was to fence on the east side. abs N Highway E residue of allotment S & W allotment to Bowyer (now Wilson added in pencil) CONSIDERATION 100 pd by 3) to 1) at request of 2) 23 Mar 1837 7) Conveyance 1) J West (vendor & Old Mortgagor) 2) Sam Wilson of Clifton, Brewer (purchaser and new mortgagor) 3) Jas Haddow (mortgagee) 4) Edw West of Shefford, Draper,(trustee) Messuage and gnd as above CONSIDERATION 45, pd by 2) to 1) 2) agrees to take on liability of paying the 100 mortgage to 3) (ie total purchase price of 145) 25 Dec 1839 8) Conveyance 1) Wilson (as above) (vendor and mortgagor) 2) Haddow (mortgagee being paid off) 3) Edw West (Trustee) 4) Jos Ibbs of Shefford, Maltster (purchaser) messuage as above late in occ of Jas Bushby, but then of J West. Piece of gnd as above CONSIDERATION 210 1s 0d pd 100 pd by 4) to 2) 110, 1s 0d pd by 4) to 1) 31 Dec 1839 9) Will of Jos Ibbs of Shefford Town, farmer to wife articles of personalty appts son in law Jn Price AND friends Geo Hen Cooper of Shefford, Draper and Geo Austin of Shefford, Attorney at Law to be executors And as trustees a) meadow gnd at Shefford purchased from Mary Squire b) freehold house at Clifton then occ by Wm Hen Hill and 2 cottages c) residue of estate in Clifton and Shefford etc for sale Made 15 Feb 1810 + Codicil new provisions re dau Sar's share 4 June 1842 + Codicil to wife for life: messuage in Shefford then late the property of Miss Cole and Mrs Dance and then in his own occ (in substitute for 2 cottages at Clifton devised in her favour 29 May 1843 + Codicil further directions re Dwelling house 31 May 1843 Proved Archdeaconry of Bedford 21 Sept 1843 Abstract prepared by Austin of Shefford
  • Date free text
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    From: 1763 To: 1843
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