• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance 1) Wm Thos Chapman of Biggleswade, Gent (vendor) 2) Dinah Wright of Biggleswade, Spinster (purchaser) recites Conveyance 1) Jas Weston & Jn Ryland (vendors) 2) Wm Thos Chapman (purchaser) Cawdell Chapman (purchaser's Trustee) piece of freehold land being pt of piece of land or gdn gnd lying in Biggleswade (82 Poles) abs S back St of Biggleswade for space of Sq ft to the road N for 83ft 6 inches E 309 feet on the residue of the said parcel of land Which has been sold to Wm Hen Barker to be fenced off from the residue at 1)'s expense [the piece of land was now or late in the occ of Jas Huffer & Jas Melrose] Except right of common for 1 horse, two cows & a breeder over the waste & common or commonable lands of Biggleswade Consideration: 330 1 Mar 1867 with Covenant to produce following deeds 1) Copy Surrender by Jn Bricheno to use of Paul Walker, Gent as Trustee for Laurence Gall 1 June 1796 2) Indenture 1) Jn Bricheno 2) Paul Walker 3) Laurence Gall Same date 3) Copy of Admission of Paul Walker 25 & 26 Oct 1796 4) Act for naturalisation of Laurence Gall 17 May 1803 5) Copy of Admission of Fra Walker, Spinster, Niece & heir at law of Paul Walker & admission of Laurence Gall on Surr of Fra Walker 25 & 26 Oct 1803 6) Lease & Release (enfranchisement) 1) Sir Fra Willis 2) Lawrence Gall 19-20 Oct 1810
  • Date free text
    1 Mar 1867
  • Production date
    From: 1796 To: 1867
  • Level of description