Assignment of Mortgage in 150 & interest
1) Benj Isherwood of Southill, Carpenter (old Mortgagee)
2) Edw Bonness of Ampthill Beer Retailer & Margaret his
wife (formerly Millard - widow of Abra)
He signs by mark mortgagees
3) Edw Nash of Baldock Herts, Brewer (new mortgagee)
property as above
Consideration: 150 pd by 3) to 1)
6 Ap 1868 on dorse
Assignment of Mortgage
1) Edw Nash (old mortgagee)
2) Rev Thos Blackburne of Clothall, Herts, Clerk
(new mortgagee)
Consideration: 150 pd by 2) to 1)
Date free text
7 Feb 1870
Production date
From: 1868 To: 1870
Level of description