• Reference
  • Title
    CHESHAM BOIS, CHESHAM & AMERSHAM - A Plan of the Manors of Raines and Chesham Boys in the several Parishes of Chesham Boys, Amersham, and Chesham, in the County of Buckingham Being the Estate of His Grace The Most Noble Francis Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Tavistock, Lord Russell, Baron Russell of Thornhaugh, and Baron Howland of Streatham. (From the Original Survey made by John Davis in 1736. Corrected and delineated in 1783 by Benjamin Cooper)
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1736 To: 1783
  • Scope and Content
    Watercolour on parchment: 44" x 62" 20" = 1 mile. Beautiful rural scene cartouche: trees, mill, packhorse, and man with gun looking for birds to shoot. Ducal arms also beautifully drawn and coloured
  • Format
    watercolour on parchment
  • Level of description