• Reference
  • Title
    Marriage Settlement - John Filmer and Charlotte Portal
  • Date free text
    31 Jan 1795
  • Production date
    From: 1795 To: 1795
  • Scope and Content
    Parties: (i) Sir John Filmer of East Sutton Place [Kent]; (ii) Rev.Edmund Filmer of Crundall [Kent]; (iii) Rev.John Filmer of Abbots Langley [Hertfordshire], eldest surviving son and heir of (ii) and nephew of (i); (iv) Charlotte Portal of Freefolk, Southampton, spinster (v) Rev.William Filmer of Corpus Christi College, Oxford; Harry Portal of Freefolk, esquire (vi) William Portal of Inner Temple, London, esquire; Robert Filmer of Bishopsgate Street, London, druggist Reciting: - intended marriage between (iii) and (iv); - (i) agreed to settle certain lands on (iii); - on 26 Jan 1795 (ii) transferred 3,015/15/10 South Sea Stock then worth 2,000 to (v)-(vi); - (iv) had transferred 10,000 3% consolidated bank annuities to (v)-(vi) upon trusts First Operative Part: - (i) released to (a)-(an) to (v) Property: (a) Fosses or Neals Farm in Luton, Limbury, Leagrave, Biscot and Caddington formerly in occupation William Prudden; (b) cottage called Milksope alias Lady House with appurtaining lands in Luton, Limbury, Leagrave, Biscot and Caddington formerly in occupation William Prudden and William Goodyear; (c) tithes of corn, grain and hay of Leagrave [(a)-(b)]; (d) messuage in Biscot formerly in occupation William Wingrave (e) several pieces of arable containing 12 acres in common fields of Biscot, Limbury and Stopsley, usually let and enjoyed with (d); (f) messuage in Leagrave formerly in occupation Matthias Neale, William Martin and William Deacon (g) 27 pieces of arable in common fields of Chalton, Toddington; (h) tithes of corn, grain and hay in which Sir John Filmer had an interest in Leagrave [(e)-(f)]; (i) toft on which a farmhouse and barn once stood in Leagrave abutting: S on street; W on land of James Briggs; E on land late of Edward Bradwin with rickyard and close adjoining now all containing 2 acres; (j) 3 closes of arable and pasture totalling 5 acres in Leagrave called Ponds Close, Upper Chambers and Nether Chambers; (k) several pieces of arable and ley dispersed in common fields of Leagrave, Chaul End, Limbury, Biscot and Chalton totalling 150 acres; (l) 11 poles of meadow in Dole Mead; (m) tithes of corn, grain and hay [presumably of (l)]; (n) tithes of corn, grain and hay of Sir John Filmer in Leagrave formerly in occupation Thomas Newsom [(i)-(k)]; (o) messuage in Leagrave abutting: N on common street; E on close called Upper Crest formerly of Matthias Neale, yeoman; W on close formerly of Michael Knight, gentleman, called Old House; (p) closes of arable, meadow and pasture totalling 120 acres appurtaining to (o) in Leagrave, Limbury, Biscot and Chaul End (q) tithes of corn, grain and hay of Sir John Filmer in Leagrave formerly in occupation James Briggs [(o)-(p)]; (r) four closes of pasture near (a) interwoven together save one separated from the rest by Cow Lane and totalling 6 acres; (s) several pieces of arable, meadow, ley and sward in common fields of Leagrave and Limbury called Westfield, Whitefield and Townsend Field totalling 80 acres; (t) several pieces of arable in common fields of Leagrave and Limbury containing together 4a 1r 20p (u) tithes of corn, grain and hay in Leagrave of land formerly in occupation of William Prudden, John Jeffes, John Stone, Joseph Webb, William Quaile, Alexander Deacon, Andrew King, William Bewham, Thomas Swaine, Robert Garner, William Chapman, John Grove, George Day, John Simons, John Smith and Edward Mossey, all tithes formerly in inheritance of Francis Wngate of Harlington [(r)-(u)]; (v) farmhouse in Streatley formerly in occupation Thomas Pedder, yeoman, then Walter Ryan, gentleman, then [blank] Smith with lands totalling 240 acres arable and 14 acres meadow in Streatley, Over Sundon, Nether Sundon and Harlington; (w) tithes of corn, grain and hay in (v); (x) farmhouse in Leagrave with adjoining close of pasture of 3 acres between messuage formerly of Thomas Swaine on Saw Pit Lane and messuage formerly of William Buckmaster on common street, the close abutting on a way from Leagrave to Dunstable; (y) close called Marsh Close of 2.5 acres of arable and meadow; (z) several pieces of arable totalling 110 acres in Luton, Toddington and Caddington; (aa) farmhouse in Leagrave with close of pasture called Pightle Pasture of 2 acres adjoining; (ab) five closes of arable in Leagrave belonging to (aa) known as Great Close, New Years Close, Close Croft, Brook Acre and Marsh Close totalling 11 acres; (ac) 222 acres of arable and ley belonging to (aa) in Limbury, Leagrave, Luton, Toddington and Caddington; (ad) tithes of corn, grain and hay in Leagrave [(x)-(ac)]; (ae) messuage and toft of half an acre in Leagrave abutting: road from Leagrave to St.Albans [Hertfordshire] E; ground of John East S; common highway N; (af) several pieces of arable and pasure totalling 60 acres in Leagrave and Limbury; (ag) piece of arable of 2 acres in Kitchen Way Shott, Dillowfield, Leagrave, abutting: land formerly of William Day W; land formerly of Thomas Parrot, gentleman, E; Kitchen Way S; (ah) tithes of grain, corn and hay in Leagrave on land formerly in occupation of Thomas Neale, Thomas Poulton, Jeremiah Godfrey, Francis Pigg, James Robinson, Joseph Gutteridge, Samuel Oiston and John Cooper [(ae)-(ag)]; (ai) farm in Leagrave formerly in occupation of William Prudden previously sold to Thomas and William Chew as toft on which a farmhouse formerly stood until destroyed by fire; with barn; (aj) two orchards and one garden in Leagrave belonging to (ai); (ak) several closes of arable, ley, pasture and meadow containing 86 acres in fields of Leagrave, Luton, Caddington, Toddington and Sundon; (ai)-(ak) formerly in occupation John Winch; (al) all tithes of corn, grain and hay in Leagrave [(ai)-(ak)]; (am) farmhouse in Leagrave formerly in occupation of John Winch abutting: ground of Mr.Pemberton E; land of John Crawley W; common field of Leagrave S (an) several pieces of arable, ley, meadow and pasture of 92 acres belonging to (am) in Leagrave, Luton, Chalton, Toddington and Caddington late in occupation of John Winch then Joseph Gutteridge Sir John Filmer having gained possession of (a)-(an) (late in respective tenures of Thomas Poulton, George Strange, Francis Piggott, James Robinson, Joseph Gutteridge, Samuel Oiston and William Cooper at rents amounting to 430 per annum) in will of his uncle Beversham Filmer, deceased by common recovery of Trinity Term 1784 First Habendum: - to (v) to use of (i) until marriage of (iii) and (iv), to use of (iii) without impeachment of waste, to use of (v) during life of (iii) upon trust to preserve contingent uses, to permit (iii) to take rents and profits until his death then to use of (iv) as her jointure to use of (v) during life of (iv) upon trust to preserve contingent uses, to permit (iv) to take rents and profits, then to use of children of (iii) and (iv);- - power for (iii) or (iv), when in possession to lease for up to 21 years; - power for (v) with permission of (iii) and (iv) to sell, exchange etc. and money invested Second Operative Part: - (v) and (vi) to stand possessed of 3,015/5/10 South Sea stock Second Habendum: - to (v) and (vi) in trust for (ii) until the marriage, then to allow (iii) to receive dividends etc. for his own use, remainder to his children Third Operative Part: - (v) and (vi) to stand possessed of 10,000 3% consolidated bank annuities Third Habendum: - to (v) and (vi) in trust for (iv) until the marriage then to allow (iii) to receive dividends etc. for his life, then, after his death, to allow (iv) to receive dividends etc., remainder to the children of (iii) and (iv) Proviso for replacement of trustees Witnesses: - John Portal of Freefolk [Hampshire]; - William Bridges of Laverstoke [Hampshire]; - Richard Loxham of New Inn, London; - John Brooke of New Inn, London; - Francis Filmer junior, brother of John Filmer; - William Acton, servant to Sir John Filmer; - Martha Parkin, servant to Edmund Filmer; - George Parkin, servant to Edmund Filmer
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