- ReferenceGK188/4
- TitleConveyance 1) P.L. Hudson of Pampisford, Cambs, Brewer (vendor) 2) Hudsons Cambridge & Pampisford Breweries Limited (purchasers) A) Freehold 1) Penthouse or Building in or near Butcher's Row, Saffron Walden, Essex cont in length 15 feet abs E shop or penthouse, formerly of Ld Howard, deceased & now or late of Geo Youngman W Building & yard formerly of Andrew Smith, afterwards of Robt Blackinom & since of Jas Wisbey N Butchers Row S Street or Lane called the Hog Market AND messuage or tenement called 'The Dog & Gun', Saffron Walden (in the Market Row) abs S Market Row N Butcher Row AND messuage or tenement (adj last mentioned premises above) used as a Butcher's Shop AND messuage, cottage & tenement, Butcher's Row, Saffron Walden, Essex abs N Butcher's Row E Site used as a Fishmarket on which a Printing Office formerly stood S Market Row, formerly known as the Old Pigmarket W premises formerly a stable, formerly of Robt Blackinom, afterwards of Augustus Goodman Ekin (same formerly in tenure of Jane Burrows. 2) Messuage or tenement, Great Shelford, Cambs with Barns, Stables, Yards, Gardens etc Used as a Public House, called 'The Compasses', now or late in occ of Land Wright AND cottage or dwelling house, near adj Public Ho. above (formerly in occ of Hen Powter) (formerly estate of Wm Weales of Borough of Cambridge, Peruke Maker) 3) Freehold messuage or tenement, commonly called 'The George Inn', Wellingham, Cambs, now or late in occ of Hen Simmons AND tenement or dwellinghouse adj & formerly pt of the Inn, with Bakehouse (formerly estate of Jn Wayman deceased) 4) Freehold messuage or tenement, Regent Street, Cambridge, called 'The Prince Regent Inn' with stables, coachhouses, yard & outbuildings (now or late in occ of Dan Hayward) 5) Piece of land or gdn gnd, Dry Drayton, Cambs [1A] AND 3 cottages or tenements with Carpenter's Shop & other buildings AND 2 cottages or tenements with out- buildings (all built on above piece of land, late in occ of Charlotte Ansell & others) 6) Messuage or tenement, Queen Street, Chesterton, now & for some years past used as a Beerhouse (formerly called 'The Lancers' but now the 'Yorkshire Grey') with the farm yard, butcher's shop, stables, outbuildings & garden AND cottage adj, now or late in occ of Jas Impey AND allotment of land (1A, 1R, 39P) on the Common in Chesterton (now or late in occ of Jn Impey) abs SE First Private Road SW allotment to Jn Haslop W 18th public drain NE allotment to Geo Fisher 7) Messuage or tenement, Chesterton with the malting, offices, outhouses, edifices, buildings, yards, gardens etc called 'Bleeding Hart' Malting (formelry in occ of Thos Thurnall & now of Sam Richardson but the Malting was late in occ of A.G. Ekin) AND messuage or tenement, Chesterton, used as a Public House called the 'Bleeding Hart' with tenements adj late in occ of Daniel Patman (which premises adjoin Malting & Messuage) 8) Messuage or tenement, called the 'White Horse' Alehouse, Bluntisham, Hunts with the Orchard adj (1R 14P) now or late in occ of Alfred Smith. 9) Messuage or tenement as used as a Public House & known as 'The Lamb' (9 Guildhall Street) in Parish of St Mary the Great, near the Market Place, Borough of Cambridge (now in occ of Daniel Cowell) (formerly described as above & then as being formerly 'The Four Swans' abs N house formerly also a Public House called the 'Half Moon' S Public House called 'Black Swan' W Queens Highway leading to the 'Shraggery' E land of Corpus Christi College (in length 64 feet, breadth 18 ft at E end & 18 ft 6 ins at W) 10) Piece of gnd on which a shed or workshop formerly stood, Butchers Row Saffron Walden, Essex abs (S) Lane opposite dwellinghouse, formerly of Robt Turner & now or late of Francis Willis Erswell on a 22 ft frontage E almshouse property N & W premises formerly of Henry Burrows & now of Ben Thos Thurgood AND stable, slaughterhouse & cart shed erected (now in occ of Messrs Hodson & Roberts) 11) Piece of land & gdn (1A, 1R, 31P) lying on the common, Chesterton abs N.W First Private Road N.E Allotment to Guardian of Edw Peckover Elbourne E Halingway S.W Allotment to Wm Elliston (now in occ of Jas Impey) 12) Allotment of land lying in North Field, Bottisham (2A, 3R) Cambs abs N.W Quy Road N.E Lode Road AND messuage & tenement erected on it & now used as a Public House & called 'Wait for the Bus' with yards & out- buildings, now in occ of Joseph Darling 13) Messuage or tenement High St, Swavesey, Cambs, used as a beerhouse & called the 'Sir Harry Smith' with yards & outbuildings, now in occ of Arthur Hand 14) Messuage or tenement, High Street, Swavesey, used as a public house called 'The Little Rose', Swavesey, Cambs. (in front & at the back 57 feet in depth 130 feet (now in occ of Herbert Williams) 15) Messuage, tenement or Public House with the outbuildings, called 'The Crown', Cross Street, Mill Rd, St Andrew the Less, Borough of Cambridge with the Brewery, Yard & outbuildings. (now in occ of Jas Mills) 16) Messuage, tenement or public house with the outbuildings, called 'The Alexandra Arms' (22 Gwydir Street), Borough of Cambridge (now in occ of Jas Crook) AND messuage or tenement adj with the buildings (24 Gwydir Street) (now in occ of Wm Barker) 17) Messuage, tenement or public house, Honey Hill, Borough of Cambridge, called the 'Beehive', Honey Hill, Borough of Cambridge (occ of Addy Leavens) AND 2 cottages to the rear, with brewhouse & other buildings AND 2 cottages facing Honey Hill (adj Beehive) 18) Public house, messuage or tenement called 'The Duke of Gloucester', corner of Prospect Row, Borough of Cambridge with the yard & back entrance (now in occ of Alfred Carter) AND messuage or tenement (41 Adam & Eve Row) with yard & pump with the buildings at the back pt of and adj (now in occ of Fred Sterling) marked 'Lot 3 in pencil. 19) Old licensed freehold public house called 'The Gate', Longmeadow, Parish of Bottisham, Cambs with the stables, sheds, garden & orchard (2A) (now in occ of Asker Hancock) AND freehold double tenement with the gdns. gdn, as same adjoins last premises 20) Messuage, tenement or Public House with the Yard, Garden & Orchard, called the 'New Inn', in Hinxton Rd in the Parish of Ickleton, Cambs. 21) Newly erected Messuage or tenement, now used as a beerhouse, called 'The Coopers Arms' in ward or end of Haddenham, Cambs called Linden End with gdn & outbuildings (abs Main Street) (now in occ of Gothard Kidd) 22) Messuage, Tenement or Beerhouse called the 'Red Lion' with the yard & out-houses, Ipswich Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk abs N. Road leading from Station Road otherwise Ipswich Street to St Andrews St (now on occ of Alfred Lyes) 23) Messuage, Tenement or Public House called 'King Charles in the Oak' in Stonebridge in Ely, Cambs, with yards & stables adj (now in occ of Wm King) AND 3 Cottages adj. 24) Messuage or Public House called the 'Blue Lion', Hardwick, Cambs. with out-buildings, yards, garden & close of pasture land adj (1A, 2R, 33P) (now in occ of Margaret Cooper) 25) Messuage or Tenement used as a Public House, Waterbeach, Cambs, called the 'Haunch of Mutton' with yard, garden & outhouses adj. (occ of Wm Mason) 26) Messuage or Tenement called 'The Vine Inn', Willingham, Cambs AND orchard & garden adj (now in occ of Jn Isaac Wright) 27) Messuage or Public House called 'The Pike & Eel' with the land & buildings thereon (2R), Chesterton, Cambs (occ of Caroline Cook) 28) Messuage or Tenement used as a Public House called 'The Railway Tavern', Downham, Isle of Ely, Cambs with stables, lodge, yard, garden & orchard (1R) (now in occ of Mary Barrett) (held of Manor of Downham, P.L. Hudson admitted 1888 on surr of Mary & A.G. Ekin) 29) Cottage or Tenement, now used as a Public House, known by Uncle Tom's Cabin, Reach Street, Parish of Reach, Cambs. AND piece of land lying in front of the cottage (5.1/2 Perches), now in occ of Daniel Lapwood (held of Manor of Swaffham Prior, P.L. Hudson admitted 1888 on surr of A.G. Ekin) 30) Messuage or Tenement in St Ives, Hunts in Merryland; formerly called the 'Three Tuns' but now called the 'Nelson's Head' (now occ by Edw Carter) (P.L. Hudson admitted on surr of A.G. Ekin) 31)a) Messuage or Tenement or Public House called 'The Prince Albert' with yards & gardens, No 35 Castle Street, Parish of St Giles & St Peter, Borough of Cambridge, (now in occ of Geo Rooke) b) AND Messuage or tenement, 36 Castle Street, Cambridge (now in occ of Robt Game) With right of way from Gloucester Street in Borough Cambridge abs N. Gloucester Street S. 3)a) above c) Messuage or tenement (37 Castle Street now used as a Public House called 'Sir Isaac Newton', Cambridge AND Right of way from Gloucester Street & adj b) above (Held of Manor of Merton Hall, Cambs. P.L. Hudson admitted 1888 on surr of A.G. Ekin. 32) Messuage, Tenement or Public House called 'The Ram', next High Street, Balsham, Cambs with yard, stable Bake Office, Building & premises (now occ by Susannah Rule) (P.L. Hudson admitted 1888 on surr of A.G. Ekin) 33) Messuage or Tenement, Bridge Street or Parish of St Clement, Town of Cambridge (in front next Bridge Street 24 feet & with frontage next Blackmoor Head Yard) used as a Public House called 'The Baron of Beef' (now in occ of Fred Wm Pickers) (premises are held for residue of 999 year Lease from Mayor, Bailiffs & Burgesses of Cambridge to Thos Robinson 17 Ap 1792) 34) piece of land, Chesterton, Cambs (part of field cont 1A, 0R, 8P) abs W Histon Rd S Victoria Rd N residue of field (formerly belonging to Myles Custance) frontage towards Histon Rd of 157 ft & to Victoria Rd of 175 feet AND 2 messuages or tenements standing on the site (one of which is used as a public house & called the Victoria Tavern) & other is used as a private dwelling with the stables & other buildings, now in respective occs of Ingle Dodd & Sam Roberts. (held under term of 1000 years under will of Mary Benson, who died 8 April 1840) 35)a) Piece of gnd, Chesterton, Cambs abs N public road from Chesterton to Cambridge on 86 ft front E public footway to Jesus Green Sluice Ferry on front of 128 ft b) AND piece of gnd adj a), Chesterton Cambs abs N a) above on a 24 ft frontage to public footway to Jesus Green Sluice Ferry AND 2 messuages erected on it (one used as a public house & known by the sign of the Old Spring & is in occ of Hen Curtis other is used as a private house & is in occ of Mary Ann Chambers (term of 1000 years created by will of Mary Benson, who died 8 Ap 1840) 36) Messuage, tenement or Public House called 'The Swan' (76 Castle Street) in Parish of St Giles & St Peter in Borough of Cambridge with Cartshed & Premises adj, now in occ of Jn Caldicott AND two cottages at the back, formerly in occ of Martha Nicholson, widow & Martha Hilsden & now of - abs N.W Yard & workshop in occ of Messrs Bell & Son S.E Whyman's Lane N.E Castle Street (held by Lease for 40 years from Michaelmas 1891) from Mayor, Alderman & Burgesses of Cambridge to P.L. Hudson. 37) Property called 'The George Estate' on west side of Magdalen Street, Cambridge comprising of Beerhouse with Furnace, shaft & chimney adj. AND storehouses, cellars, offices, stables, Buildings & yards adj & belonging AND several Messuages, shops, cottages, warehouses, workshops, stables, cartsheds, buildings & yards. (held by Lease for 40 years from 29 Sept 1878 from the Reverend Edward Henry Perowne, DD, Master or Keeper of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge & the Fellows of the same College to A.G. Ekin dated 9 May 1879) Part 2 Freehold 1) Piece of Freehold land or gnd [1R, 7P] now in occ of - , in the Rows in Ickleton, Cambs. AND another piece of land or gnd [1A, 0R, 27P] now in occ of - , in the Rows in Ickleton, Cambs for a fuller description of this property see GK 188/9 2) Freehold Messuage or tenement, now used as a Beerhouse, Hildersham, Cambs. AND 2 Freehold cottages or tenements erected by Samuel Corder at back of said messuage AND small garden & yards (for a fuller description of this property see GK 188/9) 3) Freehold cottage or tenement with the Outhouses, yard, gardens etc, Linton, Cambs at Bergham alias Barham Cross (9P) formerly pt of premises called The Upper House (formerly in occ of Robt Parmenter now in occ of - ) AND freehold messuage or double tenement with Barns, outhouses, yard, gdn, piece of gnds adj, Linton, near Barham Cross adj above and now or lately occ by Wm Devereux, formerly used as a Beer- house & known as 'The Black Eyed Susan', now used as a Beerhouse called 'The Coach and Horses'. 4) Messuage or dwellinghouse, now used as a beerhouse, Stapleford, Cambs (formerly occ by Peter Dean but now by Naomi Dean) AND newly erected cottage, formerly occ by Jas Elborne & now by Naomi Dean AND cottage now adj, occ by Peter Rawlinson. 5) Freehold house or tenement, now used as a Public House called 'The Chequers' with the Barn, Stable & outhouses adj, in Pampisford, Cambs, with the orchard & gdn gnd, formerly in occ of Jn Pratt & now of Wn Peall. 6) Close of land called the Island of Dunkirk (2R, 17P), Ickleton (formerly in occ of Ric Hill & now in occ of Wm Clark) 7) Messuage, tenement & garden, Weston Colville, Cambs., used as a public house called 'The Fox & Hounds' AND enclosed piece of arable & pasture gnd (3A), formerly in occ of Thos Butler & are now in Robt Mynott. AND Barn, stable, outhouses, yards & ways belonging. 8) Dwellinghouse & offices & gdns & piece of arable (cont 1A) Pampisford Cambs, now in occ of P.L. Hudson. AND 2 cottages adj occ by H.J. Briggs & - Rawlinson & formerly by Chas Speed. AND newly erected brewhouse, storerooms, offices, Engine Room & yard with newly erected stables AND the old brewhouse, now used as a Vatted Ale Storehousse , Spirit Stores. Stableing, Malt & AleStores, out- buildings & yard Pampisford, Cambs (now occ by P.L. Hudson AND piece of arable (3R) at Pampisford, Cambs formerly pasture, now in occ of - AND Messuageor tenement & small orchard belonging Pampisford formerly in occ of Wm Scruby & his tenants & now of Charles Scruby (whereon a brewhouse is erected) AND piece of gnd (2R, 31P) Pampisford (No 14 on Enclosure Map), now laid into and forming pt of No 13 on the same Map. 9)Messuage of public house called 'The Fountain' Cottenham, Cambs AND Brewhouse, Plumbers & Glaziers Shop, Stables, Piggeries & out- buildings, yard & gdn adj (formerly in occ of Jas Finch, now in occ of -) 10)Messuage or tenement caled Red Lion, Harlton, Cambs, with yard orchard & piece of pasture land adj (2A , 1R, 10P), formerly in occ of A.M. Dunham, then of - & now of George Hadden. 11) messuage or tenement, now used & occ as a Beerhouse, called 'the Crown Inn'. Little Abington, Cambs with the buildins, outhouses, yard gdns etc. (formerly in occ of Richard Morby & now or late of Geo Hopwood). 12) Freehold messuage or tenement now used as a beerhouse called 'The Red Lion'with yard, garden, homesteads, Workshops, warehouse, stables (formerly in occ of Jn Campion Kent & nowor late of Chas Pettit) in Castle Street, Saffron Walden, Essex. 13) Six cottages or tenements (one of them used as a Beerhouse) with yards, gardens, outhouse, Hadstock, Essex. (formerly in severaloccs of Jos Hawes & Jas Swan, Sam Fitch & Chas Hills & are now occ by Joseph Hawes & others.) 14) Messuage, cottage, tenement or public house called 'The Gate' with the Blacksmith's shop, Clubroom, Outhouses, yard & gdn, Chrishall, Essex (formerly in occ of Mrs Sarah Wallman) 15) Messuage & tenement, now used as a beerhouse under the sign of the 'Kings Head' with the cottage adj with the yard, gdn, Barns & other outbuildings now in occ of - & - . AND piece of land or gnd (5P) in Ale- house Green, Oakington, Cambs in occ of - Part II - Leasehold 16) Beerhouse called 'The Lamb' with yard, orchard, land & premises at West Wratting, Cambs. (held by Lease for 21 years from 11 Oct 1876 at rent of 25 pa) 17) Public house with yard, orchard & premises, Willingham, called 'The Windmill' (held for Lease for 21 years from 25 Dec 1876 at yearly rent of 31,10s. 18) Messuage or tenement with the yard, clubroom, etc used as a Public House called 'The Six Bells', near the Church at Ashwell, Herts & the in occ of Susannah Picking (held by Lease for 14 years from 29 Sept 1885 at rent of 20 pa) 19) Messuage or tenemnt with the yards buildings etc, Linton, Cambs called 'The Axe & Saw' (held by Lease for 7 years from 29 Sept 1887 at a rent of 16 pa) 20) House with barns, yard, orchard, garden & premises belonging, Hauxton, Cambs, used as a public house, called '|The Leather Gaiter' (held on yearly Tenancy at a rent of 18 pa) 21) White Horse Beerhouse, Ickleton, Cambs (held by Lease for 6 years from 29 Sept 1891 at rent of 30 pa) 22) Public House & premises called 'The White Horse' with buildings & conservative clubroom, Burwell, Cambs. (held by Lease for 14 years from 29 Sept 1882 at rent of 100 pa) 23) Messuage or public house, known as 'The Wheatsheaf', Swavesey, Cambs. (held by Lease for 7 years from 11 Oct 1886 at rent of 20 pa) 24) Messuage or public house called 'The Bushel & Strike', Haslingfield Cambs with the orchards barns, stables etc (held by Lease for 12 years from 29 Sept 1887 at rent of 33 pa) 25) Messuage or Beerhouse & General Dealer's shop (79 Ainsworth Street) Cambridge (held by Lease for 10 years from 25 March 1884 at rent of 25 pa) 26) Messuage or public house called 'The Golden Cross', Fitzroy Street, Cambridge with cottage & premises adj. (held by Lease for 6 years from 29 Sept 1891 at rent of 45 pa) 27) Messuage or public house called 'The Eagle Tavern', Victoria Road, Chesterton, Cambs (held by Lease for 14 years, less 10 days from 25 Dec 1879 at rent of 18 pa) 28) Messuage or public house called 'The Coachmakers Arms', John St, City Rd, Cambridge. (held by Lease for 14 years from 24 June 1888 at rent of 30 pa) 29) Messuage or Public House, called 'The Railway Tavern' near the Railway Station, Great Shelford, Cambs AND Malting & 2 stables also in Great Shelford (details of lease not filled in) 30) Messuage or Public House called 'The Hoops' AND 3 closes of pasture land cont 6A, 0R, 25P at Littlebury Green, Essex (details of lease not filled in) 31) Messuage or Public House called 'The Little Road', Willingham, Cambs. (held on Yearly Tenancy at rent of 30 pa) 32) Messuage or Public House called 'The Royal Oak' with the Malting Sheds with the Malting, sheds, & other outbuildings & 1A 2R of land, Fulbourn, Cambs. (held by Lease for 10 years from 25 March 1887) at yearly rent of 55) 33) Messuage or Public house called 'The Spotted Cow' with Brewhouse & stable belonging AND cottage & premises adj Northampton Street, Cambridge (held by Lease for 14 years from 24 June 1884 at rent of 35 pa) 34) Messuage & public house called 'The Cross Keys', Saxon Street, Cambridge held by Lease expiring 27 Feb 1893 ar Rent of 30 pa) 35) Messuage or Public house called The Osborne Arms, Hills Rd, Cambridge (held on Lease for 10 years from 29 Sept 1887) 36) Two cottages & 1A, 1R, 15P at Pampisford, Cambs. (held under Lease for 22 years from 25 March 1882 at rent of 17,10s) 37) Messuage or Public House called 'The Cross Keys', Sawston AND public house called 'The Chequers Little Shelford, Cambs. (held on yearly Tenancy at Rent of 43 pa) 38) Messuage or Beerhouse called 'The Moorhen' Shepreth with the gdn & orchard belonging And 4A, 2R of arable (details of lease not filled in) 39) Messuage or Beerhouse called 'The Brickmakers Arms, Little Abington Cambs (held on yearly Tenancy at rent of 20 pa) 40) Messuage or Offlicensed house at Foulmire, Cambs (held on a Yearly Tenancy at rent of 18 pa) 41) Dwelling house, stores & premises at Haverhill, Suffolk (held on a Yearly Tenancy at rent of 20 pa) Copyhold 42) Messuage formerly called 'The Coach & Horses' but then 'The Sir John Barleycorn public house with the yard, barn, stables, gardens, orchards etc, Duxford, Cambs. (formerly in occ of Elizabeth Twinn & then of Geo Sherrin) adj premises late belonging to Jn Patterson & Eliz his wife. (Hudson admitted as Tenant 30 June 1888) 43) Messuage, tenement or Public house called 'The Plough Inn' with Brew- house, Barn, Yard, gardens, out- buildings adj & occ in Balsham, Cambs. (P.L. Hudson admitted Tenant June 1888) Part 3: Freehold 1) Messuage fronting the High Rd, Pampisford with Grocer's Shop, Bakehouse, Barns, buildings & orchards, late in occ of Chas Smith. 2) Plot of land at back of 1) above cont 8220 sq yds (late in occ of Thos Oslar Kent) 3) Two Freehold Messuages or cottages adj each other, fronting High St, Pampisford with buildings & gdns belonging (late in occ of Bathe & Co) 4) Piece of land at back of above cont 6694 sq yds. (now in occ of P.L. Hudson) 5) Messuage for some time past converted into 3 Dwellings near the High Street, Pampisford with outbuildings, orchard & gdns belonging (4530 sq yards) (now or late in occ of Widow Lofts, Widow Rawlinson & Thos White) 6) Plot of land at back of the last described premises cont 1 A now in the occ of P.L. Hudson. Part 4 1) 2 Messuages (14 &15 Market Passage) Cambridge with the Billiard Room, behind it, (now or late in occ of Farren & Thurston) (Held by Lease for 40 years from 29 Sept 1879 at a rate of 20 pa) Part 5 1) Copyhold messuage or Public House at Broughton, Hunts, called 'The Chequers' with the close of the land adj (now or late in occ of Hen Onyell. Part 6 1) Freehold messuage called 'The Old Abbey' at the corner of Beche Road & Priory Rd in the Borough of Cambridge 2) Freehold Messuage called 'The Brookfield Tavern, Cherry Hinton, Cambs Part 7 1) Messuage or Tenement, Beerhouse with the Butcher's shop, outbuildings & yard & garden, 62 High Street, Haverhill, Suffolk 2) Messuage or Inn (45 High St) Haverhill, Suffolk, with yard, brewery, stables, now known as 'The Lion Inn' AND piece of gdn gnd adj Lion Inn & running down to the River 3) Brewhouse, called 'The Pot Ash' at Radwinter, Essex with 3A of land adj 4) Inn or Public house at Waterbeach, Cambs. next to the Railway Station & called 'The Star' AND Dwelling house & Brewery adj & orchard & garden. 5) Messuage or public house, East Rd, Cambridge called 'King George the Fourth' with cottage adj (conveyed to P.L. Hudson by deed of 30 Sept 1890) 6) Messuage or public house at Pampisford, Cambs, called as 'White Horse' with 3 cottages and 9A adj AND 4 cottages lately erected by P.L. Hudson. 7) Copyhold cottage called 'The Horseshoes' Whittlesford, Cambs. 8) Freehold land near 'The Fox' Public House, Parish of Weston Colville, Cambs. [256 sq yds] (late in occ of Mr Mynott) 9) 2 Cottages with the yards, gdns & outbuildings, Balsham, Cambs. adj Plough Inn (copyhold of Manor of Balsham) 10)Piece of land, Linton (2A 2R) (held under Lease for 7 yrs from 29 Sept 1890 at Rent of 10 pa 11) Messuage of 12 Alexandra Street, Cambridge (held on yearly Tenancy from Michaelmas 1891 at rent of 84 pa) 12) Cottage with garden & outbuildings (1A, 0R, 30P) Ickleton Rd, Elmdon, Essex, called Baker's Cottage. AND 2 Acres, Heydon Rd in same parish called Wagoners Field AND Barn on it (held by Lease for 7 years from 25 March 1891 at rent of 20) 13) Messuage called 'The Rising Sun' at Isleham, Cambs, now in occ of - (held under yearly Tenancy from 25 March 1891 at rent of 19 pa) 14) Messuage called 'The Elephant & Castle, Newport, Essex with the outbuildings, now in occ of Edw White (held under Yearly Tenancy from 25 March 1891 at rent of 19 pa) 15) Messuage called 'The King William the Fourth', Little Shelford, Cambs with the cottage & close of pasture adj (held under Lease for 14 years from 24 June 1889 at rent of 20 pa) 16) Messuage called 'The Red Lion' (50 East End), Cambridge now or late in occ of Mr Barrett (held by Lease for 7 years from 29 Sept 1890 at rent of 31 pa) AND all other freehold, leasehold, copyhold premises owned, occ or used by P.L. Hudson EXCEPT a) Vine Cottage, Trumpington Rd, Cambridge b) Freehold Cottage & Garden at Cherry Hinton, Cambs, occ by Tabor c) Cottage occ by Machon 2nd Schedule Trader or businesses of Brewer, Wine Spirit & Tea Merchant at Pampisford & Cambridge (& goodwill) Consideration above Agreement AND 522,500 pd by 2) to 1) & 25,000 Preference Shares of 1 each Signed by Directors Robert Thos Daniell Lawrence Thos Purkis Secretary Francis Edwin Hudson Company Seal stamped on (prepared by Algernon Lyon of Cambridge)
- Date free text21 Jun 1892
- Production dateFrom: 1892 To: 1892
- Reference
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordHudson, Philip Llewellyn,
Howard, Lord,
Youngman, George,
Smith, Andrew,
Blackinom, Robert,
Wisbey, James,
Ekin, Augustus Goodman,
Burrows, Jane,
Powter, Henry,
Weales, William,
Simmons, Henry,
Wayman, John,
Hayward, Daniel,
Ansell, Charlotte,
Impey, James,
Impey, John,
Haslop, John,
Fisher, George,
Thurnall, Thomas,
Richardson, Samuel,
Patman, Daniel,
Smith, Alfred,
Cowell, Daniel,
Turner, Robert (d),
Erswell, Francis Willis,
Burrows, Henry,
Thurgood, Benjamin Thomas,
Hodson & Roberts,
Elbourne, Edward Peckover,
Williston, William,
Scruby, William,
Scruby, Charles,
Finch, James,
Dunham, A.M.,
Haddon, George,
Morby, Richard,
Hopwood, George,
Kent, John Campion,
Pettit, Charles,
Hawes, Joseph,
Swann, James,
Fitch, Samuel,
Hills, Charles,
Darling, Joseph,
Hand, Arthur,
Williams, Herbert,
Mills, James,
Crook, James,
Barker, William,
Leavens, Addy,
Carter, Alfred,
Sterling, Frederick,
Hancock, Asker,
Kidd, Gothard,
Lyes, Alfred,
King, William,
Cooper, Margaret,
Mason, William,
Wright, John Isaac,
Cook, Caroline,
Barrett, Mary,
Ekin, Mary,
Lapwood, Daniel,
Carter, Edward,
Rooke, George,
Game, Robert,
Rule, Susannah,
Pickers, Frederick William,
Robinson, Thomas,
Custance, Myles,
Dodd, Ingle,
Roberts, Samuel,
Benson, Mary,
Curtis, Henry,
Chambers, Mary Ann,
Caldicott, John,
Nicholson, Martha,
Hilsden, Martha,
Bell & Son,
Perowne, Edward Henry,
Corder, Samuel,
Parmenter, Robert,
Dean, Peter,
Dean, Naomi,
Elborne, James,
Rawlinson, Peter,
Pratt, John,
Peall, William,
Clark William,
Hill, Richard,
Butler, Thomas,
Mynott, Robert,
Briggs, H.J.,
Speed, Charles,
Wallman, Sarah,
Picking, Susannah,
Twinn, Elizabeth,
Sherrin, George,
Patterson, John,
Patterson, Elizabeth,
Kent, Thomas Oslar,
Bathe & Company,
White, Thomas,
White, Edward,
Daniell, Robert Thomas,
Purkis, Lawrence Thomas,
Hudson, Francis Edward,
Lyon, Algernon - KeywordsSaffron Walden Dog & Gun, butchers, markets, printing, pigs, Great Shelford Compasses, perukemaker, Willingham George, bakery, Cambridge Prince Regent, carpentry, Chesterton Lancers, Chesterton Yorkshire Grey, commons, Greens, local references drainage, Chesterton Bleeding Hart, Bluntisham White Horse, Cambridge Lamb, Cambridge Four Swans, Cambridge Half Moon, Cambridge Black Swan, Cambridge Corpus Christi College, almshouses, Hodson & Roberts, Inclosure, Cottenham Fountain, Harlton Red Lion, Little Abington Crown, Saffron Walden Red Lion, Swavesey Sir Harry Smith, Swavesey Little Rose, Cambridge Crown, Cambridge Alexandra Arms, Cambridge Beehive, Cambridge Duke of Gloucester, water provision, Bottisham Gate, Ickleton New Inn, Haddenham Coopers Arms, Bury St.Edmunds Red Lion, Stonebridge King Charles in the Oak, Ely, Hardwick (Cambridgeshire) Blue Lion, Waterbeach Haunch of Mutton, Willingham Vine, Chesterton Pike & Eel, Downham Railway Tavern, Downham Manor, Reach (Cambridgeshire) Uncle Tom's Cabin, Swaffham Prior Manor, St.Ives Three Tuns, St.Ives Nelsons Head, Cambridge Prince Albert, Cambridge Sir Isaac Newton, Merton Hall Manor, Balsham Ram, Cambridge Baron of Beef, Cambridge Victoria Tavern, Chesterton Old Spring, Cambridge Swan, Bell & Son, clergy names index, Cambridgeshire inns, Linton Black Eyed Susan, Linton Coach & Horses, Pampisford Chequers, Weston Colville Fox & Hounds, blacksmiths, Chrishall Gate, Oakington Kings Head, West Wratting Lamb, Willingham Windmill, Ashwell Six Bells, Linton Axe & Saw, Hauxton Leather Gaiter, Ickleton White Horse, Burwell White Horse, Conservative, Swavesey Wheatsheaf, Haslingfield Bushel & Strike, Cambridge Golden Cross, Chesterton Eagle Tavern, Cambridge Coachmakers Arms, Great Shelford Railway Tavern, Great Shelford Station, Littlebury Green Hoops, Willingham Little Road, Fulbourn Royal Oak, Cambridge Spotted Cow, Cambridge Cross Keys, Cambridge Osborne Arms, Sawston Cross Keys, Little Shelford Chequers, Shepreth Moorhen, Little Abington Brickmakers Arms, Duxford Coach & Horses, Duxford Sir John Barleycorn, Balsham Plough, grocers, billiards, Broughton (Huntingdonshire) Chequers, Cherry Hinton Brookfield Tavern, Haverhill Lion, Radwinter Pot Ash, Waterbeach Star, Waterbeach Station, Cambridge King George IV, Pampisford White Horse, Whittlesford Horseshoes, Weston Colville Fox, Isleham Rising Sun, Newport (Essex) Elephant & Castle, Little Shelford King William IV, Cambridge Red Lion, wine and spirit merchant, tea merchant, specific solicitors, Saffron Walden, Saffron Walden Butchers Row, Saffron Walden Hog Market, Saffron Walden Market Row, Saffron Walden Old Pigmarket, Great Shelford, Cambridge Regent Street, Cambridge, Dry Drayton, Chesterton, Chesterton Queen Street, Chesterton Bleeding Hart Malting, Bluntisham, St.Mary the Great Cambridge, Cambridge Guildhall Street, Cambridge Market Place, Cambridge Shraggery, Chesterton Halingway, Pampisford, Cottenham, Harlton, Little Abington, Saffron Walden Castle Street, Hadstock, Bottisham, Bottisham Quy Road, Bottisham Lode Road, Swavesey, Swavesey High Street, St.Andrew the Less Cambridge, Cambridge Mill Road, Cambridge Cross Street, Cambridge Gwydir Street, Cambridge Honey Hill, Cambridge Prospect Row, Cambridge Adam & Eve Row, Bottisham fields, Ickleton, Ickleton Hinxton Road, Haddenham, Haddenham Linden End, Bury St Edmunds, Bury St.Edmunds Ipswich Street, Bury St.Edmunds Station Road, Bury St.Edmunds St.Andrews Street, Ely, Ely Stonebridge, Hardwick (Cambridgeshire), Waterbeach, Willingham, Downham, Reach [Cambridgeshire], Reach (Cambridgeshire) Reach Street, St Ives [Huntingdonshire], St.Ives Merryland, St.Giles & St.Peter Cambridge, Cambridge Castle Street, Cambridge Gloucester Street, Balsham, Balsham High Street, St.Clement Cambridge, Cambridge Bridge Street, Chesterton Histon Road, Chesterton Victoria Road, Cambridge Whymans Lane, Cambridge Magdalene Street, Hildersham, Linton (Cambridgeshire), Linton Barham Cross, Stapleford, Weston Colville, Ickleton fields, Chrishall, Oakington, Oakington Alehouse Green, West Wratting, Ashwell, Hauxton, Burwell, Haslingfield, Cambridge Ainsworth Street, Cambridge Fitzroy Street, Cambridge John Street, Cambridge City Road, Littlebury Green, Fulbourn, Cambridge Northampton Street, Cambridge Saxon Street, Cambridge Hills Road, Sawston, Little Shelford, Shepreth, Fowlmere, Haverhill, Duxford, Pampisford High Street, Cambridge Market Passage, Broughton (Huntingdonshire), Cambridge Beche Road, Cherry Hinton, Haverhill High Street, Radwinter, Cambridge East Road, Whittlesford, Cambridge Alexandra Street, Elmdon, Elmdon Ickleton Road, Elmdon fields, Elmdon Heydon Road, Isleham, Newport (Essex), Cambridge Trumpington Road, Cambridge Blackmoor Head Yard, Ickleton fields, Barham Cross Upper House, Linton, Cambridge Old Abbey
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