• Reference
  • Title
    Mortgage in 10,000 and 6% Interest 1) Philip Llewellyn Hudson of Borough of Cambridge, Brewer (mortgagor) 2) Arthur George Foster of Park house, Burgess Hill, Sussex, Esq (mortgagee) a) piece of freehold land or ground [1R 7P] in Ickleton, Cambs, lying in the Rows abs N by land now or late of Ebenezer Foster E Duxford Road S piece of land next mentioned AND piece of freehold land or ground (1A 0R 27P) in the Rows in Ickleton abs pt of N land now or late of Ebenezer Foster pt of E and rest of N by piece of land described above rest of E Duxford Road SW land of Master, Fellows and Scholars of Clare College, University of Cambridge b) Freehold messuage or beerhouse now used as a beerhouse AND two freehold cottages or tenements erected by Samuel Conder at the back of the said messuage or tenement and small gardens and yards to same belonging, now or late occupied by Sam Conder and Wm Jackson with the use of the pump belonging to the tenement of Phoebe Barton (2) to contribute one moiety of expense of keeping pump in repair all situated in Hildersham, Cambs, abs E public road running through the village N & W Hildersham Hall grounds and premises now or late belonging to Lieutenant- General William Inglis S property now or late Swans c) Freehold cottage or tenement with outhouses, yards, gardens, etc, belonging at Linton, Cambs, at Bergham alias Barham Cross (9P) formerly part of premises called the Upper House, formerly in occ of Robt Parmenter AND freehold messuage or double tenement with the barns, outhouses, yard, garden, piece of ground and premises belonging and adjoining at Linton, near the Barham Cross (adj above premises) formerly in occ of Robt Casbolt abs N Horseheath Lane pt of SW Road to Bartlow pt of SW (premises formerly in occ of Robt Casbolt) formerly in occ of Eliz Casbolt, - Casbolt, and Jos Cottage and are now or were lately occupied by Wm Devereux, Richard Norton and Mrs Casbolt and the messuage or cottage, formerly occupied by Joseph Cottage and now by Wm Devereux was formely used as a beerhouse called 'The Black Eyed Susan' and is now used as a beerhouse called 'The Coach and Horses' d) Messuage or dwellinghouse now used as a beerhouse at Stapleford, Cambs, formerly occ by Peter Dean and now by Naomi Dean AND newly erected cottage adj, formerly occ by Jas Elborne and now by Naomi Dean AND cottage adj, now occ by Peter Rawlinson abs W property now or late of Hen Collier Esq N & S property now or late of Mr Brand Willis and Mr Jn George E public road e) Freehold house or tenement now used as a public house, called 'The Chequers' with the barn, stable and outhouses adj in Pampisford, Cambs, with the orchard or garden gnd adj, formerly in occ of Jn Pratt and now of Wm Peall f) Close of land called 'The Island of Dunkirk' (2R 17P), Ickleton, Cambs, formerly in occ of Ric Hill and now of Wm Clark, The East head abs on the River the West head upon or near to the Great Bridge abs N 'a certain Channel' S near to the Highway g) Messuage, tenement or garden in Weston Colville, Cambs, used as a Public House called 'The Fox and Hounds' AND enclosed piece of arable and pasture gnd (3A) (awarded to the said messuage or tenement in lieu of common right at the enclosure of Weston Colville) all above formerly in occ of Thos Butler and now of Robt Mynott AND barn, stables, outhouses, yards and ways to said property h) Dwellinghouse with offices and gardens and pieces of arable land (1A) at Pampisford, Cambs, as are now in occ of Inverness Jn Bathe AND 2 cottages adj, now occ by H J Briggs and - Rawlinson and formerly by Chas Speed AND newly erected brewhouse, store rooms, offices, engine room and yard adj with newly erected stables and the old brewhouse, now used as a vatted ale store, spirit stores, stabling, malt, ale stores, outbuildings and yard at Pampisford, Cambs, now occ by I J Bathe All above premises form one estate and were formerly conveyed as:- freehold cottage or tenement, divided into 3 with the barn and outbuildings, belonging at Pampisford, and now or late in occ of Jn Masters, Isaac Hammond and the Widow Rawlingson AND piece of arable land, formerly pasture adj to above (3R) and now in occ of Wm Thos Scruby abs E copyhold close, formerly of Stephen Robinson but now of Wm Thos Scruby N land of Wm Parker Hammond S land heretofore of Pampisford Common ANOTHER DESCRIPTION of above property was freehold cottage, Pampisford, No 13 on Pampisford Enclosure Award, late Wm Scruby AND one piece of land whereon a messuage and other building now stand at Pampisford, and marked 15 on the Pampisford Enclosure Award Messuage or tenement and small orchard belonging at Pampisford, formerly in occ of Wm Scruby or his tenants and now of Chas Scruby whereon a brewhouse is erected and standing AND piece of gnd (2R 31P) in Pampisford, No 14 on Plan annexed to Pampisford Enclosure Award and now laid into and forming pt of premises, No 13 on Award plan abs N & W estate of Lord of the Manor E estate, late of Hen Hazard S freehold premises of Chas Scruby, No 13 on Award Plan i) 'The Fountain' , Cottenham, Cambs, with brewhouse, plumbers and glazier, shop, stables, piggeries and outbuildings, yard and garden, next or near adj (formerly in occ of Jas Finch and now of - ) j) Messuage or tenement called 'The Red Lion', Harlton, Cambs, with yard, orchard, and piece of pasture land adj [2A 1R 10P] formerly in occ of Ann Dunham, then of - , and now of Geo Haddon k) messuage or tenement now used as a beerhouse called (The Crown Inn' in Little Abington, Cambs, with buildings, outhouses, yard, gardens, etc formerly in occ of Richard Morley and now or late of Geo Hopwood 1) Freehold messuage or tenement called 'Red Lion' with yard, garden and homesteads, workshops, warehouses, stables etc, formerly in occ of Jn Campion Kent and now or late of Chas Pettit in Castle Street, Saffron Walden, Essex abs N above street pt of E and pt of N cottage of Lord Braybrooke further pt of E messuage now or late belonging to Richard Perry rest of E premises now or late of devisees of Jas Harvey pt of S Buryhills pt of W Barn now or late of Joseph Wright further pt of W and rest of S cottages now or late belonging to Trustees of Will of Winifred Bailey rest of W Road or way leading from Castle Street to Bury Hills m) 6 cottages or tenements (one of them being a beerhouse and known by the sign of the - ) with yards, gardens, outhouses etc belonging in Hadstock, Essex, formerly in occs of Jos Hawes, Jas Swann, Sam Fitch and Chas Hills and are now by Jos Hawes and others n) Messuage, cottage, tenement or public house called 'The Gate', with blacksmith's shop, clubroom, outhouses, yard and garden in Chrishall, Essex, abs SW Highway NE Close formerly of Hen Potterill and late of Philip Downham SE cottage formerly Oakman's and now or late belonging to Philip Downham NW cottage formerly a butcher's shop now or late belonging to Fordham (Premises formerly in occ of Mrs Sarah Wallman) o) Messuage or tenement now used as a beerhouse called King's Head with cottage adj and yard, garden, barn and other outbuildings AND piece of land or gnd (5P) in Alehouse Green, Oakington, Cambs abs E Longstanton Road S Allotment to Edw Linton N & W cottage and gdn, now or late to Geo Gifford (1A 1R 0P) (Conveyed by Deeds of 29 June 1888 to Philip Llewellyn Hudson) 2nd Schedule 1) Lamb, West Wratting, Cambs, (as in GK 186/3 Schedule 1a) 2) Windmill, Willingham, Cambs (as in GK 186/3 Schedule 1f) 3) Six Bells, Ashwell, Herts (new lease as in GK 186/3a from same landlord for 14 years from 29 Sept 1885, rent 20 pa - dated 4 Nov 1885) 4) Axe and Saw, Linton, Cambs (as in GK 186/7b) 5) Leather Gaiter, Hauxton, Cambs (as in GK 186/7c) 6) White Horse, Ickleton, Cambs (GK 186/7d gives a more detailed account of the lease than this) 7) White Horse, Burwell, Cambs (see GK 186/7d) 8) Wheatsheaf, Swavesey, Cambs (see GK 186/8j) 9) Bushel & Strike, Haslingfield, Cambs (see GK 186/8b) 10) Old Guinea, Russell Street, Cambridge (see GK 186/8a) 11) The Croft, Derby Street, Newnham Croft, Grantchester, Cambs (see GK 186/8a) 12) Messuage or beerhouse and general dealer's shop, 79 Ainsworth, Cambridge (see GK 186/8b) 13) Golden Cross, Fitzroy St, Cambridge (see GK 186/8c) 14) Claremont, Ainsworth St (see GK 186/8) 15) Eagle Tavern, Victoria Rd, Chesterton, Cambs (see GK 186/8p) 16) Coachmakers Arms, John Street, City Road, Cambridge (see 186/8d) 17) Railway Tavern, Great Shelford, Cambs (see 186/8e) 18) John Bull, Swaffham, Cambs (see 186/8f) 19) The Hoops, Littlebury Green, Essex (See GK 186/8g) 20) The Little Rose, Willingham, Cambs (see GK 186/8i) 21) Royal Oak, Fulbourn, Cambs (see 186/8k) 22) Tiger with Brewery and Grocer's shop, East Road, Cambridge (see GK 186/8n) 23) Spotted Cow etc, Northampton Street, Cambridge (see 186/8o) 24) Cross Keys, Saxon Street, Cambridge (see GK 186/8q) 25) Osborne Arms, Hills Road, Cambridge (see GK 186/8r) 26) Cross Keys, Sawston, Cambs ) Chequers, Lt Shelford, Cambs ) (see GK 186/8t) 27) Moor Hen, Shepreth, Cambs (see GK 186/8u) 28) Brickmakers Arms, Little Abington, Cambs (see GK 186/8v) 29) Messuage or Off Licensed House, Foulmire, Cambs 30) Dwelling house, stores, etc, at Foulmire, Cambs Schedule 3 1) John Barleycorn, Duxford, Cambs, (see GK 186/4, 3rd Schedule) 2) Plough Inn, Balsham, Cambs (see GK 186/7 2nd Schedule)
  • Date free text
    30 Jun 1888
  • Production date
    From: 1888 To: 1888
  • Reference
  • Level of description