• Reference
  • Title
    Red Lion, Castle Street, Saffron Walden Essex 1) Lease and Release 1) Rt Hon Ric Ld Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke, Northants, (vendor) 2) Jos Ward of Saffron Walden, Bricklayer (purchaser) 3) Wm Ward of Saffron Walden, Builder (Trustee) Freehold messuage or tenement with yard, gdn, homestead on pt of which 6 cottages had sometime since been erected by Jos Ward; then in occ of Jos Ward, Edw Osborn, Wm Archer, Hilary Swan, Jas Start and - Fincham (or their undertenants) in Castle Street, Saffron Walden, Essex abs N Castle Street pt of E other premises of Ric Ld Braybrooke S Bury Hills W road from Castle Street, to Bury Holls (awarded at Inclosure to Ric Ld Braybrooke from estate of late Rt Hon Ric Aldworth Griffin, Ld Braybrooke, deceased, in exchange for messuage or tenement , farm and homestead called Painters AND 7 plots of land, being Old Inclosures [23A 3R 17P], Saffron Walden 4 & 5 July 1825 2) Will of Jos Ward (12 June 1844) to mother Eliz Ward annuity of 20 to be paid out of all his messuages etc in Saffron Walden Testator's bro Wm Ward and Jn Stephenson Robson of Saffron Walden, Grocer and Draper, Executors and Trustees: all real estate till youngest child 21, to support of testator's wife Martha and support, education and advancement in the world of his children Then as Trustees for Sale made 5 Aug 1836 Proved Commissary ourt of Bp of London 26 May 1845 3) Death of testator's mother Elizagbeth 24 May 1844 4) Certificate of Baptism of Chas Clark Ward yngest son of the testator on 4 May 1827 at Saffron Walden, wherein he is stated to have been born 23 Sep 1825 5) Sworn Affidavit by Jn Headland of Saffron Walden knew Joseph Ward, who died a widower leaving 3 children. (In order of birth:- Joseph Ward, Richard Essex Ward and Chas Clark Ward) 24 Nov 1847 6) Release 1) Wm Ward of Saffron Walden, Essex Architect Jn Stephenson Robson (Trustees of will of Joseph Ward and therefore vendors) 2) Joseph Ward of Saffron Walden, Builder (purchaser) 3) Benj Thomson Thurgood of Arkesden, Essex, Land Agent recites death of Martha Ward 21 Oct 1840 C C Ward 21 on 23 Sept 1846 Auction held George Inn, Saffron Walden, 21 May 1847 Freehold messuage or tenement with the yard, gdns, homesteads, workshops, warehouses, stables etc belonging, then late in the occ of Joseph Ward deceased in Castle Street, Saffron Walden abs N Castle Street pt E premises then or late of Ld Braybrooke other pt E other premises of Joseph Ward, decease (about to be sold to Ric Essex Ward - lot 2 in Auction) S Bury Hills pt of W 4 cottages or tenements then late of Joseph Ward, deceased (about to be sold to Winifred Bailey, lot 3) pt of W Rd from Castle Street to Bury Hills AND Barn abs N 4 cottaghes above S Bury Hills W road E property above (erected and built by Jos Ward, deceased) was Lot 1 in Auction and there described:- business property comprising brick built dwellinghouse fronting Castle Sreet with 3 parlours, keeping room, counting house, kitchen, pantry, 2 cellars, 3 chambers and 3 attics AND large barn used as workshops and warehouses, 3 stalled stable, walled in garden at back, smaller gdn, yard approached by folding gates Lot 4 Barn adj last lot Consideration 506 pd by 2) to 1) 16 Dec 1847 7) Mortgage in 300 and 5% 1) Joseph Ward (mortgagee) 2) Mary King of Saffron Walden, widow, (mortgagor) Property as above 17 Ded 1847 8) Conveyance 1) Mary King (mortgagee and vendor) 2) Joseph Ward (mortgagor) 3) Jn Campion Kent of Saffron Walden (purchaser) 4) Benj Thomson Thurgood of same Estate Agent 300 not paid + considerable arrears of interest, therefore put up property for auction Freehold messuage or tenement with the yard, gdns, homesteads, workshops, warehouses, stable, belonging in occ of Joseph Ward, Castle Street, Saffron Walden, Essex abs N Castle Street pt of E premises then or late of Ld Braybrooke pt of E premises belonginhg to Ric Essex Ward S Bury Hills pt of W 4 cottages or tenements, belonging to Winifred Bailey pt of W road from Castle Street to Bury Hills Consideration 310 pd by /3) to 1) 12 Feb 1851 9) Mortgage in 350 and 5% interest 1) Jn Campion Kent 2) Frances Player of Saffron Walden, widow a) property subj to Mortgage in 300 and interest b) property described above 12 Feb 1851 10) Will of Frances Player (d 5 May 1861) Jn Stephenson Robson, Jn Clarke and Wm Thurgood, all of Saffron Walden, Gent Trustees and executors: all real estate as mortgagee or Trustee made 7 Feb 1857 Proved Ipswich District 8 June 1861 11) Transfer of Mortgage 1) Jn Stephenson Robson Jn Clarke Wm Thurgood, all of Saffron Walden, Gents (Trustees of Will of Frances Player) (Old Mortgagees) 2) Jn Campion Kent (mortgagor) 3) Matthew Adcock Ward, Gent (new mortgagee) Principal sum of 200 only owing Property as above Consideration 200 pd by 3) to 1) 2 May 1862 12) Death of Matthew Adcock Ward. He was buried in the cemetery at Saffron Walden 11 Feb 1871 13) Letter of Admin of M A Ward granted to Elizabeth Ward Hammond (wife of George of Redford [sic] Notts, Brewer) niece and next of kin of M A Ward Ipswich District 1 March 1871 Wm Stock Spicer of Saffron Walden, Gent is gt nephew and heir at law of M A Ward (Pedigree of Ward family of Saffron Walden 1843 on, descendents of Wm Ward d 24 Sep 1845) 14) Transfer of Mortgage of 200 and Further Charge in 20 1)Geo Hammond and Eliz Ward, his wife (old mortgagee) 2) Wm Stock Spicer, Gent 3) J C Kent (mortgagor) 4) Chas Jeffery of Saffron Walden, Cordwainer (new mortgagee) Property as above 200 owed to E W Hammond pd by 4) 20 pd by 4) 15) Conveyance 1) Chas Jeffery (mortgagee) 2) Jn Campion Kent (vendor) 3) Chas Scruby of Pampisford, Common Brewer (purchaser) 4) Joseph Scruby of Saffron Walden, Wine Merchant Freehold messuage or tenement, then used as a beerhouse called 'The Red Lion', with the yard, gdns, homesteads, workshops, warehouses, stable belonging, then late in occ of Jos Ward, and then of J C Kent in Castle Street, Saffron Walden, Essex abs N Castle Street pt E and pt N cottages of Ld Braybrooke pt E messuage late belonging to Richard Essex Ward and then to Ric Perry residue of E premises of devisees of Jas Harvey pt of S Bury Hills pt of W Barn of Jos Wright further pt of W )cottages belonging to residue of S ) Trustees under will of Winifred Bailey rest of W Road from Castle St to Bury Hills Consideration 220 pd to 1) by 3) 190 pd to 2) by 3) 31 Dec 1874
  • Date free text
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    From: 1825 To: 1881
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