• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance 1) Mary Ekin of Borough of Cambridge. Widow Augustus Goodman Ekin of Cambridge, Merchant Fred Jas Howson of Borough of Huntingdon, Merchant 2) Mary Ekin 3) A G Ekin 4) Philip Llewellyn Hudson of Cambridge College, Cook (purchaser) recites transfer of mortgage in 7000 1) Chas Finch Foster, Ebenezer Foster, Geo Ebenezer Foster (old mortgagee) 2) Wm Ekin (mortgagor) 3) Edmond Foster, (new mortgagee) 26 June 1851 recites mortgage in 300 (by lease for 1000 years) 1) Wm Ekin (mortgagor) 2) Edmond Foster (mortgagee) subj to above mortgage and 2 equitable mortgages of 9 Sept 1851 and 30 May 1853 in 300 and 250 respectively and mortgage in 800 in favour of Moses Bourne of pt of premises 6 June 1859 Recites will of Wm Ekin (d 16 April 1866) Appts wife Mary Ekin, son Augustus Goodman Ekin and his friends Fred Jas Howson and Robt Beart executors and Trustees: all freehold and leasehold estate, machinery, implements to carry on the several businesses of Brewer, Maltster, and Wine and Spirit Merchant Profits of business to be held by Trustees to raise sum of 2000 by investing in public stocks the sum of 150 pa Moiety of residue to wife and moiety to son made 9 Feb 1862 Proved in District of Peterborough 16 Apr 1866 recites Reconveyance of 800 Mortgage dated 8 July 1839 1) Moses Bourne (Mortgagee) 2) Mary Ekin, A G Ekins and F J Howson (mortgagors) CONSIDERATION 660 18s pd by 2) to 1) 1 Feb 1867 recites Renunciation of probate by Robt Beart by Deed Poll 21 March 1867 recites Deed Poll by remaining trustees of will of Wm Ekin copyhold lands were to be held to sole and absolute use of A G Ekin, subj to 22 Mar 1867 recites Mortgage in 1200 and interest 1) Mary Ekin, A G Ekin, F J Howson 2) Mary Ekin and E G Ekin 3) A G Ekin 4) Geo Ebenezer Foster Ebenezer Bird Foster Geo Edw Foster Chas Finch Foster (mortgagees) 5) Geo Edw Foster some of the properties (specifically excludes 2000 above) 25 March 1867 recites admission of the Trustees to copyhold premises 9 Dec 1869 recites: Reconveyance (paying off mortgage of 25 Mar 1867) 27 June 1871 recites: Transfer of Mortgage 1) Edmond Foster (old mortgagee) 2) Mary Ekin, A G Ekin and F J Howson 3) Mary & A G Ekin 4) Katherine Frances Gotch (new mortgagee) recites Memorandum of Wm Ekin to Edmond Foster that all his estate mortgaged to Edm Foster shld be security for further loan of 100 equitable mortgages paid off, leaving 4000 owing CONSIDERATION 4000 pd by 4) to 1) 3 Dec 1872 recites: endorsement on above: Marriage Settlement 1) Edw Robinson (marrying party) 2) Kath Frances Gotch (marrying party) 3) Wm Hepburn Gotch Fra Gotch Geo Edw Foster Arthur Robinson (Trustees) recites payment by Trustees of Will of Wm Ekin of 500 on 11 Oct 1873 remaining 3500 to the Marriage Trustees 26 Apr 1876 recites Conveyance 1) Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Borough of Saffron Walden, (vendors) 2) Jn Thos Trye of Saffron Walden, Treasurer of the Borough 3) A G Ekin (purchaser) Dog and Gun, Market Row, Saffron Walden Essex 2 May 1877 recites Conveyance with Quit Claim 1) Jn Mallows Youngman (vendor) 2) Eliz Youngman (entitled to annuity of 40) 3) Jonah Burrows (purchaser) Messuage, Butcher's Row, Saffron Walden 6 Nov 1868 recites Will of Jonah Burrows (died 3 May 1874) appt wife Jane (during widowhood) and bro Wm Burrows Executors and Trustees of his will and guardian of his 2 children Fred and Esther during their minorities freehold house in which he then resided and household furniture and effects and all other real and personal estate for to invest money in the Savings Bank. Wife during widowhood and 2 children to have right and use of messuage etc until youngest child 21 made 16 May 1873 Proved at District Probate Court of Ipswich 5 June 1874 recites Reconveyance (endorsement on deed of 3 Dec 1872) 1) Fra Gotch Geo Edw Foster Arthur Robinson (mortgagees) 2) Mary Ekin, A G Ekin, F G Howson (mortgagors) recites death of Wm Hepburn Gotch on 7 Oct 1876 properties involved in above mortgages CONSIDERATION 3500 pd by 2) to 1) 2 Dec 1882 recites Conveyance 1) Jane Burrows Wm Burrows (vendors) 2) A G Ekin (purchaser) Messuage, Butchers Row, Saffron Walden, Essex 27 May 1887 recites 2000 to be raised under will of Wm Ekin, long since raised FREEHOLD a) to f) a) Penthouse or building in or near the Butcher's Row, Saffron Walden cont in length 15 feet abs E the shop or penthouse formerly of Lord Howard deceased and then of Geo Youngman W buildings and yard, formerly of Andrew Smith, afterwards in occ of Robt Blackman and since of Jas Wisbey N Butcher Row S Street or lane, formerly the Hog Market [premises formerly in occ of Robt Blackman and afterwards in Jas Wisbey and another] bi) Messuage or tenement in Gt Shelford, Cambs, with barns, stables, yards, gdns, etc, formerly in tenure or occ of Wm Jackson, afterwards of Wm Cambridge and then of Hannah Cambridge, was used as a Public House and was formerly in occ of Jn Land Wright and now of Land Wright bii) AND cottage or dwellinghouse, near to or adj above messuage formerly in occ of Hen Powter (site of bi) and bii) formerly estate of Wm Weales of Borough of Cambridge, Peruke Maker) c) Messuage or tenement, 'George Inn', Willingham, Cambs, formerly in occ of Geo Poynter, deceased, and now of Harry Simmons AND tenement or dwellinghouse adj and formerly pt of the Inn with Bakehouse and oven (formerly estate of Jn Wayman deceased) d) Messuage or tenement, Regent Street, Borough of Cambridge, called 'The Prince Regent' Inn with stables, coach houses, yard (formerly in occ of Wm Freeman and now of Dan Hayward) e) Messuage or tenement called 'The Dog and Gun' Market Row, Saffron Walden, Essex abs S Market Row N Butcher Row AND messuage or tenement adj above and used as a Butcher's Shop (formerly in occ of Wm Moule, afterwards of Hen Green) f) messuage, cottage and tenement, Butcher's Row, Saffron Walden, Essex abs N Butchers Row E site used as a fish market on which a printing office formerly stood S Market Row (formerly known as the Old Pigmarket) W premises formerly a stable, formerly of Robt Beachman, but afterwards of A G Ekin; as same were formerly in occ of Jane Burrows LEASEHOLD g) - h) gi) Messuage, tenement or dwellinghouse, Bridge St, St Clements Parish, Cambridge formerly in occ of Peter Fordham Saddler gii) AND pt of messuage or tenement adj (formerly in occ of Mary Baxter, widow (gii) contains next Bridge St 24 ft iand in depth next the messuage, formerly Mary Baxter's 42 feet with frontage next The Backamoor's Head yard gii) pulled down and another messuage erected called 'The Baron of Beef; formerly in occ of Edw Rist Laurence and now of Fred Wm Pitchers (held under 999 year lease from Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses of Town of Cambridge to Thos Robinson 17 Apr 1792 h) piece of land, Chesterton, Cambs; pt of field cont 1A 0R 8P abs W Histon Road from Cambridge S Victoria Rd N residue of above field, belonging formerly to Myles Custance (on frontage to Histon Rd of 157 ft and to Victoria Rd of 175 feet) AND 2 messuages standing on the site (one is used as a Public House called the 'Victoria Tavern' and other used as private dwellinghouse with stables and other outbuildings now in occ of Ingle Dodd and Sam Roberts respectively) (held for residue of 1000 years created by will of Mary Benson) i) piece of gnd in Chesterton, Cambs, abs N public road from Chesterton to Cambridge on an 86 ft front E public footway leading to Jesus Green Sluice Ferry on an 128 ft front AND piece of gnd adj abs N above piece of gnd (on a 24 foot frontage to above public footway) AND 2 messuages erected on it (one of which is used as a public house and called 'The Old Spring' and is in occ of Geo Williamson and other is used as a private dwellinghouse and is occ by Mary Ann Chambers (held for residue of 1000 years created by Will of Mary Benson) COPYHOLD j) Messuage or tenement in Downham in Isle of Ely, Cambs, with yards, gdn and orchard adj (formerly in occ of Flanders Hopkins and others) used as a public house called 'The Railway Tavern' with stables and lodge and yard and gdn adj [Tot 1R] (now in occ of Mary Barratt) (held by Copy of Court Roll of Manor of Downham) Mary Ekin, A G Ekin and F J Howson admitted under will of Wm Ekin. Yearly rent of 8d 9 Dec 1869 CONSIDERATION 7400 23 June 1888 On dorse Covenant to produce Title Deeds deeds 1851 - 1882 Witness Wm Peed of Cambridge, Solicitor
  • Date free text
    23 Jun 1888
  • Production date
    From: 1851 To: 1888
  • Level of description