• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance 1) Jn Jarman of Kneesworth in Parish of Bassingbourne, Brewer and Farmer (vendor) 2) Jn Jarman again 3) Geo Warren Bindloss late of Luton, but now of Melbourn, Cambs, brewer Hen Jn Gibbs of Melbourn, Manager (purchasers) recites Jn Jarman and Albert Jarman (late of Meldreth, Cambs, Brewer, deceased) carried on a partnership as Brewers and Maltsters at Meldreth, Cambs, called Jarman & Co recites GK 182/8 recites Conveyance 1) Hale Wortham 2) Chas Mortlock Waller 3) Jn Jarman property b) below 10 Mar 1896 recites Conveyance 1) Wm Hen Apthorpe Alb Thos Apthorpe Mary Alice Webster Apthorpe (vendors) 2) Jn and Albert Jarman (purchasers) property c) 30 Jan 1892 recites Conveyance 1) Jos Butler Westrope (vendor) 2) Jn & Albert Jarman (purchaser) property d) 30 Oct 1886 recites Conveyance 1) J B Westrope (vendor) 2) J & A Jarman (purchasers) property e) 12 Apr 1890 recites Conveyance 1) Edw Smith 2) Sarah Howard 3) Ric Pyne 4) Hen Fordham 5) Sar Howard again 6) Albert Jarman (purchaser) property f) below 15 July 1884 conveyed to J & A as equal tenants in Common 9 Mar 1887 recites approval of Vestry Meeting to Lease to Thos Chamberlain and his heir for 99 years property g) below Rent 3 pd 27 Mar 1834 held by Jn and Albert Jarman as pt of their partnership since 1883 a - g all part of partnership property of Jn and Albert Jarman. Abert died 15 Apr 1895 intestate leaving his widow Emma surviving. She renounced Probate Letters of Admin granted to father Jn Jarman above Pertborough District Probate Registry a) freehold messuage or tenement used as a public house and known as the 'Anchor', with gdn, stables, cartsheds, granary and other outbuildings adj, Melbourn, Cambs abs NW High Street NE property now or late of Thos Walters SW property now or late of Jos Oliver occ by Robt Nightingale Freehold Malting or Malting Offices at Meldreth, Cambs, at or near the North End with yard and gdn surrounded by a brick wall abs NE property of Mrs Course NW property of Chas Farnham SW property of Mrs Jn Roads SE High Road formerly in occ of Jn Burr, afterwards of Chas Mortlock Waller and now of Jn Jarman, with kilns, wires, cisterns, couches, maltchambers, yards, wells, pump, rights easements, etc AND right of way with or without horses or other animals, carriages and other vehicles through the gateway lying on E. side of premises above from Village Street of Meldreth and to NE corner of the premises c) Messuage or tenement at Little Shelford, Cambs, now used as a public house, called 'The Plough' with garden and bowling alley and outbuildings belonghing late in occ of Chas Wright, now of Edw Moore as tenant abs NE property of Jn Fred Eaden Esq SE property of Mr Jennings SW Village St NW property of Chas Buller d) Messuage or tenement in Dobbs Knole Road, Guilden Morden, Cambs, in occ of Geo Sole but now of Stephen Whettem and now used as a beerhouse called 'The Black Horse' AND cottage and premises at rear of above abs on 3 sides property now or late of Jn Westrope and on the other side by the road e) piece of land pt of Farm Close in Guilden Morden, Cambs (1R) with buildings standing on it late in occ of Geo Sole, but now of Bertram Parrish as tenant f) Triangular plot of land [1/2A] at Meldreth, Cambs, forms NE. corner of piece of old inclosed land (now or heretofore called Wheat Close) whose total acreage is 5A, 3R, 30P and No 57 on Meldreth Award Map abs N High St of Meldreth rest of N cottages g) below E property of St Thomas Hospital S rest of Wheat Close (in plan of deed of 15 July 1884) g) 2 Cottages or tenements, gdns, and premises formerly described as a house and garden) near Green Man public house opp to the Brewery in Meldreth, Cambs abs NE & W High St of Meldreth, Cambs S property f) above CONSIDERATION 2000 pd by 2) TO 1) ITEM TRANSFERRED TO CAMBRIDGESHIRE RECORDS OFFICE (CAMBRIDGE)
  • Date free text
    30 Jun 1897
  • Production date
    From: 1834 To: 1897
  • Level of description