• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance 1) Thos Randall Acres of Codicote, Herts, farmer Matt Skinner Longmore of Hertford Solicitor (vendors) 2) Joshua Richmond Page of Baldock Malster (purchasers) (married 1855) messuage or tenement with outbuildings now & for many years past used as a public or licensed victualling house called White Lion, High St Baldock, Hets now or late in occ of Chas Mellam AND close of pasture or building land adj at back of said messuage & outbuildings (occ with above) 2R 8P AND cottage or tenement adj & at northern end of messuage partly used as a Butcher's Shop & in occ of Chas Mellam abs S maltings & gdn belonging to Thos Pryer Esq W public lane or road called Pepper Alley, Now Park Street N lane leading from Baldock High St into aforesaid lane other pt by Wynne's Alms Houses & gdns belonging E close by Almshouses gdn messuage by High St all in Baldock, Herts Consideration 720 21 Mar 1868 (dorse ref to deed of 8 Ap 1879 see below) ITEM TRANSFERRED TO HERTFORDSHIRE RECORDS OFFICE
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1855 To: 1879
  • Level of description