of Edw Bluett Winch of Biggleswade, Brewer
(Trustee for Wells & Winch) (by Thos Humphrey
Jn Porter his attorney)
on out of court surr of Hen Roycroft Wilson
of Baldock, Herts, Brewer. 4 Aug. 1904
SW part of piece of old enclosed land in
parish of Shepreth, Cambs.
Sep and div from remaining pt by hedge or
fence, with messuage or tenement called
' The Green Man' (1A 0R 38P)
abs. NE messuage and rest of land
NW Newsells Close
SW Highway to Shepreth
SE Cambridge Turnpike Road
now occ of F. Larking
(H.R. Wilson was admitted 7 Ap 1898)
Consideration 500
Date free text
24 Aug 1904
Production date
From: 1904 To: 1904
No. of pieces: 1
Level of description