Mortgage in 2000 & 4% Interest
1) W.P. Newland of Bedford, Common Brewer
2) Fanny Horn of Clophill, spinster
Geo Horn of Kempston, Miller
Fred Crouch of Tring, Herts.
Cottage, being a public house called 'Green
Dragon' Upper Gravenhurst
AND yard and orchard adj and Barn used
with it [1R 30P]
(see deed of 27 Oct 1875)
AND messuage or public house licensed for
sale of beer with yard, gdn.
Wilshampstead:- 'Woolpack'
Abs S. High Road leading to Bedford
pt W. property now or late of Trustees of
Building Society
rest of W & others
E. property now or late of Fra Jn Thynne
N. property of Robinson
Messuage or dwelling house licensed for
Sale of Beer with yard, gdn etc.
Ampthill called 'New Inn'
now or late occ Geo Gee
Abs S. Dunstable Street
E. property now or late of Mrs Clarke
W. property now or late of Mrs Boxford
and W. Seabrook
N. property belonging to Quakers
AND brick built Steam Brewery and stores and
buildings adj.
with yard, land, stabling, cartsheds Duck Mill
Lane, St. Mary, Bedford (used by)
Copy of Manor of Shillington
Messuage or public house called
sometime since in occ of Jane Flint and
afterwards of Chas Burley
With cottage adj now or late of Shadrack
Abs S. Dunstable Street
E. property of Mrs Clarke
W. property of Mrs Broxford
& Wm Seabrook
N. property belonging to Trustees of
Quakers Charity (see F.R. )
AND copyhold Messuage or public house
(name left blank) now or late occ of Chas
Burley with cottages adj now or late occ
of Shadrack Fisher & together with the
garden at the back of public house &
cottage with barn, pigstyes, stable
outhouses, buildings etc [No place given]
AND piece of land formerly all pasture
now pt pasture and pt dug up as gdn
gnd [3A]
(subj to Mortgages of 1,000 & 250)
& gdn at back of public house & cottage
with Barn, Pigsties, stable, outhouse &
buildings etc
AND piece of land formerly all pasture
now pt pasture & pt having dug up into gdn
gnd (Tot 3A)
12 Ap 1888
This was found in parcel marked 'pt 8'
but clearly belonged to 'Part 6' & so has
been resorted.
Envelope marked 'part 6' Mortgage of W.P. Newland
and one of S. Nash
Date free text
Production date
From: 1888 To: 1888
No. of pieces: 1
Level of description