• Reference
  • Title
    1) Peregrine Nash of Bedford, Common Brewer, & Mary his wife 2) Jn Wing of Bedford, Stonemason (Trustee of 1) ) 3) Jn Day of Bedford, Tanner (Trustee of 1) ) 4) Geo Peregrine Nash of Bedford, Common Brewer (eldest son of 1) ) 5) Phoebe Nash of Woburn Spinster, sister of Peregrine Nash. 6) Wm Silvester Addington of Goldington Lodge Esq 7) Theed Pearse the elder of Bedford, Gent recites:- Lease & Release 1) Betty Watkins of Bedford Spinster (vendor) 2) Peregrine Nash (purchaser) 3) Jn Day (Trustee) Messuage or dwelling house lately the Star Inn now the 'Bell', Angel Street, Parish of St. Paul, Bedford incl stables & other buildings. 5 & 6 Ap 1803 b) Grant of Feoffment 1) Jn Emery of Bedford, grocer (vendor) 2) Peregrine Nash (purchaser) 3) Jn Day (trustee) piece of gnd in St Peter's Parish, Bedford whereon a public house called 'The Peacock' has since been erected. 14 Ap 1803 c) Reace & Release 1) Jn Costin of Bedford, Merchant (vendor) 2) Peregrine Nash (Purchaser) 3) Jn Wing (trustee) Messuage being a Public House at Oakley called 'Red Lion' & close of pasture adj & 3A in common fields of Oakley. 4 & 5 Ap 1791 d) Sugar Loaf, Marston Moretaine ref deed of (GK 137/1) 19 & 20 Oct 1799 e) Peregrine Nash seised of 1 moiety of Ship & another messuage adj & garden or orchard continuons St Cuthbert Bedford (see GK ) Kings Arms Inn St Mary Bedford (see GK ) (subj to lease for 1000 years of 18 Oct 1809 incurred by Jn Slin for 1000 - mortgage vested in devisees of Wm Ibbitt 'White Bear' St Paul Bedford & 2 cottages or Tenements one of which is called 'White Hart' Sherrington Bucks. (other moiety belongs to Geo Peregrine Nash) P & GP Nash were equal co-parteners till end of 1819 in Trade of Common Brewers, which for a long time past had been solely conducted by Geo Peregrine Nash 'by whose assiduity greatly promoted & the profits thereof increased' to make better provision for GP Nash & a return for his assiduity etc. 1820 withdrawn from business & assigned to him all joint stock. BUT to pay Annuity of 420 pa to Peregrine Nash 1) to wife Mary if she survives Peregrine 250 annuity to Phoebe Nash 40 pa immediately Property 1) :- Messuage in High St, Parish of St Paul, Bedford. Called 'Cross Keys'. Late occ of Eleanor Button now of Jn Kent abs: S ho late occ of Archibald Macdonald now of Jas Bassett E High Street (conveyed to P Nash by Thos Hornbuckle, Clerk 19 June 1792 Property 2) Messuage called 'Barley Mow' Saint Paul's Parish, Bedford, hereto occ by Sam Smith but now of Humphrey Coulston abs: W High St N Messuage late occ of Jn Gilham now of Benj Maulden S Messuage late occ of Jn Bradley of Ebenezer Mayle E Castle lane at end of said messuage (conveyed to Peregrine Nash by Emery Palmer & Mary his wife 9 & 10 Oct 1797 AND Messuage called 'Robin Hood' now occ of Ric Amos (pt of which was erected by Peregrine Nash on site of 3 Messuages & warehouse or China shop High St, St Paul, Bedford adj N Messuage shop warehouse & yard. belonging to Robert Wilkin Robinson AND stable at east end conveyed to Peregrine Nash by Robert Wilkin Robinson 21 & 22 Mar. 1800 Messuage or dwelling house lately the 'Star Inn' now the 'Bell' Angel St, Parish of St Paul, Bedford being the Corner House. W Angel Street N Street formerly called Gaol Lane and now Silver Street & late & for many years therefore in occ of Wm Hill now of Jn Jordan AND also stables, chaise House, Barn & yards 5 & 6 Ap 1803 AND Messuage late occ Widow Rayment now of Chas Carter called 'Coach & Horses' & soil or gnd on which is stands, Parish of St Paul, Bedford adj Stonehouse Lane AND Yard adj site formerly of 2 cottages in occ of Widow Fenn & Ric Smith, long since pulled down by Peregrine Nash AND site whereon a Messuage in occ of Jn Lowe formerly stood & whereon Peregrine Nash has erected a cottage adj S last mentioned premises N St Paul's churchyard now occ widow Bailey AND Messuage in Stonehouse Lane with yard, buildings belonging now & for sometime past occ Geo Bailey abs N Stonehouse Lane Whole of above set of premises abs N Stonehouse Lane E gnd belonging to Commissioners for Improvement to Town of Bedford whereon the Meat Market is now formed & erected. S Wall of St Paul's Churchyard W premises lately purchased by Commissioners of Peregrine Nash (conveyed to Peregrine Nash by Improvement commissioners) 3 & 4 Oct 1805 AND Messuage formerly in occ of Jas Mansfield called 'The Griffin' now div into 2, one of which is in occ of Geo Francis called 'The Angel' & other occ by Sam Bailey, St Mary Parish Bedford abs N Cauldwell Street W Messuage heretofore of - Fox., now of Sawell E Ho. formerly occ of Hen Thomas & now of Jane Markham Ho. formerly the County Bridewell now belonging to Jn Richardson (conveyed to Peregrine Nash by Mary Hill widow 15 & 16 July 1799) AND Messuage called 'The Peacock' Parish of St Peter Bedford & lately erected & built on piece of gnd next described AND piece of land on pt of which formerly stood a messuage, barn & stable occ Thos Warr & afterwards of Pinkard, since burnt down. (conveyed to Peregrine Nash 14 Ap 1803) AND cottage, East End, Parish of Wilden, called 'Chequers' now & for sometime past occ Jn Davis abs S & E King's Highway AND cottage & orchard or piece of gnd adj (formerly an under 1/3 rd but now div), East End, Wilden now & for sometime past in occ of Jas Watts) AND piece of land in Brook Furlong, Wilden (1A 2R 31P) abs SW & pt of NW allotment to Jos Willis pt NE Colmworth Road pt of SE & further pt NE & rest of NW by above premises rest of SE Town Street (awarded to Peregrine Nash by commissioners for Enclosure) Conveyed by Lease & Release 1) Eliz Read widow 2) Alice Taylor widow 3) Peregrine Nash (purchaser) 27 & 28 Ap 1787 plot of land in Stafford Field, Pavenham (3R 17P) N Common Road or Highway from Pavenham to Stafford Bridge S land of Archibald Rodick W land late of Wm Swannell E land heretofore of Thos Harrison AND another plot in Stafford Field (3R 25P) N Common Road from Pavenham to Stafford Bridge S land of Archibald Rodick W Copyhold land late of Thos Estwick E 1st mentioned plot of land 2 plots together (1A 3R 2P) & copyhold already surr to G P Nash (1A 3R 28P) are all laid together in to one allotment laid occ Simon Basely & now of widow Ashpole. (2A 2R 30P) (conveyed to Peregrine Nash by Wm Swannell the younger 12 & 13 June 1788) AND Messuage, being a public house heretofore the 'Red Lion' but now called the 'Bedford Arms' Oakley in Duck Lane. late occ of Grace Ekins, now of wid Foster AND close of pasture (1.1/2A) adj above AND plot of land in Church Field Oakley (3A 3R 8P) abs E allotment to Duke of Bedford pt of S Allotment to Susanna wife of Jos Hormsby pt of N, further pt of W, rest of by Homestead belonging to last messuage & lately described close. rest W lane pt of Town Street, Oakley rest of N ancient inclosures of Duke Bedford (allotment to Peregrine Nash on enclosure of Oakley) Conveyed to Peregrine Nash. 4 & 5 Ap 1791 AND Messuage in Wroxhill, Marston Moretaine now & for sometime occ by Sam Clare called 'Sugar Loaf' AND close of pasture in Wroxhill (5A) abs W Little Lye Mead (meadow) S pasture gnd formerly of Thos Pearse, gent & now of Theed Pearse. N Highway AND piece of meadow called Little Lye Mead (1A) AND Close or pightle called 'Reynolds' (1a) abs S pightle late of Thos Baskerfield N close or pightle formerly of W Widow Burgess Common Highway all in Marston Moretaine AND Grove or piece of wood gnd (1A) in Cranfield, now occ Sam Clare Conveyed to Peregrine Nash 19 & 20 Ap 1799 AND Messuage or Inn called 'The White Swan' with Barn, Stable, gdn & outhouses. Elstow with site of gnd whereon formerly a Malting & cottage & afterwards a Butcher's shop sometime stood adj to Inn. late occ Thos Eyles & now of Jn Coles conveyed to Peregrine Nash 16 & 17 Oct 1807 AND moiety of Messuage, dwelling house or Inn 'Ship' with yard, gdn, stables barn. AND Wash house detached (lately a small messuage or dwelling house) in yard St Cuthbert Parish Bedford & gdn & orchard adj to above (1/2A) formerly occ of Wm Briggs, now of Jos Baxter. (Conveyed to P & G P Nash 19 & 20 Ap 1810) (N.B. Peregrine Nash d 28 Nov 1834 Phoebe Nash d 26 Jan 1837 Geo Peregrine elder Geo P II 1842 Brewer) AND Moiety of messuage or Inn 'King's Arms', High St, Parish of St Mary, Bedford with Brewhouse or wash house adj. AND Stables, & Storehouse & Chaisehouse to said Breho or washho adj AND range of buildings lately 3 stables & a storehouse, heretofore 4 stables now 5 stables & a chaisehouse adj to each other. On 1 side of yd belonging to the Inn abs W Building of Han Dennis widow new or lately used as a Candle house S Church Yard late occ of Jn Slinn, now of Thos Buck AND 5 messuages & gdns late in tenures of Wid Barker, Wm Huckle, Thos Hall, Benj Clifton & Jn Attack now of widow Parker, Jn Bryant, & Wm Huckle, widow Hall & Robt. Prior Potters St, St Mary Bedford AND Garden late occ of Jn Slinn now of Thos Buck adj last 5 messuages & gdn abs S Potter Street W last described premises & Church Yard N Road belonging to King's Arms lending from back lane leading from Duck Lane into Potter Street. (Conveyed to Peregrine & G P Nash 17 & 18 Dec 1810) Moiety of Messuage or Inn called 'White Bear' now in occ of Tnos Evans abs N messuage of Jn Cooch S Horn Lane alias Harpur's Row E Common Street or Highway AND stable called 'the long stable' standing near Horn Lane etc belonging to 'White Bear' Except reserved to Jn Cooch & proprietor of house which he occupies liberty of placing pipe well of the yard of messuage; right of entry etc to repair it all St Paul's Parish (Lease & Release) Bedford 1) Sir Wm Long Theed Pearse (Trustees) 2) Wm & Thos Watkins 3) Mary Watkins widow 4) P & G P Nash (purchasers) 1 & 2 Ap 1812 AND moiety in Cottage or tenement, yard etc Sherrington now used as a Public House called 'White Hart' late occ of Wm Barton & now of Jn Westly AND in Cottage formerly a washhouse with brewhouse, barn, stable & buildings belonging & in Orchard lying W (lately converted into a gdn & occ by Jn Westley) N Close heretofore of Sir Jn Chester Barr now of Chas Chester E Gun Lane S Cottage & premises of Ric Higgins W Cottage & premises of Thos Crupps Lease & Release 1) Wm Borton (vendor) 2) Peregrine Nash (purchaser) 2) G P Nash (purchaser) 10 & 11 Ap 1817 5 & 6 Jan 1820 Endorsed Mortgage in 2000 & 5% interest 1) G P Nash (mortgager) 2) Jn Green of Bedford, Gent (mortgagee) 3) Thos Barnard of Bedford, Banker (Trustee) Barley Mow St Paul Bedford 14 Dec 1833 Reconveyance 13 & 14 June 1836
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    From: 1836 To: 1836
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