• Reference
  • Title
    Attested Copy of Lease and Release 1) Hen Inskip of Old Warden (farmer) Wm Norman of Hawnes (farmer) (devisees in trust for sale by Thos Inskip) (Vendors) 2) Thos Botterell of Arlesey, farmer recites will of Thos Inskip (Purchaser) a) 12A of arable land lying dispersedly in common fields of Stotfold formerly in occ of Jn Ford, since of Thos Pestell and his assigns, now of Widow Pestell (recently purchased of Timothy Bristow by Thos Inskip) b) AND Messuage and homestall, Stotford (5A) formerly in occ of Wm Gore since of Mary Rumball, after Mary Wand, now of Jn Hide. c) AND pightle in Stotfold (1/2A) formerly occ of Lawrence Sharp, afterwards of Mary Rumball and now of Jn Hide d) AND also as much as is freehold in Close called 'Coxes', Stotfold (1.1/2A formerly occ of Jn Croft, since of Mary Rumball, late of Mary Wand and now of Jn Hide. e) AND 9 Acres and 1/2 Rood of arable dispersed in Common Fields of Stotfold Now occ of Jn Hide f) In High Field 1A lying in Oxmire Furlong abs E. Oxmire Highway W. Highway between Arlesey and Stotfold. S land of Mr Potter. N land late of Eliz Bristow 1/2 A lying in Oxmire Abs E Oxmire Road, W Road between Arlesey and Stotfold, S land late of Mrs Bristow N. Mr Potter g) g) In Upper Baldgreen 1/2A Abs W. Blackland Road E. Road between Upper and Lower Baldgreen S. land now or late of Rev Adams N. land of Mr Potter 1.1/2R. goes over Baldgreen Highway Abs. E. Baldgreen Meadow W. Road between Upper and Lower Baldgreen S. land of Sir Anthony Thomas Abdy, Bart. N. land of Mr Potter 1 R. in Lower Baldgreen Abs E. Baldgreen joint S. land of Mr Potter N. land of Jn Wand's father. h) InDitch End:- 1 R. Abs. E. Highbush field Hedge S. land now or late of Adams N. land late of Jn Wands father 1R. Abs E. Highbush field hedge W Road Ditch End to Lower Stocks S Land late of Jn Wands father N. land of Pateman. i) In Marsh Field in Long Furlong 2R Abs E Shortmoore Common W. Clark Headland S. land of Mr Potter N. land of Jn Wane father j) In Dead Wife 1A. Abs E. Shortmoore W Road Stotfold to Arlesey S. land of Adams N. land of Potter 1/2A. in Duck Puddle abs S Portway N. Short Warbis joint W. land now or late of Mr Burton N. sic. land of Jn Wands father 1/2A in Hammerdine abs S. Grand Furlong N. Marsh shot joint W. land of Mr Soder E. land of Jn Potter K) In Ray Field:- 1A going through Upper and Lower Millpath Shotts. Abs E. Long Street joint W. Blackhorse joint Land late of Sir Arthur S. Thos Abdy, Bart. N. land of Mr Potter (in Lower Shott) In Upper Shott 1/2A adjoining lant mentioned 1A N. land now or late of Mr Adams S. Land late of Eliz Bristow 1/2A in Upper Mill Path Abs E. Long Street joint W. Lower Millpath joint Land now or late of Mr Adams both sides. l) On Ant's Hill 1/2A Abs W. Chalk Croft hedge N. land late of Sir Anthony Thos Abdy Bart. S. land late of Jn Wane's father. 1/2A. W. Chalk Croft hedge E. Windmill Nole Headland N. Land late of Sir Anth Thos Abdy, Bart. S. land now or late of Mr Burton Above mentioned lands formerly in occ of Wm Gore afterwards of Mary Rumball since of Mary Hide now of Jn Hide m) AND Cottage, Up End, Stotfold with one pightle to the cottage belonging. 1 loft and croft adj and Nightingales Close (3 half acres) Up End, Stotfold abs E. King's Highway called Shefford Highway and pasture ground called 'Rushes' (formerly occ of William Kitchener afterwards of Thos Hide, since of William Wand and now of Jos Webb) n) AND several pieces of arable lying dispersedly in Common Fields of Stotfold (8A 1/2R) formerly in occ of Thos Hide, since of Wm Wand now of Jos Webb. o) In Marsh Field 1/2 old rood lying at White Cross E. land late of Mr Granger W. land late of Mr King 3 Roods stitch in Crouch Furlong W land late of Thos Inskip deceased E land late of Jn. Cooper. 1/2A. in Hammerdine W. land late of Mr Freeman E. land late of Mr Granger. 1 R in Crows Nest N. land late of Freeman S. land late of King. p) In High Field 'One throughout Acre' in Oxmire N. land late of Wm Ford S. land late Wm North 1/2A in Wilberry Penn N. land late of Jn Ford S. land late of Mr King 5 R. lying together in Flaxland S. land late of Mr King N. land late of Wm. North One old rood lying in Widdows Gore. Land late of Mr Greeman on both sides One old rood in Mead End Hole N. land late of Wm Ford S. land late of Mr Granger q) In Stone Hill Field:- One old rood lying in Debdale S. land late of Wm North N. land late of Mr Camfield. 1/2 A lying in Sheard's Hill E. land late of Lewis Lawndy W. land late of Mr Adams. 1/2A. in Allens Bush furlong. Abs Reynolds Hedge W. land late of Wm North E. land late of Mr Granger r) In Ray Field:- 1/2 old rood in Eldeme Stubb E land late of Lewis Lawndy W land late of Freeman 1/2 old rood lying in same furlong E land late of Wm Ford W land late of Lewis Lawndy 1/2A lying in Long Street N land late of Wm North S land late of Mr Granger. 1/2A in Fan Furlong (land late of Mr King lying on both sides) 1/2 old rood in Upperstone E land late of Mr Freeman W land late of Mr Granger All occ by Jn Hide (above and cottage occ Jn Webb were purchased by Thos Inskip from Jn Wand s) AND copyhold held of Manor of Rectory of Stotfold 13A lying despersedly in Commin fields of Stotfold formerly estate of Peter Cooper, late of Tim Bristow now in occ of Widow Pestell held by rent of 7s p.a. from Lord of the Manor 3 half acre heretofore Jn Baldocks held of Lord of Manor by rent of 8d. p.a. AND 4.1/2 Acres of land heretofore Ric Lawndy's held of the Lord by rent of 2s.2d. p.a. AND 10A 1R lying in common fields with 1 cow common belonging thereto heretofore of Wm Freeman and Alice his wife held of the Lord by rent of 5s.2p. p.a. AND 1/2A of arable in Hows Furlong in High Field. Stotfold held of the Lord by rent of 1d. AND 3A lying dispersedly in Common fields of Stotfold held of the Lord by rent of 1s.6d. p.a. (late estate of Jn Wand now in occ of Jos Webb AND messuage and 1 close of pasture (2A 3R) adj Stotfold. 8.1/2A of arable lying dispersedly in Common fields of Stotfold late estate of Tim Bristow now in tenure of occ of Widow Pestell at 10s.4d. rent 3R of pasture part of Coxes Close at Up End abs Spittels Ditch formerly occ Mary Rumball and now of Jn Hide late estate of Jn Wand held of the Lord at rent of 1s. p.a. Consideration 12.10s. 10 & 11 April 1795 examined 1 May 1835
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1835 To: 1835
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    No. of pieces: 1
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