• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance 1) Thos Jn Green of Bedford Esq. (vendor) 2) Sam Abraham of Kempston, Lace - dealer (purchaser) 3) Alex Sharman of Bedford, Gent. Trustee Recites con veyance 1) Thos Abbott Green Esq. 2) T.J. Green 5 Aug. 1841 Close of pasture called Green's Close (6A 2R 35P) Up End, Kempston on W side of road from Village of Kempston to Kempston Up End or East End. then occ Sam Abraham abs. in small pt property of Geo Joyce other pt N. land recently sold to by T.J. Green to Jn Fletcher pt of W. lands then formerly occ by Lewis Bartrum, Geo Sanders, and Nath Maynard pt of W 'The Nook' (GK.131 later site of Royal Oak) S or SE by Road from Kempston to Kempston Up End or East End which road leads to Woburn. pt E Greens Close pt E or NE gdn belonging to cottage of Jn Watford W & SW land of Jas Walker NB. Plan of land at this date Consideration 1194. 1s. 0d. 10 Oct 1845 b) Quit claim to extinguish Dower 1) T.J. Green & Jane his wife 2) Sam Abraham above property 30 Oct 1848 c) Certificates for a) Redemption of Land Tax upon closes of pasture 'Greens Close' / (7A) 30 July 1812 b) 2 cottages + 1A of land, Up End, Kempston 18 Nov 1820 rest of W land recently sold to J. Fletcher by T.J. Green pt S Cottage and garden belonging to Thos Abbott Green pt S 'The Nook' pt E Road pt E cottages and gardens this and 1A 3R 11P lately sold to J. Fletcher formed 'Green Close' (8A 2R 6P - wrongly described as 8A 1R 5P) formerly belonging to Nath Maynard then in occ of Thos Hawley (formerly 2 closes one of 6A 3R 38P and 1A 2R 8P) AND close of pasture called the 'Nook' formerly occ Isaac Barrett then of Sam Abraham, Kempston 1A 2R 8P (formerly estimated 1A 3R 0P) abs. pt N pt of Greens Close pt N land of Jn Sanders then of rep of Thos S. deceased Mortgage in 300 & 4.1/2% interest 1) Sam Abraham (Mortgagor) 2) Bradford Rudge (Mortgagee) close of pasture (3A pt of 6A 2R 35P) Up End, Kempston. On W side of Road leading from the village of Kempston to Kempston Up End. the occ 1) abs. N other pt of Greens Close sold by 1) to Wm Longstaff pt W property formerly of Thos Sanders deceased. then of Mrs. Kitchen. other pt of W 'Nook' pt S property formerly belonging to Thos Abbott Green sold by 1) to Jn Conquest and others pt E road pt E cottages and gdns. belonging to Mr. Partridge and others with 6 cottages with gdn & outbuildings recently erected by Sam Abraham. N or NE end of site occ Jas Osborne, Thos Green, Geo Cheny, Josh Hedge and Jas Jeeves and Jas Garner AND 1.1/2A of pasture pt of the 'Nook' formerly occ Isaac Barratt then of Sab Abraham. Kempston. abs. Greens Close above N property of Mrs. Kitchen forming in pt the western boundary of Greens Close S or SE cottages erected on other pt of the 'Nook' sold by Sam Abraham to Thos Abraham E. Greens Close W & SW property formerly of Jas Walker now of Lewis Barham. 8 May 1861 Further charge in 200 and 4.1/2% interest 1) Sam Abraham 2) Bradford Rudge property as above 2 Sept. 1863 Marriage Settlement 1) Bradford Rudge (marrying party) 2) sar Fereday of Marston, Spinster (marrying party) 3) Thos Fereday of Enville, Staffs Esq. Wm Collins of Birmingham, Hosier (Trustee) above principal sums of 300 and 200 23 June 1864 Later marginal note : they married at Trinity Church, Bordsley, Birmingham 28 June 1864 Will of Sam Abraham (d 24 July 1865) appt. Wm Wells Kilpin of Bedford, Ironmonger & Wm Roberts of Kempston, Agent to Hen. Littledale Esq. Executors to wife yrly rent charge of 50 out of 6 cottages Up End, Kempston (above) with gdns and 2 closes of sward (Nos. 10 - 15) on trust to sell 9 cottages Kempston (16 - 24) to son Amaziah Abraham. 4 cottages (40 - 43) to Arth Joycey Abraham 9 cottages (1 - 9) to dau Ann Joycey Abraham sites purchased of T.J. Green, Sam Crossley & Jn Slater 3 pieces of land (74 poles) to exors on trust for Amaziah 7 cottages 25 - 31 (purchased from G.P. Nash) to exors on trust for son Abner Joycey Abraham & 8 cottages 32 - 39 on trust for son Albert Joycey residue to be sold by Trustees and executors Codicil Adds cottages A B C and 9.1/2 then occ Jas Eyres, Geo Mobbs & Jn Slater (built since he made his will) behind 6 cottages also subj to rentcharge of 50 pa to wife Will made 10 July 1862 Codicil made 21 Mar. 1864 Will Proved at Northampton 21 Aug. 1865 Deed Poll renouncing probate of Wm Wells Kilpin 13 Feb. 1867 Mortgage in 170. & 5% Interest 1) Wm Roberts 2) Eliz Abraham widow 3) Amaziah Abraham of Biggleswade, Tailor 4) Arthur Joycey Abraham of Kempston plumber 5) Abner Joycey Abraham of Bedford, Cabinet Maker 6) Ann Joycey Abraham of Biggleswade Spinster 7) Albert Joycey Abraham late of Bedford, now of West Cowes Isle of Wight, Draper. 8) Robt. Whitworth of Kempston, farmer (Mortgagee) Testators personal estate insufficient for payment of debts, funeral and testamentary espenses, family did not want to sell so therefore : 6 cottages Up End Kempston as above 4 cottages built 1.1/2 A as above. 9 Aug. 1867 Transfer of Mortgage 1) Thos Fereday & Wm. Collins (Old Mortgagees) 2) Robt Whitworth (New Mortgagee) property as above sums of 300 and 200 15. 9s. 3d. 9 Dec. 1867 Eliz Abraham d. 5 Jan. 1874
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    From: 1841 To: 1874
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