'C' Abstract of Mortgage in 1,200 and 5% Interest
by Lease for 1500 yrs.
1) W.S. Addington of Goldington Esq.
2) Chas Austin of Luton Banker, Marrying party
3) Emily Agnes Addington then late of Chipping Barnet
Herts, and then of Hadley, Middlesex, Spinster
Marrying party.
4) Leo. Hampson of Luton Esq.
Luke Addington of St. Martin's Lane, St. Martin's
in the Fields, Middlesex, Woollendraper.
Jonathan Brundrett of Inner Temple London Esq.
1200 still due to 3) on Bond of 1 Feb 1814
Rectory of Goldington etc.
AND Close of meadow or pasture called 'Long Holmes'
formerly belonging to Newnham Priory, Goldington
theretofore estim at 15A then measured to be
13A 2R 22P.
abs. River Ouse on one side
Stream branching out of above on other side.
AND piece of swerd meadow or pasture (1R) Newham Holme,
Goldington (formerly belonging to the Priory)
and messuage, cottage or tenement (then div into
2 dwellings, formerly in occs of Jos Weeds and
Thos Sheppard and then or late of Moody, widow
AND Close or pightle of pasture (3R)
AND 6 leys of inclosed sweard (1A)
lying the river field, Goldington adj close used
with the messuage theretofore occ of Wm Banyon,
since of Ric Wagstaffe, then or late of Moody
(proviso annual rent to Hospital of St. Jn
Baptist, Bedford for Long Holmes)
2 July 1821
Deed Poll (acting as reconveyance to W.S. Addington)
of Luke Addington.
Jnthan Brundrett
Chas Austin & Emily Agnes his wife
death of Leo Hampson Mar 1824
Principal etc. paid
Date free text
22 Jan 1834
Production date
From: 1814 To: 1834
Level of description