Lease and Release and Fine
1) Jn Jackson of Dunton, labourer (only son and heir of
Elizabeth wife of Jn Jackson of Cardington, labourer, both
deceased) Eliz was one of 4 daus of Ric Andrews formerly of
Cardington and then of Elstow, victualler deceased.
Jn is nephew and coheir of Fra wife of Jn Crouch of
Bedford, Baker and Mary Bowmer late wife of Chas of
Elstow, Bricklayer) and Mary his wife.
2) Chas Purser of Elstow, Dealer in Horses and Eliz his wife
(niece of Fra Crouch and Mary Bowmer ie dau of Sar wife
of Jn Perkins of St Sepulchres London both deceased) Sar
was one of the 4 daus of Ric Andrews
3) Ric Willis of Elstow, gent
Jn Wells of Elstow, yeoman
Moiety of Messuage, tenement or Inn in Elstow called Swann Inn
occ Chas Bowmer (abs as GK121/4 except S. tenement
now occ by Benj Litchfield
AND cottage now occ by widow Pheasant standing in or
near the yard belonging to the above messuage
(formerly pt of the yard)
together with the Malting etc)
Consideration 55 pd by 2) to 1)
Date free text
11-12 Apr 1755
Production date
From: 1755 To: 1755
Level of description