Mortgage in 1500 & 4.1/2% interest
1) Edw Odell Foster of Cranfield, Victualler (Mortgagor)
2) Thos Whitworth of Newton Blossomville, Bucks,
Farmer (Mortgagee)
Messuage in East End of Cranfield standing
on land formerly site of ancient messuage
in occ of Thos Baker
AND piece of pasture land, Cranfield (2A)
adj in or lying near the messuage above
and formerly in occ of Mary Baker or
Thos Baker her son or one of them.
AND piece of pasture in Cranfield
formerly occ of Thos Randall (3A 2R)
shooting to place called Goddards Green.
3R in Wild Allen Furlong, next land heretofore
of Baker Coleman Esq. now occ of Wm Faldor.
In Lean Field One acre
a) 1/2 A on Long Lingcroft Furlong next land now
or heretofore of Mr Field called Common
Pightle (heretofore in occ of Wm Goodred, now
of Fra Halfpenny.)
AND b) 1/2 A on Newland furlong between land heretofore
of Ric Hartwell and since of his Trustees
in occ of Ralph Pulley and now of King Baker
and land heretofore of Jn Salmon and since
of Mr Reynolds of Bedford.
and in occ of Jn Goodred, now occ of Jn Roe
In Stillipers field 1A on Wilton Slade
furlong a) 1/2 A lying between land now or
heretofore of Mr Field and now in occ of
Sam Rock and land heretofore of Mr Frank
and late of Mrs Frank
late occ of Jn Cripps, now of Edw Odell
abs on Green Ditch
AND b) 1/2 A lies between land heretofore of
Baker Coleman Esq. in occ heretofore of
Mr Buckle and now of Edw Odell
and abuts on Cooper's Meadow
above formerly occ by Jn Woodcraft, after
that of Ric Ambridge, since of Norman Hughes
and now of Wm Foster
to use of surr by Wheelers of Foster
10 Oct 1820
a) Copyhold property above
Consideration 200 pd by 7) to 5) and 6)
b) freehold:- Messuage or tenement with
Barns, Stables and other Outhouses near
the Church in Cranfield formerly called the
'George Inn'
Since and now used for a shop and in occ
of Wm Foster
With cottage adj as the same
premises do abut upon and are surrounded
by the Highway there.
and all property devised by Geo Wheeler of
East Smithfield.
Consideration 100 pd by 7) jto 5) and 6)
23 & 24 June 1821
AND 2 closes of pasture formerly called
Fishpond Close in East End of Cranfield
formerly in occ of Mary Baker & Thos Baker
or one of them
AND 34P formerly waste land in Parish of Cranfield
35P in East End formerly waste land
in Parish of Cranfield
3) Mary Foster, of Cranfield, widow of Wm.
4) Edw Odell Foster of Bedford, Victualler
Benj Hickman Foster of Cranfield, Victualler
Thos Foster of Cranfield, farmer
Jos Foster of Cranfield, Carpenter.
4 sons of Wm.
5) Benj Dawkes of Stoke Goldington, Bucks, farmer
(new Mortgagee)
recites Mortgage of 4 & 5 May 1835
freehold:- 'Swann Inn' with cellars,
barns, stables, yard, gardens, etc.
near Church Cranfield, late occ by
Wm Foster I now of B H Foster above.
AND cottage adj to messuage now in occ of
Jn Timms and pt used by him as a
Blacksmith's shop.
'all which premises do abut upon Highway'
and all other freehold property in Cranfield
AND Messuage 'Swan Inn' now occ E .D. Foster
cottage adj occ as above.
piece of land St Mary Bedford heretofore
pt of close called Pilcroft Close
on SE side of Road to Kempston, Beds.
Cont in length SW - NE 72ft 8 inches and
in breadth 40 ft.
and all that messuage or dwelling house
erected by E O Foster on the site,
formerly occ by E O Foster and now
by Wm Serjeant
AND cottage in Cranfield now or
late occ by Levi Sanders with
plot of gnd adj (Tot 15P)
AND plot of gnd (25P) now or late occ by Jas Billington
AND old inclosure in Cranfield (30P) now or late
occ by Jas Billington (Last 2 laid together and
form 1 sq piece of gdn)
Date free text
24 Jan 1859
Production date
From: 1820 To: 1859
Level of description